
29. Fire Meet Gasoline

"Yes, Daddy." Kara whispered as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

Lena inhaled sharply, ignoring the doors to tease along Kara's ear lobe.

"You're sure that's what you want? You want Daddy to take care of you?"

"Right now I want whatever you want." Kara said, looking sincerely into Lena's eyes ane gripping her open shirt collar.

Lena looked directly back into her eyes and only hesitated for a moment. She kissed Kara gently on the lips. "You're so, so good, baby."

"Thank you, Daddy. Now...what can I do for you?"

"I'm so glad you asked." Lena said, her lips curling into a smile.

She took Kara's hand, slid past her and led her out of the elevator. She stopped and turned towards Kara, pullng her hand close to kiss it gently.

"I want you to go draw a bath and get in it. I have an call I can't miss and some messages to catch up on, then I'll join you."

"I'll be waiting." Kara said as she turned to go prepare the bath.

"Oh...and Kara?"


"Don't touch yourself while you're waiting. I don't want you to cum until I'm the one making you cum."

"Yes, Daddy."


After filling the huge tub with warm water and bubbles, Kara relaxed into the tub and began to wash carefully. As she started to slip into sleep she thought of Lena, remembering how it felt to fall asleep tied with her. She clenched at the thought of Lena so deep inside, and could feel a renewed ache for her starting. She eased her fingers between her legs to lessen the pressure.

As time wore on she began to stroke her clit gently, then remembered what Lena had said about touching herself and cuming without her. Kara smiled at the thought of Lena's alpha rumbling at the edge of her voice before they got of the elevator. She missed being surrounded by her scent and couldn't wait for her to return. The warm water and all their exertions caught up with her and eventually Kara dozed off with her head propped against the side of the large pool. The next thing she knew Lena was caressing her cheek and she startled awake.

"All clean?"

Kara was slowly coming out of her haze. "Yes...I was just...waiting for you. Are you done with work?" She took a deep breath and her omega rejoiced to find she was surrounded in Lena's scent. It was different than before, smelling of power and aggression. It only made her desire to submit even more intense.

"Yes. Thank god. I have to admit it was very hard to focus knowing you were in here naked."

Kara grinned and reached to grip Lena's tie, which she hadn't been wearing before. "Looks like you've been working hard..."

"I'm planning to be working a lot harder..."

Kara took in a sharp breath and arched her back, straining upward towards Lena as she leaned down. Kara could already taste Lena's lips as she moved closer, but then she paused just before their lips touched.

"You smell amazing. So...powerful. Did something happen?"

"The call was very...contentious. I had to put some people in their places. Unfortunately, it took longer than I thought." She leaned back and felt disappointed that she hadn't received a kiss.

"What were you thinking about while you were waiting on me? Were you getting impatient?"

"No! No...actually I...I was being good. But I did start to dream about your cock."

"Oh? What did you dream?"

"It was really more of a memory than a dream..."

"And what did you remember?"

"I remembered...I remembered you knotting me on the plane. Falling asleep while we were tied..." Kara said. "I want you inside me again, please?"


"Please, Daddy."

"Very good." A sly smile spread over Lena's face, then she leaned down and gave Kara a quick kiss. She stood up and moved to pick up a soft robe, then returned and held it open for Kara. Lena watched with hungry eyes as she stood out of the bath and stepped into the robe. She wrapped it around Kara an nuzzled her neck and ear from behind. Then Lena took her ear lobe between her teeth and held it tight. Kara's chest started moving more rapidly as Lena maintained her grip.

"What do you want, Kara?" She released her bite whispered into Kara`s ear.

"I only want to make you feel good." Kara gasped out, sounding like a guilty confession to a priest. Lena released her, turning Kara so she could look into her eyes and stepping away from her.

"And what's your word, if you want me to stop?"

"Kryponite." Kara whispered.

"Good girl." Lena said. Kara moved closer to bridge the distance between them. But the look on Lena's face stopped her before she touched Lena.

"Can I help you with your tie? You don't look very comfortable."

Lena stayed quiet but nodded slightly.

Kara moved in closer to work on the tight knot around Lena's neck as Lena continued to watch her intently.

"Seeing you in this suit is making me so wet." Kara said, licking her lips. Lena smelled of raw power, probably from whatever she'd had to deal with during her call, and it was making Kara salivate at the thought of tasting her. She resisted the urge to go down on her knees as she wriggled Lena's tie loose and released the top button of her shirt.

