
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Fairies and Dragons

Back at Spluff Grove, Ivy, Atta and the girls were bonding. Dawn and May had warmed up around them, with Dawn having faster progress than May.

"…and that's how he saved me from being stuck in a painting!" Amy finished off, scratching the back of her head. Amy gasped in awe as Stormy tried not to look interested.

"Wow, I don't even want to imagine what it's like to be stuck in a painting…and there was literally nothing you could do?" Dawn asked. Amy reluctantly shook her head.

"Not a thing…it was so frightening…I had no idea if I would ever be free!" she continued, staring at the ground. "Thankfully, Bowser was defeated, and I was freed, and Alan…"

Then, Amy felt worried all of a sudden and began to pace right in the middle of the conversation, a fretful look taking over her complexion.

"Amy, are you okay?" Dawn asked.

"I wonder what Alan is doing right now…I wonder if he's hurt…I'm so worried about him!" she moaned, pacing back and forth out of habit.

"I'm sure he's fine Amy. If he's as strong as you say…" Atta assured, waving a hand over her shoulder. "He'll be all right Princess," Twink added, having been listening to Amy's stories as well. "Why I bet he's saving some Star Spirits right now!"

"Yes…you're right Twink. I must be strong," Amy then clenched her fists and stood up.

Just then, two fairy spluffs rushed inside to alert Ivy and Atta that a few spluffs and fairy spluffs haven't returned for long time. This worries the two princess leaders and they believe that they should look for them along with a search party for assistance. Amy and the others join in as they want to help find their spluff companions and think they may even find Alan as well. With that, they all head out to find Alan and their spluff friends.

Especially with Sonia there even though she's still a spy for magica, but some things don't always go as planned.

Meanwhile, Alan along with his friends, arrive in Petal Meadows, where they see a large castle.

In the Dragon's tower, the Dragoon Koopa Bros. are playing a video game when the screen cuts to a video feed of Magica, who explains to them that she has the location of Canterlot. At that moment, her sculptor shows her the model for her golden statue, stating that the actual statue will be twice as big, though Magica wants it even bigger. She then reminds her minions to make sure no one retrieves the Star Spirit inside the castle, but they have already switched back to playing the game, prompting Magica to yell at them. Big Bash Bro. points out that Eldstar and the prisoners are still safely in their cells and are being guarded by a giant fire breathing dragon.

Alan and the cast have arrived outside the castle, Kooper saying that he saw Magica's forces take the spirits inside. Alan tries to swim across the moat, but is attacked by Urchins, Fish Bones, and Porcupuffers (which the moat is filled with).

Alan and his group are walking around the moat, until something shines in the bushes.

They find two stone keys for the castle. After finding them, Alan and his friends march to Dragon's castle. Until, two MechaDragoons come up in a boat.

They announce that the Star Spirit and more creatures are being held prisoner, and that they don't want alan or his friends anywhere near the castle, demonstrating what will happen to the prisoners by burning two dolls if they do enter. But suddenly, Alan has an idea and heads into the bushes with everyone. A moment later, Alan and his friends reappear invisible and heads across the lake with the MechaDragoons. As soon as they enter the castle behind the Dragoon Guards.

After navigating through the castle's traps with the help of Kooper undetected, they arrive at the dungeon where the prisoners are being held.

"ALAN!" The spluffs happy to see Alan again. They hug him and asks where he's been this whole time, to which he explains that he's been living in the woods far away for a month. Alan then introduces his new friends to the spluffs and they tell him and the others who else is here too.

Alan and Leaf turned around to find that they weren't the only ones in the cell- a whole group of Bob-ombs were locked up as well, the colors ranging from red to navy blue to green…and the one laughing at them happened to be a bold pink color with her fuse tied to resemble a braid. "Oh…I wondered what just fell, but…who are…you?" the bomb asked, "I'm Alan, this is leaf, marky, and our Pokémon, Pikachu, Eevee, and Pichu." Alan answered. "I never in a million years thought I'd meet someone like you in a place like this who isn't behind a cage!"

"Who're you?" Leaf practically echoed, staring at her curiously.

"Who…me? My name's Bombette. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a Bob-omb. Pleased to meet you," Bombette explained.

"Bombette's a pretty name. I'm Alan, Adventurer extraordinaire…" introduced Alan.

Eventually, they got tired of investigating and talked to Bombette again.

"So, Bombette," Kooper began. "What are you in for?"

