
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Mother of Spluffs and Autumn Forest

At a castle with a huge Ferris wheel on top, it is evening and inside the castle is a tall, blonde, selfish, prince with an ego named, Prince Average (Who prefers his name to be pronounced Ah-voo-raj). He discusses who will be coming to his birthday party with his twin guards only to hear that none of the princesses are coming which really upsets him. "I demand glorious guests! I couldn't be anymore unpopular! And I don't understand why!" Prince Average angrily said, Just then, Queen Magica and Sonia appear out of the elevator wearing their hood disguises. "Greetings prince average." Magica greets to him, "It's pronounced Ah-Voo-Raj." Average correcting her, "Sure it is." Magica replied. At first prince average thought that magica and her dragon servant, Smolder were there for the "We Love Our Peasants Give Away" even though it has already ended, he has his guards escort them out of his castle but they vanish and reappear in front of him at his desk. "Do you think the people would respect you if you celebrated your birthday party with not just one but three beautiful women on your arms?" Magica says, "Finally! Someone who is talking sense. This horrible croon gets it!" Average said as he rudely points at magica.

Smolder pulls out a drawing of the mother of Spluffs. Prince Average gasped as he beheld her beauty; his heart stopped upon gazing at her face.

Queen Magica tells Prince Average that they have has some magic that's precious to her and she needs him to capture them for her. "Fear not, loyal hag, I Prince Ah-Voo-Raj shall bring these gorgeous fugitives and make them pay for their crimes: by making them attend my birthday party!" Prince Average said as he leapt off his desk. While he discusses about having balloons, magica and smolder transport out of the castle sending smolder to find the spluffs in case prince average fails.

It is 7:30 PM, everyone is at the Rainbow Railway Express ready for their own adventure. Alan provides his friends with the train tickets as they pass through a large rainbow neon gate that leads them to the rainbow neon train.

The Conductor calls for everyone to aboard the train and alan along with his friends do just that, everyone waves goodbye and enters the train. They wave again as they are inside the train closes, The train leaves Spluff Blossom and Lily watch outside as the train rolls on. During the train ride everyone gets to know each other, and alan had to go wee wee.

It's now Morning, and the group arrive at the Star Town Express Station. "Hey guys! We're here! We're here!" Alan spoke to them, they all wake up and see that they have arrived at Star Town. After they get off the train, they all head to Star Town to the town square area, the group meet a sculptor named Mason and get special welcomes from the towns people since they're new in town. As they enjoy the sites, Alan informs them that he's found the direction to Canterlot thanks to Toady, the princess' royal assistant. Upon arriving at the castle full of guests from all over Canterlot, Alan and his friends proceed to meet the Princess. "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! We're about to meet the princesses of Canterlot!" Spluff Blossom said with excitement, "I know, I'm a bit nervous meeting them." Leaf said, "Don't worry Leaf, you'll make a great introduction, I mean you met me right?" Alan trying to comfort a nervous leaf. "You fought a monster to save me." Leaf explains, "True, but it still counts as a good meeting." Alan replies making the others laugh. Inside the Throne Room, the cast finally come face-to-face with Princess Starlight, Ruler of Star Town and Canterlot, along with her younger sister Princess Luna. "Greetings children." Princess Starlight said to alan and his friends, "Hello, My name's Leaf Yukiko, from Pallet Town." Leaf greets herself along with a curtsy, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Princess Starlight, ruler of star town and canterlot." Princess Starlight introducing herself as well. "I'm Princess Luna, Starlight's younger sister." Princess Luna introduces herself to them.

Just then, Another princess came in the throne room, and this one was a Spluffette but different. She had on a red cap and red shoes, Blue hair which she wears in bun and ponytail, and she wears a dress in a darker shade of yellow, a bracelet with different colors, and a daisy flower on her hat.

Just then, Alan greets them with his way of meeting new people, "Hi, I'm Alan! Nice to meet ya." Alan introduces himself, "Alan! Show some respect." Leaf trying to restrain alan. "It's quite alright, leaf, it's nice to meet you too, alan." Princess Starlight reassured leaf after a little chuckle.

"By the way this is Spluff Kya, the mother of spluffs." Starlight introduces Kya to Alan and the group. "Hello, everyone." Spluff Kya greets everyone.

Introductions have been made and Toad reports to the princesses that the pipes in the basement of the castle need fixing. Luckily, Alan and Marky offered to help fix them since he and marky are good plumbers, especially since alan learned how to do plumbing thanks to elder scruffy. There is a huge mess in the plumbing, however; all the pipes are mixed up and disconnected. The boys quickly get to work while alan sings a little song while working. "♪The Red pipe's connected to the Red pipe. The Blue pipe's connected to the Blue pipe. And the Yellow pipe's connected to the Yellow pipe! The T-Joint's connected to the U-Joint! The elbow joint's connected to the arm bone...♪" Alan sings until marky gets his attention, "Help Alan! I'm swimming in a sea of pipes!" Marky shouted out after getting stuck in a mess, "Do the back stroke and return to work!" Alan told marky.

