
28. Fuel for My Fire

Lena POV

When Lena awoke later she had no idea what time it was. Being in the center of the plane in a room with no windows there was no way to tell, and she'd left her phone at her seat. When she shifted it caused Kara to clench around her and Lena moaned in pleasure at the feeling. She quickly looked down at Kara and saw she was sleeping. Lena's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, and the feeling of still being joined to her. A moment later she panicked a bit, realizing she needed to deal with the condom now that her knot was down. She hated to disturb Kara but was more worried about what might happen if she didn't.

Lena began to ease out as carefully as she could. Kara stirred as she climbed off and disposed of it. When she turned around Kara was looking at her with a sleepy smile.

"How do you feel?"

"Fantastic. Like I got railed within an inch of my life." Kara said quietly. "Which was exactly what I wanted."

Lena smiled in return and sat next to her. "I love falling asleep inside you. It just feels so..."

"Right." Kara offered.


Kara reached to pull Lena down for a kiss, which Lena eagerly returned.

"Come closer." Kara gripped the sides of Lena's open shirt to pull her down. Soon Lena was on top of her with their legs twined together. Lena nuzzled in to the dark mark she'd left on Kara's neck, causing her to moan.

"I loved it when you bit me. You always seem to know what I want exactly when I want it."

"You weren't worried I would break your skin?"

"I trust you, Lena. Completely."

Lena moved her teeth lightly over the bruise. Mine she thought to herself, but resisted saying it out loud. Kara's body began to squirm at the feeling of Lena's mouth on her neck.

Kara moved her fingers against the back of Lena's neck and gripped her hair to bring her into another kiss.

"We need to be careful." Lena reminded them both. "I have no idea what time it is. I feel like I was out for hours. We may be close to landing."

"My phone is in my bag." Kara said.

Lena reluctantly climbed off to bring it to her. She hated the idea of learning the time and having to face the real world.

Kara glanced at her phone. "Yeah. We better get out of here and get some air. I already want you again. Before long I'm going to need you again."

"You're coming to mine after we land?"

"Of course. If you want me to..."

"I want that more than anything." Lena broke in.

Kara's smiled brilliantly. "So, how are we going to get back to our seats without..."

"Nothing to worry about. Yes, we do have to do the walk of shame back to our seats, but we don't need to worry about this going further. Every one on this plane has signed an iron clad NDA."

"You do think of everything..."

"Indeed. And now let's get some food into you. Something tells me you're hungry."

"Ah, you know me well."Kara laughed and pulled Lena in for a last kiss.



Lena was glad that everyone was out of sight when they'd walked back to their seats, less than an hour before landing. Lena worried that Kara would feel embarrassed, but watching her closely all she could see was a small, slightly wicked smile and a look of being well, if only temporarily, sated.

The rest of the flight was uneventful. Her staff were complete pros and gave no hint of being aware of their activities, though she did notice a twinkle in the eye of one of her new flight attendants, Mona, who came and served them a light meal. But she felt so good she decided to let it slide and didn't call her on it.

Still, it took a while to deplane, gather luggage and make it to her car. By the time they made it inside Lena was starting to pick up on discomfort from Kara. She took her hand after Kara settled in to the back seat.

"Still up for going to my place?"

"Of course." Kara smirked.

"Home, please, Vaz." She said and raised the partition.

Lena let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"Did you think I'd changed my mind?" Kara looked at her with concern in her eyes.

"It's just...I know you start training on Monday. Now that you're...more calm, I thought you might have reconsidered. Maybe you want to take some blockers and try get some rest?" Lena attempted to calm her nerves by mapping the route to her place on a screen on the seat back in front of her. She dreaded the thought that Kara might want to stop.

Kara reached her other hand to Lena's chin to turn her face to look at her.

"The only thing I want right now is to ride out my heat with you." Kara leaned to press her lips against Lena's ear. "I want you to fuck me till I can't walk."

Lena rumbled deep in her chest. Kara started nipping and kissing by her ear, then moving down below her chin. Lena fought her instincts and let her head tilt back, allowing Kara better access to her neck she made her way lower, towards her open collar. Lena slipped her hands into Kara's hair, but only gently.

Eventually Kara reached the button of her blouse, where she couldn't follow her skin any lower. When she started to undo the top button Lena stilled her hands.

Kara leaned back to reveal an adorable pout.

"Soon, baby." She purred, pulling one of Kara's hands to her lips to kiss. Kara's scent was changing and Lena felt herself starting to respond.

"Sorry, I can't believe I'm cycling up again already..."

"Don't be sorry." Lena said, caressing her hands in a way that she hoped was soothing rather than stimulating. "I love how insatiable you are, Kara. I never want you to feel bad about wanting me. And know that I always want you."

Kara gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and shy smile, looking into Lena's eyes.

Lena could sense Kara was starting to get uncomfortable, and it made her anxious. She had always been told she was a fantastic, even considerate lover. She always took special care of her heat partners. But what she felt around Kara felt different. She had such a powerful need to protect her and care for her. And she hated not giving her what she wanted. She touched the screen again and saw they still had at least 30 minutes due to traffic.

"Lean back in your seat, Kara." Lena husked. "I'm going to take care of you."

Kara started to say something. A protest, Lena assumed. But she stopped her mouth with a kiss. She smiled when she felt Kara relax and lean back.

"Do you want that, Kara?"

"Yes. God yes"

She gasped.

"In that case, I need you to be very quiet." Lena said firmly. "Can you do that for me, baby?"