"Because I'm a menace!" she answered strongly, making the four guys jump. "At least to these guys…Those uncouth Dragoon Koopa Bros.! I was just one of the many Bob-ombs working here. But those Dragoon Koopas…Once Magica took over, they started working us into the ground! I couldn't take it anymore, so I exploded next to them.

Yeah, that was a mistake. The Dragoon Koopas didn't like it. So they locked me up in here. Then they locked up the rest of the Bob-ombs because they thought they might rise up. You know, a Bob-omb rebellion! What do you think about that?"

"Rebellion sounds fun right now…" Alan admitted.

"Anyway, we want to get out of here. Do you think you could help spring us from this place or what? Pretty please? If you help us…I promise I'll return the favor…"

"Yes. We'll help you Bombette. The faster we get out of here, the faster we can find the Star Spirit!" Alan said confidently.

"I'd be happy if you joined," Kooper added. Alan gave her a thumbs up and she shook with glee. "Now let's work on getting us out of here."

"Right! …oh, gee, I almost forgot!" Bombette exclaimed, leaping out of leaf's possession. "I didn't tell you guys what I can do! Silly me! My specialty is exploding. Check this out."

As an example, she walked over to a large crack in the wall and blew herself up. The crack burst and revealed a hole where they could escape. "Yeah! See what I bring to the party, guys? "…Uh…" was all Alan could mutter.

"…an escape route? Uh…I guess I never thought about doing that before…" Bombette admitted. "I was so mad, I just blew up over and over in one place! Well, anyway, we can get out now right? So can everyone else! Now enough chit chat! I have a little score to settle with those Dragoon Koopas!"

When Team Alan, Bombette, and the prisoners headed for the escape hole, a Dragoon followed by two Bob-ombs showed up.

"What's all this noise?" the Dragoon boomed. "In case you Bob-ombs forgot, exploding is prohibited inside the castle except in the case of emergencies!" They turned the corner to see Alan and his gang trying to make a break for it. "What in the…Alan! What are you doing here? Nothing good I bet. Everybody, get him!" he ordered. Alan started off with a jump to knock the Troopa down. Kooper performed a Power Shell to hit everyone. Marky cut out the last of the Troopa. Bombette waddled over and exploded in a bomb's face, giving them a taste of their own medicine. The remaining opponent rammed into Alan, not doing much damage. Alan hammered him, then had Bombette blast what he had left.

After getting past several enemies and obstacles , solving puzzles with Kooper's help, they finally reach Big Bash Bro.'s lair.

"Now we'll SHELL those Dragoon Koopa Bros.!" cheered Alan. "Get it? Instead of show, I said-"

"We get it, Alan," Goombella deadpanned.

Bombette, of course, was cracking up. She loved Alan's jokes, if it wasn't obvious. Alan looked at his comrades, as if to ask if they were ready to take on the Dragoon Koopa Bros.

"You'd better believe it!" Marky cried.

"What she said!" Bombette yipped.

"Of course!" Kooper assured.

"Just get it over with…" mumbled Goombella.

Alan and Marky pushed open the doors together and entered, expecting the unexpected. The area was a suspended hall hanging over a dark and seemingly never ending pitfall. Black Dragoon Koopa entered the scene, semi-taken aback. He cried out.

"You guys ready?" he bellowed.

"I'm ready for revenge, if that's what you're asking!" Bombette growled.

Red suddenly trotted over.

"Hey Black! What are you doing? Hurry up! Shake a leg!" Red demanded. The two ran away.

"You're so going to be DEAD MEAT!" Goombella roared.

"You seriously will not get away with this!" Kooper grunted.

"Calm down you two! I want revenge as much as the next guy but honestly!" Kooper scoffed.

Before anyone could reply, they heard the Dragoon Koopa Bros. bickering.

"Ow! My shell! Get off!"

"Wait…Wait a minute…"


There was a rumble.

"What are those idiots doing?" Kooper wondered.

"Beats me..." replied Alan.

"Probably being even more dumb..."

"Oh, love the love of…what are you doing Yellow! ? That doesn't look cool at all!"

"Ok hang on….okay! I'm ready Red!"

"Finally! Let's do this! Remember to look cool guys!"


A horrible robotized mechanical Magica rolled out. Kooper nearly gagged at the bad quality. It was so horrible it made Goombella cry. Alan burst out laughing.

"That looks nothing like her…" Kooper guffawed. "Why does she seem…soft?"

"I haven't even seen him once, but I know she doesn't have wheels…" Bombette acknowledged.

"Just adds to the Dragoon Koopa Bros. Anti-Cool!" snickered Kooper.

Alan wiped a tear away from laughing so hard and told them to get their heads in the fight and focus. All immediately obeyed.

