
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasie
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15 Chs

The Adventure Begins

Back at Spluff Grove, Alina and Videl were in Ivy's hut currently in the middle of lightly worrying, sitting in the middle of the room. All they could do right now was wait for Alan to come find them…but he is all alone somewhere, but ivy reassured them that their son is a survivor and will be fine.

Spluff Ivy is working on a spell in her cauldron. Until Amy and her friends enter with the ingredients Ivy needs. "We're back, Spluff Ivy. And have everything you need on the list." Amy said, "Thank you, girls. This is all I need to finish the potion." Ivy said to her apprentice. Amy then asks Alina and Videl if they're ok, to which they told them that they're still worried for their son as is Amy and the others. Alina then wishes that they could know if Alan is ok or not, that wish brings the attention of a someone knocking on ivy's door. Amy opened the door to let in a little star child.

"Hello Everyone! Pleased to meet you! My name is Twink," the star giggled, not wasting any time.

"But you're…you're a Star Kid! How'd you get here?" Alina wondered.

"I came from Star Haven to grant your wish! It's our job to grant wishes, you know."

Alina walked closer to Twink with a smile. "Oh! You came because I wished somebody could help me?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Oh, that's just great!" Alina sighed in relief. "Thank you so much for coming! Here's my wish: For our son Alan to be brought to us? Think you can do it?"

Twink's smile melted into a frown.

"…Uh…sorry…that's a little much for a novice star like me…Maybe one of the honorable Star Sprits of Star Haven could grant a wish like that. I'm so sorry. Please, ask for something easy, something a small star like me could do…" Twink sighed.

"Then…can you take us to him? Everyone in Spluff Grove? If you can, then that will be somewhat thankful…"

"…oh…I'm sorry…I can't grant that wish either, I'm afraid. Actually, I just got called up to the sky a few days ago, so I can't do big wishes yet…If I were a more splendid star, maybe I could actually help…"

Amy felt a little sympathy, if not empathy, for the star and told him not to be sad until she hatched an idea. "OH! Twink! Do you think you could find Alan for me? I want you to give this to him."

She held out a pendent shaped like a star. Twink's frown finally turned upside down.

"This is the Lucky Star isn't it?" Twink asked with a wink. "Okay! I'll do it! I'll fly to Alan just as quick as I can!" Before he flew out the window, Alina had one more thing to say.

"Can you also…please tell Alan that…We're fine and he shouldn't worry? If any of his friends are there too…could you tell them they're with me, but they're all right too…even if they are mad at me, I'd still like for them to know he's safe...Ok? Can you tell him that?" Alina asked.

"I'll tell them your exact words, Alina," Twink promised, heading for the window. "I'm really happy to be helping nice girls like you."

Alina and the girls simply beamed at the compliment and twink heads off to Alan.

Amy then sighed and walked out on the balcony, which made the other girls follow. "Oh Alan…where are you…" she whispered.

"I hope you're okay…" Amy stated softly. They all looked out the window, praying everyone would be all right.

Alan, Leaf, Marky, Yumi, and the Pokémon have gone through a few lands searching for the star spirits, with the next land they travel to being, Koopa Village.

Alan and Co. were almost there when a star suddenly bonked him on the head. "OUCH!" it cried. The three quickly jotted over to the poor star.

"Oh sorry, sorry, so sorry! I'm in a huge hurry!" the star babbled.

"Why?" asked Leaf.

"Oh…it's…? You're Alan aren't you?" The star wondered while floating over to Alan. "Yeah." Alan answered. "Thank the stars I found you!" The star hovered about in happiness. "How do you do? I'm Twink. Amy asked me to bring something to you!"

Twink fidgeted around in suspension while the others were watching curiously. He finally pulled out the Lucky Star and held it proud. "Here! This is it! Take it!"

He handed it to Alan, who looked surprised as he placed it around his neck.

"Well done, Alan. You're as strong as they say. I know that you'll be able to defeat Magica. I'm going to return to the spluffs' side, along with the other girls. I'm not strong enough to really help them, but at least I can tell them you're OK. Well Alan…Farewell!" Twink squealed.

Alan thanked him and they all continue down the path to the village. They marched to the east, only to run into some dark-colored Toads. They were blocking the path.

"You don't wanna go out there. It's way too dangerous," the red one stated coolly.

"Going to this direction would be a huge mistake…" warned the one with the black spots.

