
Summer, Idol and Love

"I remember his eyes!!" * * "I can't let this happen!!" * * "Will you put the ring on my finger?" * * "What do you think of my back after checking it out with your donut eyes??" * * Kaya Rai....a girl studing in university and NJ aka Han Eun Woo is a lead rapper of worldwide famous K-pop boy band Blue. Both of them living in their own different worlds. But... " " " But.....Kaya and Eun Woo met each other and they found their lives get entangled like a rope. So let's dive into the book. There is a lot more to discover in the book about the two. A plenty of things that running around Kaya Rai and Han Eun Woo are yet to know!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will try my best for all of my lovely readers ♥️ Support my book!! Vote my book!! This is my first time writing a novel. I wrote a few poems and much more stuff before but nobody has ever read them except me so I don't know at all what others think of my writings and what are my limitations? where do i lack? where do i have to improve? So, tell me about anything that you think of my writing and novel. Let me know of your thoughts about my writing and my story making in comments and reviews.

Ivie · Fantasie
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45 Chs

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Back to present

Living room of Eun Woo's Beach house

Su Yeon asked while cupping her own chin in her hands and placing her elbows on her lap, "Did you never met Neel after that?" Kaya smiled amd said,"Me and Dhruv just met him last summer."

Ha Won said while sipping his drink,"Well, we should be careful then." They all laughed and Kaya said while laughing,"You better do." Ha Won in response made an hands up gesture.

Then Su Yeon said to Ji Wook,"Your turn!!" Ji Wook was sitting beside Su Yeon, said while tapping his chin with his left hand fingers, "Never..... have i ever had a one night stand." Only Dhruv drank wine and said,"It's been a long when..."

Su Yeon suddenly got up and said,"Stop this sh*t... we don't want details.....Dong Hwa your turn!!" Everyone laughed at Dhruv and Dong Hwa said,"I agree with Su Yeon, no sh**ty details.....Ok, so never have i ever hooked with a fan." Ji Wook and Dhruv took a sip.

Su Yeon with big shocked eyes first looked at Ji Wook, "Oppa????" He just shrugged his shoulders and then she looked at Dhruv with narrowed eyes,"Wow!! Since when did you have fans??"

Kaya laughed while drawing and said very sweetly, "Since, he's been a playboy. His fans are those honey bees that are always walking around my sweet honey. Right, honey!!"

Dhruv gave out a bitter laugh while Eun Woo twisted his mouth in distaste listening to Kaya talking to him like this, he knew about them being little overprotective of each other but he had never seen their sweet teasing side. Dhruv caught his reaction and he replied back while pulling her in a hug"Yes!! My Princess."

But Eun Woo didn't let anything show, seeing Eun Woo like this, Ha Won quickly said, "Never have i ever dedicated a song to a girl."

Dong Hwa took a sip and said,"On the year we debuted, i met my mom and i sang a song for her." while Eun Woo and Ji Wook both gulped down the whole glass of wine as a deep past memories were haunting them and Dhruv also drank a sip while a mischievous sad smile lingering on his lips.

Looking at their bitter beer sad faces, other ones understood that it was a sad past. Nobody asked anything, they just went silent.

Kaya knew about Dhruv but the other ones, she had no clue and most important Eun Woo, she was looking at him and her eyes were asking him a lot of questions but she hadn't the courage to ask or maybe she didn't want to listen the answers.

The temperature suddenly drops in the room even in the summer, everything seemed so still. Kaya then spoke lightly,"Should we...?" Eun Woo didn't let her complete and said while smiling which just didn't reach her eyes, "Never have i ever kissed someone." Everyone took a taste of their wine except Kaya.

"But you had a boyfriend..." Ha Won bit her tongue quickly after those words slipped out of his mouth. Kaya looked at him biting his tongue,"Ohhoo!! It was a long ago. I'm now over him." She took a pause and said,"Past is gone!!...Present is on!!.... Future will come on!!"

Ha Won asked, "Well said.." Then Kaya said while adjusting herself in cross sitting position,"Ok! My turn....Never have i ever lost a competition."

Before taking a sip, everyone looked at Kaya and they were like 'Stop messing around girl.' Su Yeon with her mouth open,"Really???" Kaya nodded while Dhruv said,"I also had the same reaction when Neel told me about this." and he mimicked Su Yeon's reaction which made everyone to burst out in laughter.