"Gah ha ha ha ha! I've been waiting for you Alan! Mwah ha ha ha!" "Magica" cackled.

"You've gotta be kidding."

"The strongest! And the coolest! Behold the glory that is the Great Evil Queen Magica! It's time for me to beat these foolish ideas out of you! Saving the Star Spirit, the prisoners, and your friends? Please! Watch this and weep!"

It was all the heroes could do to keep from laughing. Alan had to hold his mouth shut with everyone staring at him.

Alan started with a Power Jump, taking away three. Kooper tried to slam his shell but it didn't do much. The Magica Machine started puffing smoke though. It rolled up and bonked Alan on the head with her "Fist".

"Heh heh…Alan really thinks that were Queen Magica!" a whisper emerged from the robot.

"Not really."

"Yeah right! Magica doesn't look like a toy!" Goombella hissed back silently.

Bombette denoted, taking away four, and Alan jabbed to make sure the job was done.

"Oh no! That costume was perfect!" Red's voice cried from inside. "Queen Magica loved it!"

Despite what he said, the costume still exploded, revealing a poster of Starlight in the shell. Alan raised an eyebrow at the sight.

"Did you seriously think we'd fall for that?" Bombette asked sarcastically.

"Don't get too cocky; there's always two parts to these types of battles…" Goombella explained.

The pieces toppled off the edge and the Dragoon Koopa Bros. returned. Goombella and Bombette felt surges of anger wash over them while Alan, Marky, and Kooper prepared to fight.

"Here comes the Dragoon Koopa Bros.!" they chanted.

Red ordered them into a stack to attack. They piled up Green, Yellow, Black, and then Red on top. "Okay Alan! Have a taste of this!"

They all began to spin rapidly and whammed right into Goombella and Bombette, taking away four.

"The Dragoon Koopa Bros. have formed a tall Koopa tower! I'm not sure about this... They do a spinning attack with the whole gang piled high atop one another. Hit 'em with a Hammer or something to make 'em unstable. After that, any attack should knock 'em down. If you use an explosion, you can make 'em fall down at once. If you flip 'em over, the battle will nearly be ours! Beat 'em one by one!" Goombella called.

"Bombette! You go first!" Alan offered.


She ran up and exploded as hard as she could. The Koopa Tower fell immediately with all the turtles crying for their momma.

"Ha! Look at them squirm!" Alan cackled while performing a slash.

Kooper used Power Shell to slam into them all. The Green Koopa wailed and was taken out of the fight.

"Yeah! How's that!" Kooper mocked.

"I...I just didn't eat breakfast today, okay? That's the only reason I didn't counter you!" Green whined back. Kooper tisked.

"Let's see…the Green one looked just like a normal Koopa Troopa," Goombella stated. "Anyway, Red NinjaDragoon is the leader, Black is pretty fashionable, and the Yellow one reminds me of curry. Isn't that a weird thing to say in the middle of a battle?"

"I see, Don't worry, I got this!" Alan said confidently.

"Right, Let's flip them over quick! Otherwise, the Bros. may form a tower and do their famous spinning attack!"

Alan did a Power Jump on Yellow. The remaining three ninjas used their turn to stand up. Alan took another turn and bashed his golden staff on Yellow. He collapsed.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" Yellow complained.

"WHAT! You should have been Yellow! Now you're making me look bad!" Red roared.

"Er...you didn't hear that..."

Kooper did another Power Shell, The Dragoon Koopa Bros. were so busy fighting they barely noticed it hit them until too late.

"Cheap shot!" Black huffed.

"At least we fight fair!" Red grunted.

"Quit telling lies! It's bad for the children!" Leaf ordered. The Dragoon Koopas restacked and did another spin attack on Leaf and Bombette.

"Go blast 'em Bombette!"


She waddled over with her fuse lit, and then burst just enough to knock them all down on their backs again. Alan congratulated her and slashed Black. No more Black.

"There go the Dragoon Koopa Bros.!" Link teased. Red stood back up and clenched his fist, furious that his brothers were picked off one by one.

"I will not lose! I'm too cool for that!" he howled. "Get a taste of THIS!"

He pulled into his shell and spun right into both Alan and Bombette- a move that was rare for Koopas and Dragoon Koopas to pull off. What was worse, his attack did two instead of just one. He cackled madly as he returned back to his spot, looking smug.

"Wha…what?" Bombette moaned, suddenly feeling dizzy. She fell as a sign she couldn't fight any longer. Leaf gasped when she landed on her face.

