
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Waddles, Spluffs, and an Ego-filled Prince

Meanwhile, The spluffs who were held prisoners at Dragon Castle had made it back to Spluff Grove as everyone was happy to see them return. The two princess leaders are really glad their ok as well as Amy and the others, then they explain that Alan saved them and is on a quest to save the star spirits. Alina, Videl, and the others found a letter attached to a balloon. Alina reads the letter and learns that Alan is ok and is on a quest to save the Star Spirits and Avalar. Amy tells the girls that they need to go find their friends and help them.

"I wonder what Alan is doing right now…I wonder if he's hurt…I'm so worried about him!" she moaned, pacing back and forth out of habit.

"I'm sure he's fine Alina. If he's as strong as you say…" Amy assured, waving a hand over her shoulder.

"He'll be all right Princess," Twink added, having been listening to everything as well. "Why I bet he's saving some Star Spirits right now!"

"Yes…you're right Twink. We must be strong," Alina then clenched her fists and stood up. "We need to just be patient and find our boy…"

"That's the spirit!" chimed Amy, standing as well and joining Alina and Videl.

"But there are tons of guards just beyond your door!" Twink and Amy exclaimed at the same time.

"And it's impossible for you to head to Waddle Woony Village…" Twink finished, glancing at the hedgehog. Amy grinned sheepishly.

"That one's pretty obvious!" Stormy scoffed.

"How convenient!" Amy squealed.

Back at Waddle Woony Village, the group are presented with Skolar. As they thank the waddle leader, Waddle Jim, Until, they hear someone talking in a megaphone. "Attention! Small orange puffballs!" Prince Average said in a megaphone, "Oh great, It's that loser, prince average." Waddle Jim snarled, "I heard that, it's Ah-Voo-Raj." Average responded, "Oh please." Waddle Jim whispered again. Prince Average calling out for the Spluffette to reveal herself to him. Prince Average hollered at his guards to stormed the waddle buddies' home. Just then, Spluff Kya opened the front door and walked out, The guards tumbled over one another and fell to the floor and Prince Average got down from his horse and approached the mother spluff in awe.

He tells his guards to release the waddle buddies and alan, then speaks with the spluffette. "Now, here's the good news, it's my birthday! And you are going to be the belle of the ball!" Prince Average singly announced so enthusiastically arms out for her expecting gesture in approval. "The invitation sounds great, really, but-" Kya started. "It wasn't an invitation; more of an order. Prepare the lady's carriage!" Prince Average ordered. "It's obvious she doesn't wanna to go, Average." Alan Warned. "Ah-voo-raj! Don't troll me hedgehog!" With a glare, he pointed at the spikey haired boy with disgust and a growl in his tone. ""Ugh, so rude!" Spluff Kya sneered at him as she walked forward.

Prince Average grabbed Kya's hand as she pulled away and punched him. Prince Average lost his balance and fell on his rump as Alan and Blossom began bursting out laughing.

Suddenly, two of Prince Average's guards walked up to Alan and punched him; he flew back as Kya and Leaf took off running. Then a frying pan came flying in, knocking out the majority of the guards, acting at a boomerang, as Goombella jumped up to catch it and a sword was thrown at Alan and a bow along with arrows at Marky. "What's the plan?" Marky asked. "Rescue Kya and the Village." Alan stood up. All four then proceeded to attack the guards as they worked together with the Waddle Buddies. There was a sudden shift when Storm and Lily were not doing well. Prince Average was beginning to feel amused as his guards were beginning to get the upper hand. Kya and Leaf were captured by two other guards and was standing behind Prince Average when suddenly one of the guards released her and toppled over.

"Duck!" A voice whispered to them, though there was no one there. It sounded rather like a waddle buddy. But Kya and Leaf did as was asked of him. They smiled and chuckled as a waddle buddy took off the cloak of invisibility and signaled for the three of them to run away. Prince Average turned and noticed the two guards once holding Kya and Leaf were on the ground holding their heads in pain. "Hi guards, are you taking a break? Well, FYI, they're getting away!" Prince Average yelled at them as they got up and ran after them, along with several other guards. As the fight continues, There was a loud booming as three waddle buddies emerged inside their wooden giant, taking on the guards. Within the next few moments, more of Prince Average's guards emerged with two cannons. "Time out, time out. You almost blew them up. And they can't come to my party if you blow them up!" Prince Average shouted at his guards as they apologized.

Kya stepped forward until alan stopped her and then stepped forward, chest out with confidence and seriousness that the waddle buddies, and his friends copied, standing in line in front of the princess like a wall. Average was unimpressed by the given action, And then, Alan began stepping backwards. All eyes focused when lost as the alien child backed up until he was leaning upon the stuck ball. With a groan and yell, the cannonball was effortlessly released and thrown direct at the prince.

With the cannonball free also came the freedom of a crack that escalated straight upon the pillar that held the painted wall until it stopped, a brush of white dust escaping. The upper half of the wall suddenly began to tilt down. Ready to fall on them. Amy widened her eyes. This was Alan's plan from the start.

"Huh, that's pretty cool," the prince commented. Kya didn't need to look at him to know the impress was fading away, as the rest of the wall was beginning to join on the tilting, getting dangerous close. "Everyone, inside! And hurry!" Alan said, No need to be spoken twice, the cast, the Spluffette princesses, and the waddle buddies followed the direction just as the wall was snapped off from all of the pillars. A lunge of bodies was into the room, just before an ear-deafening pound landed at the ground, the blooming of dust returning for the last time. Once cleared, only one remained standing in cowardice shielding and white flour-like dust. And yet it did nothing to mask away the reddening anger of the prince once in realization of position.

Running off in the most bizarre way that it worked for his personality, cheers of their success covered over the flattened land.

"You just got Alaned!" And finished by Alan, seated with a smirk. "Is that better? I think it sounds better." Kya could not believe it. The battle had finished. Alan had won! She was saved by Alan... Excitement and gratitude filled her veins that Kya almost didn't notice how her actions in giving Alan a tight hug along with Leaf with their cheeks nuzzling up to his made him speechless and limp to return.

As they pulled back but not letting go entirely, awkwardness made its arrival as the Waddle Buddies brought their hands up like children, wanting to be picked up and hugged next by the spluff princesses. "Oh boy." Kya said. The card shone the brilliant light, and became the Star Spirit, Skolar. Another Star Spirit was now safe from Magica. They were almost halfway done!

"Hello again Alan. I knew you could do it. I don't know how to thank you. I knew it was the right decision to ask you to help us. You're a great man. Now that I'm free, I can help you."

Skolar then gave Alan the most useful Star Power, Starstorm, which got him going.

"Alan. I have one bit of bad news. Unfortunately, Magica's life force is getting bigger all the time. Most likely, it's the Star Rod or Super Star giving her power. We're not even sure if she's noticing it or not, but there's no question it's making him stronger than before. We will have to be much more careful in the coming trials. Ah…I'm sorry to leave, but I must go back to Star Haven. The other Star Spirits are waiting for me there. Oh…and if you could…Please keep it a secret that I got lost in Waddle Woony Village. Thanks Alan. Bye!"

Skolar waved good-bye before spinning up back to his home. Everyone waved to him and Alan led the way back to the next star spirit's location.