Marky wanted to take a break but alan insist that they continue working or the princesses will be in a pickle. "♪We'll patch Red to Red and save the day. And all the party guests will shout "hip hip hooray"! And we'll patch green to...♪ Green? Where did that come from?" Alan said after he stopped singing seeing a green pipe, He then spots a larger green pipe. Alan goes in closer to look inside it until a strange red and white plant with a mouth full of sharp teeth pops out and tries to bite him. "WOOOAH!" Alan said in shock, falling onto marky's lunchbox. Just then, a strange earthqauke accures making alan and marky exit the room. In the hallways, the girls are touring the interior until the boys arrive startling them.

"Boys!? You scared us! Did you fix the pipes?" Amy asked, "We were, until a bunch of green pipes starting popping up down there!" Marky explained. "Green pipes?! We don't have any green pipes." Toad replies, "Well, apparently you do now." Alan said. Just then, a few wierd little mushroom shaped creatures appear from the basement. The creatures were called Gloombies, and they had mood dart hats and started shooting at alan and his friends as they begin to run away through the castle interior jumping from room to room while some of them get hit with the darts. After the chase, they reach the map room and meet GPSparrow, A talking compass robot with the appearance of a sparrow bird, Until Queen Magica appears along with her new assistant Smolder. And so, smolder begins to cause chaos for them. They manage to escape down a warp pipe after dropping a large bookcase on magica. "Stop shooting! Stop, stop, stop, stop, Stop it!" Magica ordered her minions while banging her fists on the floor still trapped under the bookshelf.

Alan and his friends manage to escape as they exit the secret escape door that leads to an alley in star town.

GPSparrow introduces himself and Spluff Kya asks why Magica is after her to which Alan explains that she wants something from her that's magic related. Kya asks if magica wants the same from the rest of the spluffettes, to which he isn't sure but knows it can't be good, so she decides to go with him and his friends to help.

Back at Canterlot, all of the citizens have been captured and put in chains. In the throne room, Sonia talks with Queen Magica, who asks if she's taken care of the captured Alicorn princesses. Because Magica needs the magic of four princesses and the spluffs to empower herself. Unfortunately, Smolder reminds her that Alan and his friends escaped. So, Magica learned of Spluff Kya's home, Spluff Castle. She tells Smolder to head to Autumn Forest to capture the Autumn Spluffs.

Alan and the gang arrive at the Autumn Forest, until they encounter Spluff Leaf, along with a troop of Autumn Spluffettes, "Woah, Woah there! We mean you no harm, we're just looking for the Flower Fields." Alan explains. The Autumn Spluffs remove their masks and lower their weapons seeing that alan is telling the truth.

The princess leader walks towards the cast and removes her mask as well, she introduces herself to alan and his friends. "Hi there, I'm Alan and these are my new friends, Marky, Leaf, Spluff Kya, GPSparrow, Yumi, Goombella, and Kooper." Alan introduces his friends to her, "A pleasure to meet you all." Spluff Leaf says to them. After introductions are made, Alan asks them if they know the way to Flower Fields. Leaf tells him that she knows the way. But, Spluff Leaf suggest that alan and his friends stay and rest for a while before they head to Mayzee's Farm.

After arriving at the farm, Alan and co. are surprised to see that the farm is a mess. When they further explore it, they find a desperate Spluff Mayzee who at first yells at them but then begins crying. Koopington asks her what's wrong, and she reveals that all of the Wigglers went mad all of a sudden and escaped the farm, not before causing a little havoc in it. Mayzee asks for their help, and Alan gladly accepts. After exploring the surroundings for a while, they find one of the Wigglers, but it attacks them, starting a battle. After defeating it and bringing it back to the farm, the Wiggler finally calms down and reveals that the reason they went mad was because some strange sorcerer hypnotized them and kidnapped the Autumn Spluffettes. Believing this to be Magica, Goombella suggests Alan go to Autumn Mountain.

As soon as they arrive, they find the rest of the Wigglers rampaging in the forest. Mayzee shows an old flute of hers, and tells Alan that she often uses it to play calm songs for the Wigglers. After Alan is given the Wiggler Flute, he uses it to calm the Wigglers and bring them back to the farm one by one. In gratitude, Mayzee lets Alan ride one of her Wigglers, and they finally depart.

When they arrive at Maple Woodroad and explore it a bit, they find a small town. However, the town is being attacked by a group of Piranha Plants sent by Smolder. Smolder herself confronts Alan and co., but is defeated and flees through her moon portal. After getting rid of the Pale Piranhas and saving a couple's garden from being devoured, the couple introduce themselves as Wigory and Gabrielle. Goombella asks them if they know anything about the Star Spirit that hides in the forest. Both Flutters say they know nothing about it, but Wigory tells Alan that one of the townsfolk knew many secrets about the forest, but that he disappeared days ago. Alan decides to keep exploring the forest in hopes of finding a clue on where the gem could be. Wigory ponders for a moment and all of a sudden decides that he wants to join Alan. A worried Gabrielle tells him not to, but Wigory says that he wants to help Alan go through the forest and show her that he can do much more than just stay at home and water the plants. Gabrielle finally lets him go with Alan, tells him to be careful and that she loves him no matter what.

