
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasie
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19 Chs

5 : New Way of Power


      I sensed a lot of stares from Cai Ying at the table...Right now, we had breakfast with just me and her because Gremory didn't eat like a human...She ate when she wanted and what she wanted especially treats...

      Finally, her mouth opened, and she said, "So...."

      I looked at her, and asked "So what?"

      "How was the feel?"


      "Come on, you two were so loud yesterday...even made me can't concentrate my meditation...And you two did it all day and all night. What the fuck are you two? motherfucker rabbits?" 

      I spat some of my food and felt my face flush with embarrassment as Cai Ying's words hit me. I hadn't realised that our things had disrupted her meditation...

      "What are you feeling right now?" asked her, her voice filled with annoyance...


      "Come on, don't be so dumb like this, Yu Lei...Yesterday, you just did it with her...Surely, there must be something different with you today..."

      "Ah!! you mean by that..." I looked at my own body, but "I don't know...how to check what is the difference?"

      "HUH!!!" Cai Ying let out an exasperated sigh, clearly frustrated with my lack of understanding. "I can't believe you're this clueless and this dumb," she muttered under her breath. "Just think about how you feel compared to yesterday... Are you more energized? Do you feel any physical changes?" 

      "There is one thing: I feel different than yesterday..."

      "So what is that?" she became more curious, even her face became more closer to me...

      "I became more happy..."

      Cai Ying became more annoyant and angry; I could see her face... turning red with frustration. "That's not what I meant!" she continued to shout at me, "OF COURSE, YOU ARE HAPPY RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE YOU HAVE BANGED HER...WHEN I SAID SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL, IT FEELS SHE IS NOT HUMAN WITH THAT BEAUTY...BUT IT'S NOT THE CASE RIGHT NOW, DO YOU FEEL ANY DIFFERENT LIKE THE POWER OR STRENGTH THAT YOU GET FROM HER?"

      "How about you show me or tell me to test it after breakfast? Because I don't know anything about this power or have any type of training.." replied me. I hope it didn't make her mad...

      "FINE..." Luckily, she accepted it, and I saw she quickly wanted to finish her breakfast...I could sense her eagerness as she hurriedly finished her breakfast, and I was just enjoying my breakfast...In the middle of my breakfast, suddenly she had already finished her breakfast...

      With some food still in her mouth, she said, "Come on *munch *munch.."...She walked towards me and started to drag me out of the table...I wasn't yet finishing my food...She kept dragging me out, and all the spirits who did some errands around the house were watching us...Until Cai Ying bumped Gremory at the hall of the crossway...

      Cai Ying and Gremory exchanged startled glances. Gremory, with a bemused smile, asked, "What's the rush, Cai Ying?" She started to notice me being dragged out by Cai Ying; her bemused smile became a smirk, and she said, "What will you want to do with him? You know he just felt whacked after what happened to him relentlessly yesterday..."

      "Yes, I know, yesterday there were some relentless growling or some sounds in some place, or, I can say, from someone..." Cai Ying replied with some annoyance in her tone...

      Gremory was far taller than Cai Ying and me, so she immediately leaned her body and her head towards Cai Ying and said, "It seems this little girl's behaviour has changed; it wasn't like we first met; instead, there is something different; maybe there is something that made her changed..." Gremory acted like she was still thinking, but deep down, I knew she was just playing with her...And finally, she acted like she knew the answer: "Aha!! Maybe you are just jealous...about what just happened yesterday..."

      Gremory's words hit Cai Ying like a sudden gust of wind...The hand of Cai Ying, which she used to grab me, became more shaken as she felt annoyance and irritation from Gremory's words... Immediately she just bumped her and passed her...Cai Ying's face turned red with anger as she stormed past Gremory, unable to bear her taunting any longer...Yet, Gremory said another sentence, which made her more furious...

      "YU LEI IS THE FIRST HUMAN; I HAVE DONE IT..." Said Gremory...

      It made Cai Ying walk faster, and her grip was more shaken...


      Finally, Cai Ying released her grab on me, and she brought me to the training ground...

      I asked, "So what am I going to do in here??"

      "Pick a stone around you!!"

      "A stone???"

      "Yes, as small as possible..."

      I did what she asked for, and she picked one small stone too...After she picked it up, she came to me and showed it to me in her hand...She said, "To test, you are different from yesterday, or you emerge a new talent...We can just use this small stone..."

      I looked at the stone in her hand, unsure of how it could show a change in my body or my talent. I held onto the small stone tightly, waiting for further instructions...

      I looked at her hand, and suddenly she gripped it tightly...And in any second, she opened her grip, and the stone was destroyed in her hand...She said, "Smaller stone is hard to destroy, to destroy smaller stone, it means it needs a lot more force than bigger stone...If you have any talent, these forces will be your QI to destroy this stone...Now, you can try it..."

      I focused all my energy and concentration on my hand, channelling it into the stone as I gripped my hand. Suddenly I heard a sound from it—the sound of a crack. I started to open my grip and felt excited as the sound was heard. I thought the stone would break into tiny pieces instead...It just showed some scratching; the stone wasn't completely shattered into pieces like Cai Ying did...

      I was disappointed because I couldn't shatter the stone...Cai Ying looked at my stone and said, "Maybe doing it with that incompetent woman, it's not worth it..."


      We turned around our bodies to the voice, it was none other than Gremory...Gremory walked towards us, and looking at the stone on my hand...She said, "You're pretty good..."