"Is that better, Daddy?"

"Much." Lena reached and loosened the knot on Kara's robe and released it to let the robe hang open.

"Seeing you come out of that bath was one of the most beautiful sights...Water pouring off your body. You have the most amazing body, Kara. You're so strong, yet so soft in all the right places.." Lena let her hand move the robe further open and ran her hand down to Kara's breast, which she caressed gently for a moment before squeezing the nipple almost to the point of pain.

Kara gasped out in pleasure at the suddenness of the pinch. Lena's eyes watched her intently. She seemed to be deciding what she wanted.

"Go to the sink. I want you to see in the mirror how beautiful you are."

Kara moved reluctantly away from Lena towards the opulent marble sink and large mirror. She looked at herself, but was more distracted by the image of Lena behind her, easing out of her jacket and hanging it nearby. Next she released the buttons on her shirt sleeves and began rolling them up slowly, causing Kara to gulp with anticipation of Lena touching her.. Lena loosened her tie further but left it around her neck. The predatory look in Lena's eyes caused her to clench again. Kara longed for Lena to touch her, but she only continued watching her carefully.

"What did you do while I was away?"

"I washed, very carefully. I wanted to be clean for you."

Kara could hear Lena making a sound of appreciation under her breath. "I bet you did such a good job."

Kara felt her omega preening at the praise. She watched in the mirror as Lena moved her hand down to press against the tight bulge that had formed in her pants.

"I can help you with that, Daddy."

"I know you can, baby." Lena moved closer behind her, still off to the side so Kara could see her in the mirror.

"First, tell me the truth. Did you touch yourself while I was gone?"

"I...well, yes."

"What did I tell you about that?"

"You told me not to. I stopped myself though...I remembered what you told me." Kara's pulse raced at the thought Lena might punish her. "I know I was bad. I just...missed you."

"What do you think I should do about that?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I want to be good for you." Kara said. She could tell she didn't sound very sorry at all. "Maybe you should punish me. So I learn my lesson."

A pleased smile crossed Lena's face. "I know you want to be good. And I'm going to help you." Kara felt Lena's hand against back, then moving down the curve of her ass, gripping it through her robe and gently teasing between her legs. Once again Kara clenched at the feeling, but Lena's hand was gone as quickly as it came.

"Please, touch me again." Kara whispered.

"How can I help you learn your lesson?"

"Maybe you should...spank me...."

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, Daddy. Teach me to be good." Kara could see Lena inhale deeply and noticed her breaths coming quicker. She was rewarded by Lena moving closer to her again, caressing her exposed neck gently before gripping Kara's robe and pulling it down slowly. Kara longed to feel Lena's lips against her skin, but all she did was continue pulling the robe down while standing behind her. Kara put her hands on the sink and braced her arms to push back enough to graze her ass against the tight swell of Lena's cock, straining against her pants.

Lena gripped Kara's hips tightly to hold them still. "Did I tell you to do that?"

"No, Daddy." Kara said. "I just...god, I want your cock."

"Then you need to be good." Lena said huskily.

"I will. I promise." Kara said. "Teach me how."

Lena resumed stripping Kara out of her robe slowly, pulling it off her shoulders and down her back. Kara felt exposed and more desparate for Lena to touch her. As Lena pulled the robe lower, Kara's arms slipped free. She reached behind with one hand to the front of Lena's pants. She couldn't resist the urge to rub along her shaft. She wanted to see how far she could push Lena.

After a moment Lena gripped her wrist tightly to stop her. "If you can't be good I know how to help you." Lena bent her arm into a right angle and held it against Kara's back.

"Oh!" Kara said at the sudden movement. Her pulse thundered with excitement to realize it was difficult to move her arm.

"Are you OK, baby girl?"


"Good. I'm going to let go of your wrist but I want you to keep your arm right where it is."

"Yes, Daddy." Kara said, her hips pressing against the marble of the sink.

Lena released her arm and Kara could hear her moving behind her but couldn't tell what she was doing. A few moments later she was back, taking Kara's wrist again and raising her other arm to bring them together behind her back.

"Now, since you can't control your hands I'm going to control them for you."

The next thing she knew Lena was tying her wrists together tightly with the belt from the bathrobe. Kara pulled slightly to test the knot and realized her hands and arms were trapped behind her.