"NO!" he wailed. "Bombette! Get up! Please! You're tough! Please…"

Bombette made a gurgle noise, followed by a sigh of exhaustion. Leaf's fist clenched and she glared menacingly at Red.

"Leaf…she's only injured…" Kooper tried to assure.

"He's not even supposed to be able to do that!" gaped Goombella.

Red was gloating over his victory by breakdancing on the floor with his "defeated" brothers rapping completely off.

Until Alan uses a spin attack on red knocking him out.

After the battle, all four Ninja Koopas plummeted off the edge, and into the cell where they once held Bombette. Alan smirked as he poked his head over the edge, discovering that the hole they escaped out of was fixed. Oh, the irony! The pieces of the Magica costume were there too, as if to rub the Bros defeat in their faces.

He then defeats Big Bash Bro. as well, and then he transforms back into a regular Hammer Bro. while one of the star spirits exits his body. Embarrassed, he runs away but is caught by Alan by a Spin Dash. Able to arrest the main culprit, he thanks Alan for his bravery and for encouraging him to follow. Big Bash Bro. and other vandals are finally arrested, and Alan & co. obtain Eldstar and the Soul Seed.

That is until they encounter the dragon who is not happy to see visitors in her castle after being controlled by koopas, Alan befriends Dragon and she realizes that he and his friends aren't enemies but the Koopas are and presents him with Eldstar.

With that, Dragon let's alan, his friends, and the prisoners exit her castle.

"Alan, I believe you'll save us all…" Eldstar began. "From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all you've done. Thank you. Since you have freed me from my prison, the seal on my power is broken, and I will recover it little by little. As long as an ounce of power remains in me, I shall help you."

Eldstar then gave Alan the ability to use Star Powers and Star energy. Alan didn't want to listen to him rant though; he could figure it out naturally.

"Oh! There's one more gift I want to give you." Eldstar calls in a magic floating yellow glowing star bigger than him that was based on a shooting star. "This is called the Warp Star. A magical use of transportation made from the stars above." Eldstar explained, "Wow! So, I can really have it?" Alan said. "Yes. But remember, only those pure of heart can ride onto it. Try it now." Eldstar said. Alan hops onto the Warp Star and he is able to ride onto it as he cheers for joy.

"Alan…listen carefully. You must save the other Star Spirits quickly! If the seven of us come together, we'll be able to bestow upon you a power called the Star Beam. The Star Beam is the only thing that can counteract the Star Rod that Bowser now wields. I have to go back now…back to Star Haven…I must leave immediately, but I'll always be watching you! Save us all, Alan!"

And with that, the eldest of the Star Spirits made his ascent back up to Star Haven, leaving the group with no clue on what they were supposed to do next.

"He couldn't help us heal Bombette?" Leaf asked angrily, Bombette breathing heavily in his arms.

"Don't worry. We can use my new Star Power when we get in a battle!" Alan assured. Leaf nodded, hoping that it would be enough to work.

Alan did, however start with his new Refresh move to give the team some strength after taking care of the Dragoon Koopa Bros. He called upon Eldstar's power, which was just enough to heal the entire group, including their injured member. Bombette finally sat up in Leaf's arms, and smiled.

"Urgh…I was out for a while…are we in a battle?" she asked.

"Yeah, against one of my old foes I met awhile back. Going to help me take out the trash?"

"You bet!"

"Just take it easy…"

Bombette nodded and the pals turned their attention to the spluffs. "So, Alan. Are you ready to come back to spluff grove?" One of the spluffs asked, but he says that he must go save the star spirits and stop magica. After that, the spluffs head off home and the group head back to Everbloom Village.

Magica is infuriated that Alan and his friends have escaped with two of the Star Spirits. She roars at her minions, and as they make excuses, her anger causes her to smash the room she is in. Monty, however, reassures her by telling her there's someone to help take care of Alan and his friends.

Back in Everbloom Village, Alan gives Grandsappy the Soul Seed, which makes him sing a song and grow into Sweet Sap Loggins, a large tree and a younger version of himself. Everyone celebrates Big Bash Bro.'s defeat, and they thank Alan and co. for their bravery. Everyone thanks Alan and his friends, and Austin tells them that he always tried to become a successful guard to make his daughter, Audrey, proud of him as a father. He later promises to get rid of his nervousness. Kooper, Koopi Koo, and Kooper's father bids farewell, saying that he really enjoyed going with them and that it was a fun twist on his life. Just before Alan and his friends leave the village, Kooper calls them again if they need help on their journey. They accept, and they head off to the next location of the next star spirit.