
Summer, Idol and Love

"I remember his eyes!!" * * "I can't let this happen!!" * * "Will you put the ring on my finger?" * * "What do you think of my back after checking it out with your donut eyes??" * * Kaya Rai....a girl studing in university and NJ aka Han Eun Woo is a lead rapper of worldwide famous K-pop boy band Blue. Both of them living in their own different worlds. But... " " " But.....Kaya and Eun Woo met each other and they found their lives get entangled like a rope. So let's dive into the book. There is a lot more to discover in the book about the two. A plenty of things that running around Kaya Rai and Han Eun Woo are yet to know!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I will try my best for all of my lovely readers ♥️ Support my book!! Vote my book!! This is my first time writing a novel. I wrote a few poems and much more stuff before but nobody has ever read them except me so I don't know at all what others think of my writings and what are my limitations? where do i lack? where do i have to improve? So, tell me about anything that you think of my writing and novel. Let me know of your thoughts about my writing and my story making in comments and reviews.

Ivie · Fantasy
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45 Chs

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*Flashback continued*

One day Kaya was sitting in her garden and drawing something. The sun was shining bright like giving a new rays of hope after hopeless dark cloudy days. The milk white snow all around shining like a diamond in the bright sun is like the sign of peace, innocence and sincerity which can turn into violence, cruelty and devastation when you try to play with its love, the nature.

Neel came to her garden while hiding a box behind his back and said hesitatingly, "H..hi Little princess!!"

How come he couldn't hesitate while standing infront of a girl who was going to beat her to death, but luckily she fainted and he was saved, otherwise who knew what would have happened. Kaya didn't replied. It made him more scared.

She was sitting on a chair around a coffee table, letting the sun rays fall and warm her cold soft body, so he also sat down slowly on the chair beside her left , trying to hide the thing that he brought.Then she said while drawing, "When will you stop following me and stop peeking inside my room?"

Neel with wide eyes in shock,"You knew?!?!?" Kaya let out a small dominance and mischievous smile.

She didn't even look once at him. Then he saw that she was drawing a sketch of Milo and her. He felt a great tug of guilty at his heartstrings. Soon she was done with the sketching.

She closed her drawing book and placed it on the table, she stretched her arms and legs and sat in a languorous way. She looked at him with a cold expression on her face, but still her voice was calm,"Say whatever you wanna say. I'm not going to eat you up. And then leave to never come back."

Her cold expression make him shiver with fear. He said while closing his eyes tightly,"S.. so.. sorry....!!"

Listening nothing in reply, he opened his right eye slowly and didn't saw Kaya then he opened his other eye, quickly looked to his left and saw kaya was playing with dog which he was hiding behind him when he came.

Then she looked at him and suddenly her jolly expression turned cold again,"What?? Are you done with your apology?" She herself was not guilty at all after beating him so badly because she thought he deserved it.

Neel said,"No!!...I'm really sorry." Taking a pause, he continued, "I know I ..... I just can't compensate your loss. I knew more than anyone that how much he mattered in your life. I've seen you two every day and night.And I'm not telling you to forgive me."

Drooping his shoulders down he looked at his clasped hands on his lap,"I.....know that i'm not worth it. Someone got killed because of me. But still i want to give you this as my apology." he said while holding that dog in his arms and sitting on his knees "Exactly similar to Milo but its is female dog. You can name it. It's yours from now on." She was also a golden retriever as Milo.

Kaya took her in her lap and said while looking at her,"Her name will be..... Miley" Neel smiled and said,"Milo!! Miley!!"...Then Kaya said while rubbing Myla's ear, "I can't have her. You bought Myla after spending all your savings and pocket money and selling your things to your friends."

Neel was shocked,"How..do...." He was speaking when she cutted him off and said expressionlessly, "Same way you know about me. I can also look into your room and hear your voices. We are in same school, i think." He smiled with embarassment, "Ah..!! But my mom..... she wouldn't allow me to have pet." Kaya said, "Live with Miley and learn the pain of loosing and teasing."

Neel smiled and asked,"Then have you forgi.."

Kaya didn't let him speak further, "Go to your home. I will not give any food. And wouldn't let you even enter my home. So you better go away from here." He got up, took Miley with him and went towards the gate. He was about to leave when Kaya said while going inside her house, "I've not forgiven you and I don't have any plan of forgiving you."

After one week, Kaya was going to sleep when she heard a knock at her window. She didn't bother because she knew that there could be only person who would come at this hour of night at her window when it was sleeting so hard outside.

She covered herself under quilt and closed her eyes. She thought that he would go back if she wouldn't reply. But the sound of knock started getting more louder and more frequent. After sometime, the knocking stopped.

She got up from bed with a jolt and opened the window, "Ne..." she couldn't speak further because she saw, he was drenched fully and was shivering while his neck was lying on the top cap of ladder and his hands were holding the side rails which were losing their grip slowly.

She quickly pulled him in, raised the temperature of room heater and gave him her black night shirt and pyjama to change in her dressing room. She covered his body well with quilt, made him drink hot water herself and placed the hot water bottle on his chest "Let me get you some ginger soup and hot chocolate." She said while going to kitchen.

He nodded while she expeditiously went down to kitchen and soon came up with a bowl of hot ginger soup, two cups of hot chocolate and some chocolate. She feed him soup herself and then handed him the cup of hot chocolate while took the other one and then asked while her worries for him were showing clear on her face,"Are you okay?" He said in a hoarse voice,"Better..." They both then didn't said anything while Kaya started sweating because the room temperature was so high.