Eun Woo smirked and said,"Ok then... let's have a swimming competition tomorrow." Kaya and Dhruv both looked at him in awe, "Are you sure?!" they both spoke in unison which they just didn't bother to think about as the most important was swimming competion.

Eun Woo nodded with a triumph laugh,"What?? Feeling scarred??" then Dhruv said, "Your loss!!" while Kaya smirked evilly, "I will make sure to give you a hard time." she contemplated in her mind.

Then Kaya said while standing up amd showing her ipad to everyone,"See what i just drew." It was a colourful sketch of Dong Hwa, Ha Won, Ji Wook and Eun Woo standing on a stage with their mics and a 'IDOL' was written on it in big letters.

It was the exact view of the concert that Kaya had been to, the day she discovered about Eun Woo being an idol, except that 'IDOL' on their sketch. Eun Woo ruffled his hair and said,"Ouch!! Someone reminding me of my lies."

Kaya streched her lips to maximum and while saying,"I will remind you till the end of time." Eun Woo aslo stood up and said while facing Kaya,"You are really cruel..." Kaya said while laughing,"I am....."

Meanwhile, Su Yeon was yawning continually,

Ji Wook said while looking at her,"I think we should call it a night now, otherwise she is going to pass out here." Everyone nodded and they all went to their room after saying, 'Good night!!'

Ji Wook and Su Yeon in their room laid down on their beds. Su Yeon tried to sleep but she couldn't while Ji Wook was in deep thought looking at the roof. She kept tossing and turning on bed, then she finally spoke in low voice,"Oppa?" Ji Wook replied while looking at roof,"Ehm..?"

She spoke slowly,"Whom did you dedicate song?" Ji Wook sighed heavily, "Her name was Emma.....She was my classmate. We dated for an year. Because, after that year I found her cheating on me with my friend....I sang a song for her infront of the whole class."

After listening to his sad short story, their room had a pin drop silence in darkness. She again spoke very slowly,"Whom with you hoo..." Without even letting her complete her question, he answered, "Emma!!"

Once again, there was silence, a haunting dark silence. After a while she said softly, "Sorryy!!!" Ji Wook didn't reply and burrowed down under the cover.

Su Yeon in her thoughts,"She hurted Ji Wook oppa. God, let me meet her once. She has to pay yet. Bi*ch!!" Then she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

Meanwhile, Kaya and Eun Woo were in their room. Kaya on entering room, she jumps to her bed quickly and got busy on her laptop checking through e-mails. While Eun Woo also dug in his laptop.

She got through some mails, but the one she was waiting for had not arrived yet. She was about to close her laptop when she received the e-mail with title,"Little Princess!! Your wish is granted."

She quickly clicked the mail and read it. It has details about whereabouts, family, phone details and every detail of a person, Sam Larson.

She smirked at reading this, then she replied:

[ My lovely mentor!!

As you have read the text which this man has sent to me. So, I just want to you to know that 'Game is on, babe'. Let's meet soon. Take care.

Miss you!!

Little princess]

She sent the e-mail and shut the laptop with a goofy smile was dancing in her lips, " I will get my longing 'why?' " she murmured in her thoughts. Seeing her goofy evil smile, which was not at all evil to Eun Woo rather it was cute for him. He asked while moving his fingers on his laptop keyboard, "Who made this smile?" Kaya looked at him happily,"My sister.."

Eun Woo nodded and asked,"You have a sister?" Kaya replied,"Hm... What are you doing?" She didn't let him ask any further about her family because she didn't want to answer, so she asked another question. Eun Woo shut his laptop placed it on the bedside table and said while turning towards her,"Work."

Kaya got up and poured herself a glass of water,"Aren't you on a holiday?" Eun Woo smiled and said in hoarse voice,"But work is never on holiday." Kaya nodded like she just learnt a lesson from a teacher,"I'll keep that in mind. I love your work ethics."

On listening, her words 'love your', his eyes tinted with mischief and he said,"What else do you love?" as he went near her, tilted his body like his face was just inches far from her's.

Meanwhile Kaya tilted her body back and her hips just pushed the cabinet behind her. She was startled and harmonized by the gaze of his soul sucking green hazel eyes into her black transparent eyes that she forget to take the glass of water off of her mouth, even she forgot to breath.

While, he move his right hand around her waist to her back without touching her and picked out the water bottle which was lying on cabinet table, he backed out.

When he moved away, said while opening the lid of bottle and acted like nothing happened, "You should breathe now."