"Definitely. Definitely don't go," a yellow Toad agreed.

"Most of all though, don't go asking anyone for help. That would be really bad news for us…I mean, you! Don't even think about it!" the green one wavered.

Alan squinted. "Yeah. We'll totally listen to what you have to say…" He led the group away.

"What was that about?" Leaf questioned, "I don't know, but I don't think they're real toads." Alan suspected.

The group located another sign that told them where Dragon Castle was and where Koopa Village was. Alan told them they should head to Koopa Village first. As soon as they reached the village, they came across an unhip Koopa.

"Can it be? Are you a hero here to help us?" he asked. Alan was confused but nodded agreeing. "Welcome to Koopa Village! I wish we could really welcome you, but we're in big trouble. Can't you see what kind of madness is going on? This village is in an uproar because of the Fuzzies. You…know what Fuzzies are like, do you, lad? Mean guys. They're really naughty."

A Fuzzy came crashing down onto the poor Koopa and ripped the shell right off his back. He wailed as the Fuzzy took off. The Koopa cried and chased after the Fuzzy. Alan, Leaf, and Marky looked on at the sight of uncool Koopas without shells that made them less cool, Fuzzies bouncing everywhere, and shells in places unimaginable.

"This village is in peril!" Leaf cried. "We've got to help!"

"This shell be hard…HA HA HA! Oh, I had to laugh at that one, sorry…" Alan chortled.

Alan decided to help the person that welcomed them get his shell back. He simply taught the Fuzzy a lesson by giving a hammer whack. It hissed and bounced off, dropping the shell behind him. The Koopa quickly slunk back into his shell and began to cheer.

"Oh thank you Alan! I owe you one. I just can't walk around without my shell on. Talk about embarrassing. Alan, be sure to keep your shell safe from Fuzzies, okay? Oops. You don't have one. Watch your overalls then…" The Koopa said. Alan decided to help the person that welcomed them get his shell back. He simply taught the Fuzzy a lesson by giving a hammer whack. It hissed and bounced off, dropping the shell behind him. The Koopa quickly slunk back into his shell and began to cheer.

"Oh thank you Alan! I owe you one. I just can't walk around without my shell on. Talk about embarrassing. Alan, be sure to keep your shell safe from Fuzzies, okay? Oops. You don't have one. Watch your overalls then…" The Koopa said.

Alan and his friends left him to go help some other fellow Koopas. Alan helped a Koopa retrieve his shell on a brick block, and Pikachu assisted one by knocking a shell out of a tree. In the next area, Eevee helped Alan get another Fuzzy in a dirt patch. He pushed a blue block into a hole to help him reach another shell on a block.

"I think that was the last of the shells," Alan observed.

"Hey…what's going on in that house over there?" Leaf wondered, referring to a house where the roof was literally shaking.

"Someone's trying to raise the roof!" Alan exclaimed.

"Argh! Please stop all the bad puns!" Leaf hissed.

"Who's there?" a voice on the other side of the door cried. "I'm kind of busy right now!"

"Is there anything we can help you with?" Leaf asked, trying to open to door. Before Leaf could enter, a Koopa kicked the door open and ran out. Apparently he wasn't expecting Alan to be there, because he stopped dead in his tracks and practically started dancing.

"Aren't you Alan? ! You ARE! My name's Kooper! I'm so psyched to meet you!" Kooper squealed.

"Us meeting here has got to be fate or something. I need a huge favor…I hope you'll help me out. Do you happen to know Professor Kolorado?"

"Who?" Leaf asked.

"Naturally he's a Koopa who's a professor of archeology. He's also known as an explorer," explained Marky.

"Right! Well, I live next to him. I've been admiring Professor Kolorado ever since I was in my egg! Nothing would make me happier than traveling the world, solving mysteries like he does! PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU ALAN! I'll help! C'mon! Lemme go!" Kooper pleaded.

"What do you think, Alan?" Leaf asked, noticing the boy looking thoughtful.

"His shell is blue…and we could need another ally to get through the forest…" Marky trailed. He then whirled around to Alan and literally begged, "No! Don't let him go, PLEASE! I'll be totally obsolete!"

Alan had to let Kooper join; there was no way around it. He was the blue-shelled Koopa Merlon spoke of. He welcomed him to the team.

"All right then, Kooper! Welcome to the gang, partner!" Marky laughed, putting his arm around the Koopa.