
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

BlooBlooBloo · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


As the other fights went on, it was finally time for the last battle to begin.


Inside the room with the bomb, Himari and Sato stood prepared for the impending clash. "We're up against Aoyama and Ashido," Sato began, discussing their strategy. "Let's explain our quirks. I can go first—when I consume sugar, I gain a boost in strength, but if I overdo it, my intelligence takes a hit," he explained.

"Mine's sort of similar; I stockpile sunlight for power," Himari stated confidently, sporting a determined smile. "Since we're both straightforward fighters, I say we leave the bomb and head to them," she proposed.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, we could just stay here and protect it?" Sato asked, his confusion evident in his tone.

"Yeah but whether we stay here or go to them, we're going to end up fighting them anyway. Might as well do it away from the bomb." Himari explained emphasizing the necessity of engaging their opponents on their own terms.

"Okay, yeah, that makes sense," Sato agreed. "So, do you have a plan? Honestly, I'm not too good at planning," he admitted shyly, a bashful gesture of rubbing the back of his neck.

"Mhm!" She said back

"BEGIN!" All Might's voice boomed through the mic, prompting the action to commence. However, Himari remained undeterred by the interruption.

"We'll go find them together but before we confront them, you'll get behind them while I distract them," she strategized, making her way toward the room's door. "That's when we'll make our move," she concluded as she pushed the door open, ready to execute their plan.

"Sounds good… But," Sato began, trailing behind her as they exited the room, "how will we know where they are?"

"Leave that to me," she replied confidently, striding ahead. "I can track them with my x-ray vision," she explained as they moved towards the stairs.

"You have x-ray vision too!?" Sato exclaimed in surprise.

"Hehe," Himari responded with a wide smile, her excitement evident as she continued leading the way.


"So, you got a plan sparkles?" Mina inquired, looking at the blonde-haired boy.

"I'll blind them with my shine!" he declared enthusiastically, striding through the entrance of the building.

"Soooo... no plan," she retorted, her tone teasing, but then her face lit up. "Oh, well," she said cheerfully, activating her quirk to surf her way through the entrance. "Surf's up!" she happily exclaimed, riding in on her acid.

As they traversed the first floor, a sudden chill crept down their spines, halting them in their tracks. Their puzzled gazes met, exchanging confusion until the echo of approaching footsteps caught their attention. In the hushed confines of the hallway, each step reverberated like distant gunshots, despite their measured and gentle cadence.

"End of the line, heroes." The voice sent a shiver down their spines. Peering into the darkness of the hall, they discerned a shadowy figure gradually advancing toward them. Recognizing the voice, their apprehension heightened. "Prepare to die."

Breaking out of their stupor, they realized the figure's closeness, their legs quivering with an involuntary fear. In unison, they couldn't help but wonder:

'How did she become so… intimidating?'

Suddenly she was only meters away when she shouted, "Now!"

Mina looked from her to Aoyama only to see that he was being strangled by a yellow clad figure, and then suddenly, it was black.



"Great job, big guy!" Himari exclaimed, flashing a thumbs-up and a radiant smile. "The plan worked perfectly!"

"Yeah, that turned out pretty well," Sato replied, calming down from his sugar-induced boost.

"I didn't get to showoff my shine!" Aoyama complained as Sato proceeded to untie him.

"Mina..Miiinnnnaa" Himari said as she was trying to wake up the pink skinned girl, rubbing her face.

"H-huh?" Mina groggily said as she came to. "Awww what!! Did we lose already?!" She shouted "and why where you so scary!" She said as she pointed her finger at the golden haired girl.

"Yes, I certainly won't be getting on your bad side, mademoiselle," Aoyama added, as we started our journey back to the monitoring room.

As the students poured into the room, a hubbub of questions and chatter ensued.

"ALL RIGHT, CLASS, CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHO THE MVP OF THIS BATTLE WAS?" All Might asked, prompting the participants to line up in front of the class.

"Charlotte-san was scary cool!" Kaminari started, his voice rising above the others sharing their opinions.

Himari noticed Bakugo in the corner, his hair casting a shadow over his eyes, his fists clenching and twitching.

"Yes, I must agree that Charlotte-san was the MVP," Yaoyorozu continued. "Her strategic plan was flawlessly executed, catching the hero team off guard and providing Sato the opening to initiate the attack," she finished, acknowledging Himari's pivotal role in the battle.

"YES, THAT'S EXACTLY IT!" All Might exclaimed. "EXCELLENT JOB, EVERYONE. BESIDES YOUNG MIDORIYA, THERE WERE NO MAJOR INJURIES. FOR YOUR FIRST TRAINING RUN, YOU PERFORMED EXCEPTIONALLY WELL." All Might announced as the class started heading back toward the starting tunnel. "CHANGE CLOTHES AND MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE CLASSROOM, NOW.....," he instructed, dashing down the tunnel. "WATCH HOW A PRO MAKES HIS EXIT!" He called out with fervor.

"All Might's so cool!" Some students murmured. "I could never match that speed," others commented.

As he hurried towards the nurse's office, All Might ruminated, 'I barely have time to teach a class.' Reflecting on Himari's surprising abilities, he recalled her mentioning heat vision to Sato. 'No... I shouldn't jump to conclusions about a student.' His thoughts turned to her potent quirk. 'Her powers are quite formidable; there might be more to her abilities than she's disclosed.' Arriving at the nurse's office door, he concluded, 'I'll need to inform Aizawa about this.'


As everyone packed up and chatted, Midoriya hurried back to the classroom, but his stay was brief—he swiftly departed.

"I wonder why he's after Bakugo," Asui mused aloud.