Hearing his horse voice, her cheeks turned tomato red, she quickly ran to bathroom while placed her glass on his bed without knowing what she just did. She closed the door and said to herself while calming down her racing heart as patting her chest lightly,"Calm down... Take a breath... Huffff!!! Huffff!!!"

Meanwhile,Eun Woo drank the water and laughed silently, "She is cute. Do i scare her?" He laughed again and picked her glass of water which was on his bed and said while looking at bathroom door, "It is interesting."

He didn't give much thought to it as he was tired and his body was screaming for rest. Then he turned off the lights and went to sleep.

As she was patting her chest where her heart was supposed to be , she remembered that today morning, he patted her head and she smiled at his patting, "No!! No!! How could i? Was it real? It was a dream? Yeah... dream, but what was he doing in my dream? It was real, i did it. Argh!!! What's with me?" She ruffled her hair and said,"Take a breath... and go out!! You have scared the one of scariest men in this world, then he is just....No!! He is nothing. Huffff!!!"

When she spoke about 'scariest men' she recalled an incident of past.


She was sitting in lightly dim dark room on a chair languidly surrounded by six men with their guns targeted at her. Her neck was lying on headrest of chair with her eyes closed facing the ceiling.

A man in black suit entered the room with his footsteps making clomp-clomp sound and his face was not visible as it was blocking the source of light making an halo around him. Hearing his footsteps, Kaya said,"I was waiting for you." She got up from the chair while smiling and stretched her body.

That black suited man said with horrific hoarse laugh which was not at all horrific for Kaya. "Or....Waiting for death?" Kaya looked up at him with her bloody shot red eyes into his eyes which make him quiver instinctively. "Trying to scare me....." He said with a faint smile. "Do you know who i am?"

Kaya smirked and bit her lower lip, "Mr. Frederick Perry. My mother has told you to kill me. Let's start it then." Frederick was smiling indifferently on her words and turned away from her when Kaya putted her hands in pockets and pulled out stretching her arms at those six men which were surrounding her as three on her left and other three on her right.

She shot the six men with some needles at their necks and they all fell down at moment. He had just raised his hand to beckon his men to kill Kaya when he heard the thud sound of falling those men with guns, Frederick tried to turn back towards Kaya but Kaya kicked his kneepit making him fall to ground on his knees, she took the gun out from his waist under his belt and placed it at his temple.

"Aren't you scared to point the gun at an underworld don?"

"Do i look like the one who is scared?" She answered with a question.

"What did you do to my men?"

"I just freed them from their own hells with the help of drugs and some skills. Don't worry,

they will get up later."

"Am i not going to be free?"

"You have to die in your own hell." She took a pause and made him sit on the chair while placed the gun at his forehead with her slightly red eyes looking in his sacred eyes.

Meanwhile, the whole room became filled with men with rifles pointed at Frederick. The sweat drop flowed down to his face from his temple. "Don't be scared. I told you i will not kill you." With that gun in her hands she pushed his temple from where the sweat was dripping off.

Those men tranquilized Frederick while Kaya give that gun in her hands to one of the men and ordered, "Take him to his boss." With that she left the room.

[Back to present]

[Kaya in the bathroom of farmhouse]

Kaya looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Don't forget why are you running here and there with a facade. Don't get sinked in emotions. They are not for you. Focus on that for which you are waiting to die."

With that she splashed the cold water on her face again and again and came out of the bathroom.

When she came out, the lights were off and Eun Woo had drifted to sleep. She sighed in relief, quickly walk over to her bed and burried herself under the covers.

There are times in our lives when what we had in our mind is just that 'we have to do this no matter what' and we forget all other things around us. We ignore ourselves and our emotions. We ignore what our mind is telling us. We ignore what our heart is racing for. We ignore that voice inside us, the voice of our soul.

We just tried to fulfill the needs and desires that we made for ourselves forcefully, in response to the events that happened to us in past. We just get caged in that past rather than living in present and hoping for future.

But later when we look back and understand what what was it for, we just find nothing except an ignored inner self that we regret to not listen to.

~Hey Lovely readers♥️

Hope you all are healthy and doing well.

If you ever feel lost, unsure and doubtful of yourself just remember one thing that you are a strong, radiant, beautiful, lovely and pure soul; you are worthy of respect, love care, sincerity and grace. Embrace your loved ones, your surroundings and your own self:yourself.

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