"Oh, fuck me..." Kara gasped under her breath. She was aching with desire and everything Lena was doing was driving her towards the edge.

"Still doing OK?" Lena checked in with her.

"Yes, Daddy."

"You're not getting impatient, are you?"

"No...I...I'm just waiting for you to tell me what to do."

"Very good. Now., tell me again, ..what do you think I should do to help you learn your lesson? To help you be a good girl?"

"I think you should spank me."

Kara could sense Lena's excitement and felt even more thrilled to be pleasing her.

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, Daddy. I want to be good for you. I want you to make me remember." Kara was surprised to realize how much she wanted it.

"Spread your legs, baby.".Kara found it awkward to adjust her position with her hands tied behind her, but managed to move her feet about a foot apart. She tried to see Lena in the mirror but couldn't see what was happening behind her. Soon she felt Lena's fingertips against her left thigh. As Lena moved her fingers upward Kara could tell her wetness had spread halfway down her legs.

Lena's fingers moved steadily up her leg until she parted her lips gently, slipping through the wet folds to her clit, which she teased gently. Kara heard Lena moan at the feeling of her wet cunt. Then she felt what must have been Lena's thumb pressing against her ass, teasing at the opening while still moving against her clit.

Kara's eyes closed and her head dropped back as she moaned in pleasure to at last have Lena touching her at last. Then, Lena's hand was gone and she had taken a step back.

"Please...don't stop." Suddenly, Lena was gripping her hair roughly and pushing her forward to bend over the sink counter. The next thing she knew her cheek was pressed against the marble.

"I'm going to teach you to be patient." Lena had bent over her and rasped into her ear. Kara could feel Lena's cock straining through her pants, rubbing against her bare ass. She couldn't help her groan but held still.

"Yes. Please teach me, Daddy." She whispered, trying to keep her breathing under control. Now that she was pressed against the sink counter with her arms tied behind her she noticed how rapidly her chest was expanding and contracting.

"Still with me?"

"Yes. God yes." Kara gasped.

"Good girl. You look so pretty there, bent over and tied up against my sink." Lena murmurred. "You're being so good, maybe I don't need to punish you. What do you think, baby?"

"I think you should..."

The next thing Kara knew was a searing pain as Lena brought her hand down sharply against her ass. Kara felt herself clench with pleasure and pain.

"Oh!" She screamed with surprise.

"Anything you need to say?"

"Thank you, Daddy."

At that Lena didn't hesitate. She spanked her again, causing Kara to clench and cry out again. Another blow had Kara clenching again, and reveling in the feeling of being under Lena's control. She strained her neck so that she could see Lena in the mirror from the corner of her eye. She took another sharp inhale at the look of intensity on her face.

A sharp strike on the opposite cheek forced Kara to close her eyes. After a rapid succession of five hard spanks Kara let out a sob against the pain.

Lena stopped and began caressing her ass gently. The contrast felt strange to Kara. She couldn't fully feel the light strokes due to the spanking

"Still doing OK, baby?"

"Yes, Daddy." Kara blinked through her tears.

Lena moved her fingers to wipe a tear from Kara's cheek. "I think you've learned your lesson, don't you?"

"Yes. I promise I'll be good."

"I know you will." Lena said, stroking Kara's back gently. "Let's get you into bed."

"Please..." Kara caught herself before asking.

"What do you need, baby? You've been so good. What do you want to ask?"

"Please...I want you to fuck me..."

Kara felt Lena's nails grip into her shoulder and she made a rumbling sound. Her hips moved forward to grind against Kara's ass.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Please don't make me wait anymore."

Kara felt Lena move away and worried that she'd gone too far with her request. Then she heard the sound of Lena taking off her belt, unzipping her pants. Again she strained her neck to watch in the mirror. She saw Lena stroke herself through her briefs before taking out her cock. Kara couldn't stop the gasp that escaped her lips. Lena's size always struck her a bit dumb with amazement.

Lena stroked up and down her shaft. "Is this what you want?"

"Yes. Please. Haven't I been good?"

"So good. You took your punishment so well." Kara saw Lena's eyes flash and then she could no longer see her as she moved closer. She could feel Lena untying her hands, then rubbing each of them carefully before moving her arms down to the counter so that Kara could support herself. Kara held her breath, hoping Lena would touch her.