Neel laughed seeing her sweat,"I'm fine now...lower the temperature." She lowered the temperature and sat beside him. "Give me the chocolate bar you have brought."..... "Devil!!!" he muttered under his breath while Kaya was turning on the TV. Kaya gave him choclate and said,"I heard it. Thanks for the compliment."

Neel looked at her and said, "What if i have died outside?" Listening his words, her cold expression disappeared and she looked at him with an undefined emotion which she suddenly facaded with his cold irritated expression, "I didn't tell you to come. I tried to forgive you...but...."

She paused and didn't speak anything more and focused her eyes on Doraemon which was playing on TV screen while her mind and heart were fighting a battle, 'Have i really forgiven him? It was his mistake, how can i....was it really his mistake or it's just me. No! It was he... only he.'

'But they say that if someone repents then you should forgive. What should i do?? Don't i love Milo?? No!! Don't i love Neel? I don't wanna talk to him but i don't wanna lose him.' She was confused and rather accepting the reality she was trying to avoid it.

"We are moving abroad tomorrow. Dad told me this evening." he said while drinking his hot chocolate and watching Doraemon. Kaya's trail of thoughts vanished in a jiffy, her mind went blank, the only thing was just a fear of losing, this was the moment she realised that she had forgiven him a long ago without realizing but that never means she had forgotten what happend.

She slowly turned her face towards him and tears started rolling down her cheeks,"I...I will miss you!!"

When he listened her sobbing, he hugged her and rubbed her back, "Shhh!! Don't cry....If i could stay here but..." they both knew that he couldn't stay so he didn't even said those words. "Promise, I will come every summer here." She didn't said anything and he gave out a fake laugh as calmed her down while rubbing Kaya's back who was in his embrace.

Then they just talked about random things and fell asleep later.

Next evening, Neel was leaving with his family and Miley. He hadn't met Kaya since he had woken up in the morning. Arin, Kyra and Grandpa Rai were also there. She had told her Grandpa that she is going to market to buy something but she hadn't come yet.

Last night, Kaya had told Neel to wait for her and if she would get late, then use Arin. Neel was waiting for her when his mother said, "Kaya didn't come yet. Where is she? We also wanted to meet her." Neel said,"Mom, you two leave , i will come with Kaya..... Elder Brother Arin wanted to drop me at airport personally."

When Neel said 'elder brother Arin', Arin became overjoyed, he quickly said,"Yes aunty, i want to drop him. He is my only little brother. How couldn't i drop him personally." and looked at Kyra excitedly with happiness because Neel and Kaya never called him even 'brother Arin'. They both were always like, 'Hey Arin! Get out of our way! Don't disturb us! Go and do this, that and blah- blah!!'

But Kyra knew what was their plan; she knew her girl little sister and little brother very well. They both used to talk to Arin the same way as Kyra did, may be worse; they never treated him like an elder brother.

After two minutes, Kaya came with a box in her hands and went straight to Arin's car while telling,"Don't look at me. Sit in the car.." Then she looked towards Grandpa and said softly, "Grandpa i'm going to airport, i will be back soon." Arin started the car, Kyra was at front seat beside Arin and Neel and Kaya were at the back seat.

Kaya gave the box to Neel,"Your farewell." Neel was amazed as he never expected it and was looking at Kaya with glimmering eyes. She said softly, "Open it."

He opened the box and there was a sewing kit, fabric scissors, fashion template books, textile chalk, designer curve rulers, pattern making books, wrist pin cushion, technical flats drawing book, makeup charts and rotary cutter for fabric.

All the basic essentials that a designer need, all were in that box. He was so delighted at that moment that he started crying and hugged Kaya,"Thank you so much!! I will miss you." Kaya pushed him away, "Stay away!! You are my enemy not friend....."

Taking pause she rolled down the window and looked outside as cool dusk wind was easing her muggy flames of fire of losing. "I know you want to be fashion designer, don't lose your dream because if you do then it will be your failed thought and uncompleted desire not a dream."

Neel said while brushing off his tears,"You better apply your words on yourself also." She nodded and he pulled her in a friendly hug with one arm around her shoulder and laid her head down on his shoulder.

In a little while, they reached the airport. They all came out of the car and went to Neel's mother, Yi Jang Mi(she was a half Korean) and his father, Eric Carlos. Yi Jang Mi hugged Kaya,"Bye princess!! Take care, ok!!"

Kaya nodded while Eric bent down on his knees and gave Kaya a box of chocolates, "Sweet chocolate for my sweet daughter." When Kaya heard the word 'daughter' she started crying and looped her arms around Eric, he patted his head lovingly. Meanwhile, they listened flight announcement, they forbid everyone while Kaya and Neel also forbid each other with a tight hug.

-Flashback ends!!

~Hey lovely readers♥️

Hope you all are healthy and doing well..

Today when i woke up, i saw i didn't have any comments or votes.I feel so dejected that i'm not capable enough then i saw there was still a litttttle...increase in views, it was enough for me to start a good day.

And then i encountered, BTS"Stay Gold" after which i'm feeling just gold gold!!!! It's so awesome..#Stay Gold

~ Love you all the readers♥️

Iviecreators' thoughts