      Cai Ying asked, "What you said is pretty good for him?"

      Gremory looked at my face, and as she became closer, she said, "Yu Lei, do you know why you don't have any talent for this cultivation power nonsense?"

      I shook my head. Immediately, one of her fingers touched my chest, and she said, "Your soul is different..."

      "My soul??" 

      She pulled her body from me, turned her face to Cai Ying, and asked, "Let me ask this little girl, what is the foundation of this cultivation power?"


      "What is the source of this Qi thing?"

      "The soul, or the essence of life, comes from the person..."

      Gremory turned her face to me and said "You heard that...The problem's in your soul...You were not born for this nonsense power, and your soul does not belong here...It seems that your soul is unfit for this cultivation power...It appears that you were not meant to possess this kind of power, and your soul does not belong in this realm...You need to just give up to chase this Qi nonsense..."

      "WHY YOU SAID THAT TO HIM, TO JUST GIVE UP?" Cai Ying said with frustration in her voice...

      "I am just giving him advice on the best path or outcome for him...His soul is not from here, so his soul can't learn this QI power..."

      "But, if it's impossible for him to learn, why could he scratch a stone with his energy?"

      Cai Ying's question was right, and I wanted to know from Gremory...

      "Because he has a fraction of my power..." answered Gremory. I was surprised, then she continued, "My power isn't like the cultivation power you had in this world; my power is angelic power, which I had since I was being created or born...different from the cultivation power, which your immortal being is merely human who seeks path and power with natural energy, or Qi; I was born with that power..." Her face suddenly showed a smirk and lustful smile towards Cai Ying, "Yu Lei and I had been bound, so a small fraction of my power would lay to him as my admiration towards him as companionship..." 

      Cai Ying was annoyed by Gremory's last sentence, but I was more curious why my soul wasn't suitable for cultivation, so I asked her, "Why my soul can't do cultivation?"

      Gremory showed some sighs and said, "*sigh* I have just told you earlier, your soul isn't from here...The friction of power between our world and this world is different...In the previous world, there was no such thing as nonsense power like this world...When your soul came to this world, it became incompatible with the cultivation techniques and energy here...It's like trying to fit a square shape into a round hole shape...Your soul simply doesn't resonate with the spiritual essence of this realm, making it impossible for you to cultivate..."

      Cai Ying suddenly looked at me and said, "Wait!! Yu Lei!! From her words, does it mean you aren't from this world?" 

      "I am from this world, yet I reincarnated in this world from another world...The world is so different from this world..." and I turned my face to Gremory again and asked, "You said you lay your fraction of power to me, because *ahem* we are bound to each other...as your admiration towards me...Does it mean I can just *ehem* be bound with another goetia demon?"


      "Wait a second, there are only two women in 72 demons, so do I need to be bound with the others?"

      Immediately, she snapped her finger, and her physical appearance changed to...a male one... "We can easily change our appearance; it depends on our summoner..." She snapped her finger again and went back to her female appearance..."With this information, surely you have a new ambition, right?"

      "Ambition of conquering demons, you mean?"

      "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You maybe can become like Solomon..."



      After knowing the real me, Cai Ying kept looking and watching at me...As if she wanted to know what I was... Cai Ying continued to observe me intently...One day, two days before a bunch of fools from her sect came, like Gremory's prediction, I asked her what she wanted...She told me, that she was curious about how I summoned demons like Gremory, a powerful demon...Her curiosity made me think... Could I summon the demon frequently, or was there a limit on how often I could?

      I immediately went to the garden with Cai Ying following me...In there, I immediately drew the ceremonial magic, which surprised Cai Ying...In the process of drawing the ceremonial magic...Gremory walked around the garden and saw what I was doing...

      She immediately came to me and asked, " What are you doing? Is that a summoning ritual?" 

      I nodded...And she continued to ask, "You know what time is it?"

      I looked at the sky, to determine the sun's position...and asked her, "Why??"

      She answered with a mischievous smile, "Nothing...Just go on..."

      After the ceremonial magic circle was done, I did what I did when I summoned Gremory, I stood on the circle pattern and started to conjugate the first conjuration...

      "I invoke and move thee, O thou, Spirit N.: and being exalted above ye in the power of the Highest, I say unto thee, Obeyl in the name Bera-lensis, Baldorchiensis, Paumachia, and Apologiae Sedes: and of the mighty ones who govern, spirits, Liachidae, and ministers of the House of Death: and by the Chief Prince of the seat of Apologia in the Ninth Legion, I do invoke thee and by invoking conjure thee. And be.....(Bla bla too long, so I cut it)..appear unto my eyes; be friendly: Obey the living breath! For I stir thee up in the name of the God of Truth who liveth for ever, Helioren. Obey the living breath, therefore continually unto the end as my thoughts appear to my eyes: therefore be friendly: specking the secrets of Truth in voice and understanding..."

      Suddenly Gremory said, "You know...You don't have the sigil to summon a specific demon, so when you just summon it like this, you will summon it randomly...I saw your past. When you summoned me, you didn't want me; instead, you wanted to summon a lower demon than a duke or duchess. That's why you tried to summon a demon in the middle of the woods, far away from humans...Still, you forgot that duke demons could still be summoned because they bound from sunrise until noon in clear weather...In this summoning you are doing it right now, maybe a king demon can be summoned from your ceremonial magic."

      "WHAT!!!" I forgot about that...