
Chapter 1

Su Han was accompanying his younger sister, Su Lin, to shop at the mall near their house. Ever since their parents passed away 3 years ago, when Su Han was still 15 and Su Lin still 13, Su Han took over the roll as parent for Su Lin.

Luckily, their parents left a decent amount of money in their will, which would last them 10 years. Even so, Su Han began working since he was 15, while also making sure his sisters grades were decent, leaving him with not enough time for proper sleep.

Even so, Su Han doesn't mind staying up late to help his sister while also working, as she is his only family left alive. Currently, they are on the 3rd floor of the mall, looking through a clothing shop to find new clothes for Su Lin.

Although they have enough money to support them, they don't spend much money as the rent for their house is the main use of the money left behind by their parents will. They only use the money Su Han earns and sometimes they use the money left by their parents to buy clothes and daily necessities they need.

"Brother, which one should I buy?"

Su Lin asked Su Han which pair of clothes she should choose. On the left side is a red shirt with white flowers on it with a pink skirt that has plants on it. On the right side is a blue shirt with purple stripes on it and a skirt that is green with red roses on it. Looking at both pairs for a few moments, Ye Han eventually decided on one.

"You should pick the one of the left, Lin. It complements your beauty more than the one of the right."

"Hehe, then I will choose the one Brother picked out."

Su Lin seemed happy to be complimented by her brother, so a small blush appeared on her face, accompanied by a smile. Su Han laughed lightly and followed Su Lin to the counter, where he purchased the set of clothes.

Su Lin still has the smile on her face once they left the shop, showing she is still quite happy. They were going down the stairs to the second floor when they heard loud screaming from the second floor.



"Someone, call the police!"

Hearing the screams caused both Su Han and Su Lin to be startled and confused, which ended up leading them towards the screams. Once there, Su Han instantly covered Su Lin's eyes with his hand, as his face turned pale.

A middle aged man is laying on the ground with blood seeping out of his throat. His face is purple and his eyes are fully white, indicating he is still suffering even after he died. From what Su Han could see, the would caused by someone or something biting his throat out.

"Brother, what is it? Why did you cover my eyes?"

Su Lin tried to pry her brothers hand from her eyes, but he tightened his hold and turned her around, leading her away from the place.

"You shouldn't look at it."

Su Han's voice was somewhat hoarse when he said that, indicating he is still affected by what he just saw. He has no clue what happened, but he knows one thing. He should bring Su Lin away from this place before she could see that mess.

Su Lin has never seen something as bloody as that before, and even when he comes home with bruises on his body and some blood on his face she already freaks out. If such minor bullying could already freak her out that much, he really doesn't want her to see such a scene back there.

He led her to the stairs that lead to the first floor, and as he was about to bring her down them, he suddenly heard a lot more screaming from the first floor, causing him to stop in his steps. His face turned grim as he heard the yells, as he could hear the pain in the voices.

"Lin, stay here for a minute. Let me go see what is happening down there. Just wait her for me."

"Oh... Okay, Brother. I will wait for you here, so be quick!"

Su Han nodded his head and showed a slight smile to Su Lin before heading down the stairs to see what is happening down there. The screams are still there, which is causing him to be extremely worried.

He looks around on the first floor briefly and notices a bunch of people laying on the ground, bleeding from all over their body. Some are bleeding from their necks, some from their arms or legs, and even some from they chest and stomach.

What caused Su Han to freak out was that there were other people biting down on the fallen people, reminding him of one thing - Zombies. This thought caused him to subconsciously take a step back, which conveniently caused him to step on a piece of glass, creating a crashing noise, which attracted the attention of some of the people biting the fallen people.

As soon as they stopped paying attention to the fallen people and looked up at him, Su Han instantly ran back to the stairs and quickly ran up them. He was freaked out. The people, or rather, zombies, looked hideous.

They faces were rotten, their eyes black and they were missing skin all over their bodies, nearly causing Su Han to puke when he saw them. As soon as he got to the top of the stairs, he saw Su Lin still waiting for him, causing him to let out a sigh of relief as he ran to her and pulled her with him to run.

"Brother, what is it? Why are we running?"

"I don't know, dammit! There are freaking zombies! They are eating other people and look exactly like damn zombies! Just run!"

They kept running and eventually reached the stairs that brings them to the third floor again, which they run up. A few people looked at them weirdly along the way, but they couldn't care. Su Han could finally catch his breath when they got onto the third floor, which is safe for now.

It seems that nobody on the third floor has a clue what is going on down on the first and second floors, which worries him, but he doesn't bother trying to convince others to not go down there, since they would only think he is a lunatic.

Once some more people die and start running back up to this floor, that means people would start finding places to hide at and gather together, which would make Su Lin safer, which is all he cares about. As long as she is safe, Su Han doesn't care even if he dies.

"Hah, let's go to the sports shop and buy some bats, since we need something we can use as a weapon."

"Brother, what exactly is happening? Why are you so worried?"

Su Han was about to pull Su Lin towards a sports store, but was stopped by her question. He sighed and sat her down on a nearby bench, and then began telling her what he saw, which caused her mouth to open wide in surprise and her face pale slightly.

"Y-you mean to say that a lot of people died down there, Brother?"

"Yea, at least 30 or more people died from what I could see, and it is most likely even more than that, since there are thousands of people in the mall. I only saw a small area before I ran back up to get you."

"What exactly is happening, Brother?"

"I don't know, Lin. On the second floor, when I blocked your eyes, it was because someone dead was there with his throat torn out, which was most likely because of one of these zombies."

Su Han's face was grim as he spoke of this, as he really doesn't want to tell Su Lin about this, but he has to do it, so that Su Lin is at least somewhat prepared for what is going to happen when the zombies reach the third floor.

"Let's go and get some bats from the sports store now, Lin."

Su Lin nodded and followed Su Han towards a sports store which is on the third floor. Thankfully, it has all types of things used in sports, including metal baseball bats, which can be a weapon for them right now.

They buy 2 baseball bats without care for the money, since money would be useless in an apocalypse, which is most likely what is happening right now. Taking the chance, they also bought some food for them to eat right now, while also buying two backpacks and filling them up with canned and bagged food, as well as water bottles.

Not long after they finished eating some food they bought, the mall was filled with alarms that blared loudly throughout the whole mall. On the windows appeared metal bars which blocked people from getting in, or out.

A message was sent through the speakers about people dying and telling the people inside the mall to stay calm, which caused Su Han to snort aloud by the blatant lies. The mall staff could clearly see the situation with the computers and cameras throughout the mall, but they still lied so they could have a better chance to live by sacrificing others.

"Let's go find somewhere that we can use as a place to hide from the zombies, preferably with a lot of people inside it."

Su Lin nods and follows Su Han in looking around the third floor to find a good place. Shortly later, they find a large store that sells canned food and drinks, as well as some bagged food. Also, there is around 30 or 40 people inside of the store, which is even better in the situation.

Su Han leads Su Lin into the store, finding a corner to stand at away from people. Since they have baseball bats with them, people inside looked at them weirdly, but they looked away after a few seconds, probably thinking they were buying them to play baseball but were stopped from leaving by the alarms.

Su Han subconsciously let out a sigh of relief since the people inside the store stopped looking over at them. For now, all Su Han and Su Lin can do is sit in their corner and patiently wait for help to arrive, if that is possible.