
Chapter 2

Barely ten minutes later, the third floor of the mall was flooded with the remaining people inside, all running up while screaming loudly. Hearing the screaming, Su Han is honestly annoyed at the people, since screaming that loud will just attract more zombies towards the third floor.

Shortly later, Su Han can see another 10 or so people running towards the food store they are staying in, causing him to frown slightly. He didn't want this many people to be in the store, since there isn't enough food for so many people.

Still, Su Han doesn't try to stop them. He could for sure stop them with his strength, but he found no point in doing so. Although there are downsides to a large group, there are also good points. The 10 new people panted while fearfully telling those originally in the store what happened on the first and second floor, which helps Su Han not need to explain.

"You think this is some kind of movie? The hell do you mean zombies?"

"W-we are not kidding! There really is zombies! The whole second and first floor are full of zombies and dead bodies! If you don't believe us, just go check for yourselves! It won't be our fault that you die!"

"Bastard! Are you cursing me to die?!"

A bald man with a lot of muscles starts arguing with one of the men from the new group that came in, and it eventually escalated to the bald man picking the man up by his collar, holding him in the air.

"Stop! Let him down, there is no point in fighting among ourselves!"

"Put him down!"

A few people walk over to the bald man and grab his arms, trying to release the man from his grip, but they can't do it with the bald mans strength. The man being held up by the collar by the bald man is starting to suffocate, his face turning blue.

Seeing this, Su Han frowned. Although he doesn't care if they fight, he can't let the bald man kill the man, or else it wouldn't help anyone. Standing up, Su Han walks over to the bald man and pats his shoulder from behind.

"That is enough. Put him down."

The bald man turns around to see a teen smiling at him with a hand on his shoulder, causing him to be annoyed. He was going to hit the teen when he looked at the teens eyes, causing him to freeze up.

'W-what is with this kids eyes?! I-is this killing intent? Who the heck is this kid?!'

The bald man released the man he was holding and backed up from Su Han, who in turn made his smile disappear. Since the situation was fine now, he went back to the corner and sat down beside Su Lin, who looked slightly tired.

The bald man was correct. Su Han did indeed release a minuscule amount of killing intent towards him, which is why he was so frightened. Su Lin thought that Su Han got a normal part time job which he uses to pay for their daily necessities, but the truth was far from that.

During the past 3 years, Su Han was payed for killing people. One day when he was looking for a part time job, something happened which resulted in him killing someone for the first time. This just so happened to be seen by an assassin, who took Su Han under his wing part time and payed for each kill Su Han got.

In the last 3 years, Su Han killed hundreds, if not a thousand people, so knowing how to make use of his killing intent was simple for him. Although he killed so any people, he is still just a human, so of course he would be surprised by this sudden apocalypse.

Su Han let out a sigh as he remembered the past 3 years. Looking over to the other people, he found that they were grabbing all sorts of things from the store to barricade the door and windows. Thankfully, the store had iron bars on both the windows and the door, so the store manager activated that, which blocked the door and windows with iron bars.

Still, with the unknown happening, people still piled up a bunch of large crates in front of the windows and the door, blocking them completely. only then did they feel safe enough to sit down somewhere.

Su Han looked at his watch and saw that it was already 6:41 pm, which isn't that surprising to him, considering they arrived at the mall at 2 and spent 3 and a half hours looking around, and then another hour or so in this situation.

Su Han heard a grumbling sound next to him, so he looked over to Su Lin, only to see her face flushed in embarrassment as she attempted to cover her face with her hands. He smiled at her and stood up to grab some food from the store and went back to the corner, handing Su Lin a bagged sandwich, a bag of biscuits and a water bottle.

Nobody stopped him from taking the food from the shelves, as they also did the same thing after seeing him do so. Even the store manager couldn't care about his stores stock at this point in time, even handing out some food to some of those who didn't grab any themselves.

3 hours later, Su Lin was tired and fell asleep while leaning against Su Han's shoulder. Others in the store also started to fall asleep as well, and Su Han only fell asleep himself after everyone else fell asleep first.