"Childhood rivals." Ochaco whispered to herself, already intrigued by the dynamic between the two boys.

"They went at it pretty hard today" Himari said as she made her way out the door. "Ima head home, bye!" She said to the class as she left

Changing her shoes at the lockers, her super hearing picked up on the happenings outside

"Then so what!" She heard bakugo shout "Today… you beat me. That's all there is to it! Thats all…!" He continued " and when I saw that ice guy and goldy locks! I thought they were nothing before!… DAMMIT!. And what pony tail said was right! GOD DAMMIT!! HEY! You too… Deku. From here on out!! I…!" Tears began forming in his eyes

"From here on out! I'm gonna be number one!!!" He shouted as he turned away to walk home "and don't you dare get the idea that you can beat me agian!"

"Oh man" Himari muttered, "I'm not looking forward to fight him" she huffed, her smile falling for just a second, just to come back stronger "he's so intense about fighting... it gets my blood pumping." She clenched her fist, breaking the door off her shoe locker.



Navigating her way to school the next day, Himari found herself swarmed by reporters at the U.A. gate.

"Is All Might your instructor?" "What are the lessons with All Might like?" "Your thoughts on All Might's teaching style?" The barrage of questions came from dozens of reporters, each vying for a response.

"Sorry, I'm in the business course, but I'd love to answer your questions." the golden-haired girl replied with a charming smile. Suddenly, the reporters dispersed, scrambling to find other students to interview.

With a smile, she approached the gates, spotting Mr. Aizawa. "Good morning, Mr. Aizawa," she greeted warmly.

"So, you managed to shake them off. Not bad. Get to class," he replied tired.

"Sure thing!" She chirped before heading off.


"I hope you're rested from yesterdays battle trail" Mr. Aizawa addressed the class from the podium. "I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluation."

"Bakugo" turning his eyes the the explosive boy. "Stop acting like a child, your wasting your talent." he advised.

"…..I know" Bakugo replied, a hint of resignation in his voice.

"Midoriya, I saw the only way you won was by breaking your arm again." He said to the boy who shrunk under his words. Letting out a huff he continued. "But once you get a handle on your quirk it will be helpful, show some urgency, yeah?"

"YES SIR" the green haired boy shouted

"Now let's get on with the homeroom notice." Mr. Aizawa began "we need to pick a class representative "

"Finally something school like!" The class chorused, immediately launching into a cacophony of voices vying for the position.

"Quiet, everyone!" Iida's authoritative voice cut through the noise, bringing an abrupt hush to the room. "Let's approach this democratically. We'll settle this with a vote." He held up his hand, visibly eager for the position.

'Who do I think would be best?' Himari thought as she was handed her sheet.

As everyone voted the results where placed on screen.

Izuku Midoriya 3

Momo Yayorozu 2

Himari Charlotte 2

Tenya Iida 1

"OK! Who voted for him!" Bakugo shouted

"Someone actually voted for me?" Iida's expression reflected a mix of happiness at receiving a vote and disappointment at not winning outright.

"Wait, we've got a tie for the vice-rep position!" Kirishima pointed out.

"Seriously? A tie?" Kaminari chimed in, surprised by the turn of events.

"Charlotte-san, what should we do to settle this?" Yayorozu inquired.

Himari glanced at the girl with a warm smile. "You'd make an excellent vice-rep, Yayorozu. You're better suited for the role."

"I-i understand," Yayorozu responded, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I won't disappoint you!" She expressed her determination.


In the cafeteria the girls, minus Ochaco, were sitting together.

"Thanks again for the position, Charlotte-san," Yayorozu expressed her gratitude.

"Don't worry about it, it would just be extra work for me" Himari responded kindly

"Thought you'd make a great class rep, Himari! That's why I voted for you," Mina chimed in. "You've got that leader vibe."

"Yeah, you've got that confident aura, Charlotte-chan," Asui agreed.

Before they could continue, a loud alarm suddenly blared through the cafeteria, catching everyone off guard.

"What's that!" Jiro shouted

"Someone must have broke onto campus!" A passing student yelled.

"We should get out of here!" Yayorozu suggested, scanning the area for a way out.

"We can't, look" the golden hair girl said as she pointed to the hallway that was jam packed full of students.

"Than, what should we do?" Mina exclaimed a bit nervous.

Himari swiftly ascended, floating a few feet above the ground, causing surprise among her classmates. From her elevated position, she gestured urgently to Jiro, motioning for her to cover her ears. She then clapped her hands together, producing a resounding bang that reverberated through half the school.

"Excuse me, everyone!" Her voice projected across the room, immediately drawing attention. "Please remain calm. It's just the media gathered outside," she assured, directing their attention to the window down the hallway where a swarm of reporters could be seen on campus. Descending gracefully, she landed back beside her classmates, bringing a sense of calm to the room.

"I didn't know you could fly!" Mina exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, it's one of my tricks," Himari replied, flexing both arms playfully.

"Wow, that was loud," Jiro remarked, rubbing her ears.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, Jiro. Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you," Himari said, her smile faltering for a moment—the first time her classmates had seen her without it.

"It's cool, I'm fine, just give me a sec." She responded giving a small smile.

With a broad smile, Himari looked back toward the window where the media swarm persisted. Inside, her hand clenched into a determined fist. 'USJ is tomorrow,' she thought to herself.

As the confusion settled and everyone began to head back to class, she murmured softly to herself, "I'm excited."

Sato and Mina voted for her.

Iida still does his thing and becomes class rep, I like him as class rep.

Happy Thanksgiving!

BlooBlooBloocreators' thoughts