Next she heard Lena opening a nearby drawer and listened closely as she put on a condom. Kara's teeth were gritted in anticipation and longing to feel Lena inside her.

Lena stepped closer, but not close enough for Kara to feel her.

"I can smell you, Kara." Lena inhaled deeply. "You're so wet. So ready."

"Yes..." Kara didn't want to risk saying the wrong thing and delaying her gratification. Kara was rewarded in a moment when Lena gripped her hips roughly to better position her.

"Spread your legs further for me." Lena demanded. "I need a lot of room to get this big cock inside you."

Kara clenched at her rough words then moved her feet further apart and angled her ass upwards.

"So, so beautiful." Lena murmured as she stroked over Kara's reddened ass.

In a moment Kara felt Lena's fingers around both her thighs, squeezing them tightly to spread her further, then sliding one hand up into her wet folds. Kara whimpered at the feeling of Lena's fingers teasing her entrance.

She could feel Lena's body moving closer, leaning over her until her cock was bumping against her ass cheek, still sensitive from spanking. Kara held her breath in anticipation. She knew Lena was making her wait and begging might slow her down even more.

Suddenly she felt two fingers deep inside, causing Kara to call out. 


Lena began to thrust her fingers firmly against the wall of Kara's g-spot, rapidly bringing her to the edge of an orgasm before suddenly disappearing again.

The next thing Kara knew Lena had gripped her hair and pulled, causing her to raise up on her arms.

"I want you to watch as I fuck you."

"Yes, Daddy." Kara managed and held herself up on her elbows against the sink.

She watched Lena's face as she lined herself up and finally pushed in side her.

Yes! Oh, yes... Kara was nearly sobbing in relief as Lena's cock began to fill her.

Kara reveled in the feeling of her cock and the look of ecstasy on Lena's face as she entered her, then came to a stop to give Kara a chance to adjust.

"You feel so good, baby." Lena groaned. 

Kara rejoiced at her words and the feeling of Lena finally inside her. After a few slow movements Lena began moving out to her tip before thrusting roughly forward deeply. Lena's fingers dug into Kara's hips as she gripped them for leverage and began to move in and out in earnest. The pain of it drove Kara even higher.

"Yes, Daddy! Oh please...you're so big...filling me up with your cock. Please...don't stop!" Kara couldn't help herself. Lena was filling her so fully, she couldn't stay quiet any longer. 

Lena didn't seem to mind. Kara watched Lena's eyes close and her mouth open in pleasure as her hips began to move more rapidly and deeper. Lena was making a rumbling sound that was shooting straight through Kara's center. She felt there was nothing that could stop her orgasm.

Apparently Lena could feel it coming. "Hold on, Kara. Don't come till I tell you to."

Kara clenched around Lena's cock but tried to keep her orgasm at bay. The sight in the mirror was incredible, the raw power of Lena as she fucked her seemed to be coming off her in waves. Kara only wished Lena was naked so she could see her body rippling into her.

Eventually Kara couldn't hold her head up any longer and let it drop onto her arms as Lena continued to plow into her. Kara felt the beginning of Lena's knot and groaned loudly at the feeling.


Kara found she couldn't form sentences but wanted Lena's knot more than anything.

"Not here, baby." Lena whispered as she shifted Kara's hips further back and reached around to her clit. "I want you to come now."

The feeling of Lena circling her clit pushed her over the edge. She sobbed as her orgasm hit her in waves. She couldn't resist the delicious pleasure surging through her, despite her longing for Lena's knot. Lena continued to fuck her as she rode it out, but Kara could tell she wasn't trying to knot her. She could feel herself spilling around Lena's cock.

As she came down Lena slowed her thrusts and Kara was finally able to speak again.

"Why, Daddy? Don't I deserve your knot?"

"Of course you do." Lena was now breathing heavily herself. Kara sensed Lena was working to control herself, that was very difficult to stop from burying her knot. Kara marveled at her restraint, but couldn't understand her reluctance. Suddenly Lena was pulling out and Kara felt the loss deeply.

Lena gently wrapped her arms under Kara's chest and lifted, encouraging her to raise up off the sink counter. As Kara stood she peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses and helped her up from behind. Lena nibbled gently at her ear, as she caressed her breasts and made quiet, soothing vibrations against her body.