Alan and co. start to explore the rest of Maple Woodroad, defeating many enemies in the way. Suddenly, they reach a dead end due to a bunch of tree debris. With Droppy's ability, Alan and co. avoid the debris, but Sparrow also notices that someone is there. A confused Tree Spirit appears and asks how did they get there. The spirit introduces himself as Orange. Orange tells them that he is hiding from a creepy stalker, and that he's afraid of going back. Alan then silently offers to help him and they all decide to head off. An old, waiting Whittle appears and starts scolding Alan and co. for some weird reason, scaring Orange who hides in a nearby bush. They calm the Whittle a bit and he introduces himself as Whittony, saying that he wants to talk to Orange, explaining that he got lost because Orange wouldn't listen to him.

"W-what? It wasn't my fault!?" said Orange in the distance.

Whittony and Orange get into an argument, and Wigory interrupts them and asks what is going on. Orange explains that he was trying to hide from Whittony as he kept insisting on getting information on how to get to the Great Tree of Maple and he, as a guardian of the forest, wanted to prevent people from going there as it is currently very dangerous. Whittony calms down even more after hearing this, and apologizes for insisting so much, explaining that he wanted to know what happened to his old home. Orange is then asked why the tree is dangerous if it used to be home of many people and a place of tourism, and he says that the guardians of the tree evacuated the people when they noticed that many were in there only to search for the hidden treasure.

Goombella asks if this treasure is, by chance, some kind of star on a card. Whittony confirms that there is indeed some kind of treasure in the tree, but that nobody really knows what it is exactly, as it is mostly a rumor. Alan and co. explain that they must go and search for it before the Dragoons find out a way to get there, and Orange, although very concerned about it, guides them to the tree. After discovering the tree's entrance, Orange tells them that guiding them there was everything he could do, and that he didn't know any way to enter. After analyzing the tree a bit, Wigory notices a strange bent on the entrance, and cuts it with his garden scissors, revealing the entrance. Orange becomes embarrassed for not knowing that, and proceeds to guide them inside the tree.

Upon entering, Alan and co. find various friendly Starbulbers living in small tents with the autumn spluffs in the entrance area. Spluff Leaf hugs alan glad to see him again and a female Starbulber salutes them and explains that they've been hiding this whole time because they didn't want to leave the tree, and that she's surprised they found a way in. Orange asks if there's anyone else in the tree besides them and the guardians, and she tells them that they're very limited in their movement inside the tree as there are many dangerous creatures inside. Whittony tells Alan and co. that he is very tired, and that he will wait for them there.

At the Flower Fields, he sees the place shrouded in clouds. The Wise Wisterwood tells Alan that the clouds are the result of Magica, who is using her Puff Puff Machine to cover Flower Fields in clouds. Because of this, the Sun cannot rise to the sky. Alan thus needs to destroy the Puff Puff Machine to make the Sun rise to the sky, and help the local flowers to acquire a Magical Bean, Miracle Water and Fertile Soil.

She then lets them proceed through a cave, and Alan and co. explore the Wooden Undergrounds, solving puzzles, defeating Flamebulbers, many other enemies, and various guardians. After reaching the deepest part of the tree, they notice a big area with various ancient paintings in the walls. The paintings seem to tell some kind of prophecy, starting with what seems to be Shamans handing over a treasure to a giant guardian, and ending with one in which one day adventurers would need the tree's treasure and a tree spirit would help them achieve it. Realizing that it is exactly what is going on, Orange is enlightened by the light flowers in the area, and is used as a key to open a secret entrance. Upon entering it, Alan and co. meet a big guardian, the one seen in the paintings, and it becomes enraged. Not letting the heroes explain themselves, the guardian, known as the Wood Knight, attacks them, and a battle starts.

The Wood Knight is defeated by our heroes, and it asks if they are the adventurers of the prophecy. Orange tells him that they are indeed, and that they require the treasure before the evildoers searching for it arrive. The Wood Knight understands, and proceeds to give them the treasure, which fortunately is actually MarMar.

Alan creates a beanstalk up to the Cloudy Climb where the Star Spirit is hiding. He then, plants the Magical Bean then the beanstalk is grown, Alan heads to the Cloudy Climb and finds the second Star Spirit, MarMar.

"Thank you Alan. At last I can head home to Star Haven. My name is Mamar. So nice to meet you in person. You've still got a long way to go, but I just know you can save Avalar and your loved ones! I'll do my best to help you! Here's a present for you."

Mamar used her magic to upgrade Alan's Star Power. It increased up to two, along with the new move, Lullaby.

"Call on me when times are bad. Believe in this, Alan, my powers are strong…I'm a Star Spirit, after all. Our powers are growing all the time. Keep up the good work, Alan! You must save the other Star Spirits are soon as possible!"

After that, Mamar flew away, back to Star Haven, and Eldstar. Back in Maple Woodroad's town, everyone is happy to see that Whittony is safe and sound and finally home. He and Wigory both thank Alan, and his friends. Orange and the rest of the townsfolk bid farewell to our heroes, and they go to toad town to reveal the next star spirit's location.