Lena covered her mouth again with her own, delving deep with her tongue as she moved her hands down Kara's body to find the top of her pants.Fortunately for Lena, Kara was wearing pants that had some stretch in them and she was able to slide her hand inside without much struggle. She felt Kara's breathing becoming more rapid. Her scent changed from uncomfortable to excited.

Kara slid down lower in the seat and spread her legs wide.

"Such a good girl." Lena rasped as leaned back so she could look at Kara with approval.

Lena moved her hand inside Kara's underwear. It was a tight fit, but she gently slid down to reach her hot, velvety folds.

"So good, baby. You're so, so wet." Lena's eyes closed at the feeling of her cunt, and she willed herself to keep control.

Kara let out a deep moan at the feeling of Lena's fingers as she started moving back and forth over her clit."Yessss. Please don't stop."

Lena circled her clit, trying to keep the touch light, to bring Kara gently to an orgasm. But then Kara gripped the collar of Lena blazer to pull her closer, nuzzling into Lena's neck. Lena could feel her cock growing against her pants as Kara's movements and sounds became more desperate."More. I need more." She pleaded.

Lena slid her finger down, briefly teasing her entrance before thrusting a finger in as deep as she could.

"Ummpfh!" Kara let out a surprised sound, followed by pleased purring at the feeling of Lena's finger moving in and out while her palm pressed tightly against her clit. Kara immediately began to grind against it. Her hips moved powerfully against Lena's hand, and Lena resisted the urge to straddle her and keep her still. She was supposed to be easing her off until they could get to her penthouse, not escalating.

"More..." Kara whined. Lena slid another finger inside and curled them tightly against Kara's g-spot. She began steadily thrusting in and out as best she could in the limited space.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kara began saying with each thrust until Lena felt her starting to spasm and clench around her fingers. She exulted in the feeling of Kara's orgasm and excited scent.

She leaned back so she could see her better. Kara's head was leaning against the car seat, her lips kiss-swollen and her hair a mess, with a lazy smile on her lips.

"You always take such good care of me." Kara reached to rub her fingers against Lena's lips. Lena kissed them in return.

"And you're always such a good girl for me." Lena smiled then glanced at the map. "We only have 15 minutes - almost there."

Kara lifted her head up, a sly smile crossing her face. "Fifteen minutes? There's a lot I can do for you in 15 minutes..." Kara took Lena's hand and licked off the evidence of her orgasm from her fingers.

"I'm good, Kara. Just relax." Lena said, despite her body's demands.

"You're not the boss of me..." Kara looked at her with an evil grin as she shifted up. She gripped Lena's shirt collar and pushed her back against the seat. In the blink of an eye she was straddling Lena's lap.

Lena laughed. "Well...sometimes I am..."

"Ha, very true!" Kara giggled. "But lucky for you, not right now. Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you just like this."

At this point Lena was fully hard and straining against her pants. As Kara spread her legs her cock became nestled between them. She felt very thankful for the thinness of Kara's stretchy pants and her own silky trousers, which allowed her to feel Kara's heat, even through their pants. She let out a deep, guttural moan as Kara began to shift her hips, her burning heat engulfing Lena's cock as she moved up and down.

"Fuck, Lena. You're so hard..." Kara moaned

Kara gripped Lena's shoulders tightly and gained leverage to lift herself all the way up to the tip of her cock. Lena's eyes were glued to Kara's face. She saw her eyes roll back as she rolled her clit against the tip. Watching Kara getting herself off only made her more desperate.

"Ahhhh...." Kara breathed out as she began sliding down. Once she was sat down on Lena's lap she moved slowly up again, then all the way down. She moved into a steady pace, shifting up and down. Lena watched as long as she could before she was overwhelmed in pleasure and her head fell back against the seat. Her hips began to move without her direction

At that point Kara moved her mouth to her neck. It seems like she wanted to kiss Lena, but she didn't have enough control due to her own impending orgasm, and instead her lips and teeth just moved against Lena's neck as she moved up and down, moving steadily faster up and down.

"Oh, fuck, Kara! I'm going to cum...." Lena gasped. "Cum with me, Kara."

"Yessss...." Kara began jerking faster before at last coming undone. Lena lifted her head to watch the exquisite expression on her face before letting go herself. She wrapped her arms around Kara and held her tightly as they both rode out their orgasms steadily rocking into each other.

As Lena came down she began kissing Kara's face gently.

"Now who's taking care of who?" She whispered into Kara's ear.

"It's only fair that I get to take care of you sometimes too." Kara said gently.

"How did you get to be so perfect?"

"It's easy with you. You make me want to be good."

Both women moved into a lazy kiss. Breaking it Lena peered over Kara's shoulder at the map.

"Oops, almost there. We better try to make ourselves presentable."

Kara laughed. She climbed off Lena's lap and began trying to tame her hair. They both began shrugging into jackets, despite the warmth of the car. There was nothing they could do about the tell-tale signs of their tryst on their pants, but the coats helped cover it up. Due to the time change between countries they were arriving in broad daylight, about the same time of day that they left Japan.

Lena was sure Vaz must have known what they'd been up to, but there was absolutely nothing in her expression to suggest it as Vaz held the door for them.

A total pro. thought to herself.

"Thank you, Vaz."

"Have a nice day, ma'am."

"Oh, I will." Lena said under her breath as she reach for Kara's hand and led her to the elevator. Once inside Kara moved into her arms, nuzzling in to Lena's neck contentedly.

"I can't wait to have you all to myself." Kara whispered.

"And what are you going to do with me?" Lena smirked

"I'm going to tell you to do whatever you want." Kara whispered. "I'm really ready for...you to be in charge."

Lena's eyes went wide and a smile crossed her face. "Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes, Daddy." 

Oh. Fuck.