For the next 4 days, nothing much happened. Everyone in the store just ate the food from the shelves and played card games with each other to pass the time. Su Han was playing a card game with Su Lin when the door suddenly started getting banged on.

He frowned and listened closer, faintly hearing groaning sounds from the other side of the door, causing him to feel uneasy. Everyone stopped playing and lazing around now and stood up, looking cautiously towards the door.

The banging consisted for 10 to 15 minutes before it stopped, which caused everyone inside the store to let out a sigh of relief. Su Han was also feeling glad when he suddenly felt his chest tighten, causing him to subconsciously grab onto Su Lin's arm and jump towards the side with her.

Barely a second passed from when he jumped when the door was suddenly smashed down along with the iron bars covering it. Su Han jumped up and held his baseball bat in hand, looking cautiously towards the center of the store.

There, he saw a 7 foot red zombie with bulging muscles all over it's body. Just looking at it made Su Han feel immense danger, causing him to want to run, but he couldn't do that even if he wanted to. The door was no broken, which let 20 or so zombies that were outside stride into the store, rushing at the survivors inside.

A few rushed at Su Han and Su Lin, but they had their heads smashed into pieces by Su Han, who was blocking Su Lin behind him. The others inside the store were not that lucky. Most of them were just regular workers who had no fighting experience, so they were quickly killed by the zombies.

The bald man managed to kill off 7 zombies before he was bitten on the throat by one, which resulted in him getting bitten all over by the rest of those swarming him. By the time the bald man died, there were only 4 regular zombies and the giant zombie left alive, since Su Han kept killing any that came near him.

Su Han could see that the giant zombie was going to rush at him, so he quickly killed off the last 4 zombies and pushed Su Lin to the side, holding his baseball bat while staring at the giant zombie. It suddenly jumped at Su Han, swinging it's fist at his head.

He narrowly managed to tilt his head to the side, dodging the fist. He jumped back and dodged another fist from the giant zombie. He didn't attack at all during the next few seconds, and just watched the giant zombies movements closely.

Finally, 20 seconds later, he attacked back. He easily dodged the fists from the giant zombie, while also dodging a kick sent by it, and smashed his baseball bat at the forehead of the giant zombie, smashing it in.

He heard a loud cracking noise which was the zombies skull, and he smashed at it a few more times before it fell to the ground. Su Han wasn't breathing heavily at all, but he was a bit surprised at how strong the zombie was.

He was about to walk over to Su Lin to see if she was fine when he suddenly noticed something inside the giant zombies head, which caused him to bend down and pick it up. It was a white crystal the size of his palm, and before he could even look at it closer, it was suddenly absorbed into his hand, causing him to worry.

When nothing happened, and when he even felt that his body was slightly stronger than before, Su Han let out a sigh of relief and ignored it for now while walking over to Su Lin. He looked all over her and was glad when he didn't see anything wrong with her.

He looked at the wrecked store and knew they couldn't stay here any longer. He sighed and brought Su Lin out of the store with him, looking for another place to reside at temporarily. He killed a few zombies along the way, but found that they didn't have any crystals in their heads like the giant zombie, which upset him.

Eventually, they found a hardware store, which they entered. Su Han looked around and eventually found the button to activate the iron bars to lock down the store, which he immediately pressed, causing iron bars to cover the windows and door of the hardware store.

He also found a bunch of metal boxes and placed them in front of the door and windows, blocking it completely. He sat Su Lin down at the back of the store and began looking around, hoping to find something useful.

He found a few chainsaws, but they all needed electricity to use, so they were useless and he ignored them. He found a few sharp knives, and though they were not as good as daggers, they would help. He took 4 knives and put them into his belt while handing Su Lin 2 knives

He then continued to look around the hardware store, but he didn't find anything else that could be useful, so he went back over to Su Lin and sat down beside her on the couch. He saw she was somewhat drowsy, so he peeked at his watch and saw it was already after 8.

He was a bit surprised by how late it was, but he didn't care much and placed Su Lin's head onto his lap, letting her sleep while laying down. After she fell asleep, he closed his eyes and fell asleep himself a few minutes later.