"You did so, so good, Kara." She turned Kara so that she facing her. Her legs felt wobbly and she rested against Lena's chest. Lena wrapped her arms tightly around her in support.

"Then why? Why won't you knot me?" She could smell Lena's need and wanted to reach down to fist her knot, but she resisted the urge.

"You'll have my knot, Kara. But we need to move. As beautiful as you look laid out like that, I don't want you trapped like that while we're tied."

Once again Kara marveled at Lena's concern and amazing control of her body. She nuzzled into Lena and whispered. "Then take me to bed."

"Can you walk?"

"Of course!" Kara said, but realized as she took a step away from the support of Lena and the counter that the blood hadn't fully returned to her legs. Lena swiftly bent to lift her into her arms and Kara gratefully wrapped her arms around Lena's neck.

Lena moved Kara quickly to her bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Like I need your cock." Kara said, she felt their dynamic shifting and was ready to demand what she wanted.

Kara laid back and spread her legs in invitation. "Give me your knot, Lena. Please." She added with a whimper.

Kara watched as Lena rushed to undress and was on top of her in a moment, covering Kara's body with her own. She leaned over to give her a deep kiss before pulling back and shifting down. She then gripped Kara's hips roughly, jerking them into position before lining up her cock and sinking inside.

They both cried out at the feeling and Lena immediately began thrusting and grunting loudly with each one .

"Yes, yes, yes!" Kara also called out with every thrust. In moments Lena was buried to the edge of her knot.

"Please, please, fucking knot me, Lena!"

Lena growled and bent forward to grip the edge of Kara's neck and shoulder with her teeth, causing her to go still. With a few rotations and thrusts she at last pushed inside. Kara's vision went white with pain and pleasure as she felt the massive knot move inside, once again pushing her over the edge into orgasm. She clenched repeatedly in welcome as she at last felt Lena releasing.

"Ummpf!" Lena called out as she came. Her eyes closed in concentration and pleasure as Kara continued to milk her cock for everything she had.

Kara wrapped her legs around Lena's back and gripped her shoulders desperately as they rode out their orgasm. Despite being tied now Lena was shifting her hips in a way that sent Kara into yet another orgasm. She realized she was sobbing again, this time in relief of having Lena's knot, on top of the ecstasy of multiple orgasms.

Eventually Lena slowed her movements and Kara pulled on her neck, encouraging her to lay down on top of her.

As Lena caught her breath Kara caressed her back and neck with her fingertips.

"Jesus, Lena. I don't know how you do it. Just when I think it can't get better, you take me to a higher place. How do you do that?" Kara whispered.

"You do the same to me. You always surprise and amaze me. You affect me the way no one ever has, Kara."

"Well, you're going to ruin me for other alphas." Kara teased.

"Good. Because I don't want you with other alphas." Lena said, sounding much more serious.

Kara kissed the top of Lena's head and got quiet.

"Sorry. I know that sounded very alpha. I know we haven't talked about anything beyond exploring a relationship."

"Shh...Lena." Kara teased her fingers soothingly through Lena's hair. "Don't apologize for saying what you want. I'm trying to be better about that myself. I've kept everything bottled up for so long, but I don't want to do that any more. And I don't want you to feel like you can't express how you're feeling."

"You can tell me anything, Kara. Good or bad. I want you to know you're safe with me." Lena shifted her body slightly to make them more comfortable, causing a ripple of pleasure through Kara's core.

"God, you feel so good inside me." Kara groaned. She couldn't ever remember feeling so satisfied and content during her heat.

"You fit so perfectly around me. It feels so right being connected like this. I wish...I wish we could stay like this. Hide away from the world and all our obligations."

"Me too." Kara said, then yawned. After the flight half way around the world with little sleep, not to mention the series of orgasms and knotting, it was hitting her how tired she really was.

"We should get some sleep." Lena said, also looking exhausted as her eyes fluttered.

"Yes." Kara knew they had to sleep, but she longed to say more while they were both still awake.

She looked down and saw Lena's eyes closed where she lay against her chest.


"Mmm?" She murmured sleepily.

"I...before you go to sleep. I just want to say..." Kara took a deep breath, struggling to spit out her thoughts. She could see Lena's breathing was evening out and she was practically asleep.

"I just want to say that...I'm...falling in love with you, Lena. No, I mean...I'm...in love with you."

Kara watched as Lena's eyes went wide with surprise.

Oh. Fuck.