{Time: 1:30 PM}
{Location: Ruby Stadium}
Lance groaned as Naomi kicked him to the ground. He coughed and listened the crowd chanting "Destiny". He slowly got up and growled. "You must really believe...you all are...the best huh?"
Naomi looked at Lance and crossed her arms. "That's because we are. You honestly believed Shiro would work with you after everything that's happened? Yes he set up the plan for Kaden's death, but that was only because he didn't want Equinox to beat Matsugaya. Yes he still wants to take down Equinox...however, he heard of your plans to take over Matsugaya with your father...Ketsuko."
Lance glared at Naomi and water energy surrounded his body. "I don't know how he heard about that, but he better hope he's—"
"He better hope?" Whitney asked then laughed. "You better hope Kaden doesn't kill you. As you've seen...we put Roman out of commission...You being Kaden's enemy, he is for certain gonna try and kill you."
"He won't because even with his power, he won't have enough strength to defeat me. No matter what you say or do, Kaden will never beat me." Lance said then groaned as Gloria blasted him away with a dark energy blast.
"Oops~ I didn't mean to do that..~ Also, we might be with Shiro every step, but we all also respect Kaden enough to recognize his skill. We all know...you can't defeat Kaden..~" Gloria giggled.
"The match is over and it wasn't even a struggle for Team Destiny! They move on to the semi finals of the Platinum Fist Tournament! They will be facing off against Team Fraskia and I'm hyped for that!" Trinity announced and cheered loudly.
{Location: Summer Slammers}
I sat in the dojo with my eyes closed and meditated alongside Akari. Her tail wagged as she meditated with me and her ears flicked.
"When trying to awaken the Equinox Drive...It is important to keep a Clear Mind. I can hear your thoughts. When finding complete balance between Light and Dark, you need to clear your mind of all excessive thoughts." Akari said.
"Kinda hard to do that when both Light and Dark sides are kinda corrupt." I said.
"Hey! I am not corrupt! Erogelic Angels like me need sex to survive plus, we give benefits from this unlike a certain someone!" Mila said.
Rhea rolled her eyes. "I give benefits too. He can do it with me anytime he wants. He doesn't even have to ask, I just let him fuck me."
"See?! She's the real corrupt one!" Mila said.
"I'm a demon, what do you expect?" Rhea asked.
"Anyways, that isn't what I meant. What I meant is to balance yourself. Your Inner Yin-Yang, your inner light and darkness. I know you're capable of doing it...by doing that you'll be able to utilize both Virtue Drives and Sin Drives at once." Akari explained.
"If I master this, how will Equinox Drive work?" I asked.
"You'll be able to use both Virtue and Sin Drives, however the effects of each drive is cut in half, but you gain a new ability...Counter Force." Akari answered.
{Counter Force: An ability that allows you to counter anything. We aren't talking about normal countering we are talking about if your opponent is using something like Gravity Manipulation you can counter that by negating it or if an enemy destroys something you can counter that by restoring it and vise versa with creation.}
"Basically you are the other half of everything when you're in Equinox Drive and the effects are boosted when Synced to me." Akari added.
"Got it.." I said and began to concentrate.
Akari gave me more pointers on how to balance my inner light and darkness. It wasn't an easy process since I've been using Sin since I was saved by Rhea, but I also had a strong connection to Mila so some doubt was lifted from my shoulders.
As I continued to meditate, white and black energy surrounded my body and a symbol began to form on my back. Akari noticed it and saw the Yin-Yang Symbol but it looked different from hers.
"I can't even hear his thoughts...he isn't thinking about anything. His symbol looks different as well." Akari said then stood up.
They noticed my hair slowly becoming half black and half white. I was in complete concentration as it wasn't very hard for me to tune everything out and concentrate on one thing.
"His Wuji is in the center..." Rhea said.
"What does that mean?" Mila asked.
"He's perfectly balanced. He always has been. He always will be....this is the first I've seen other than Mistress Mitsuki have a Perfect Balance." Akari said then walked directly in front of me. "However it doesn't mean that he's perfect. He's only awakened it...now to see if he's really Tranquil."
Akari went for a kick and noticed she hit an afterimage then looked surprised. She looked back and noticed me standing behind her. I opened my eyes and my eyes shined a silver color.
"Whoa..." Rhea said, highly impressed.
"That was only luck. There's no way you could've know I was going to do that. Again!" Akari bellowed and went for another attack but noticed me flawlessly dodged it without looking at her.
Rhea and Mila moved away from the sparring match that Akari had initiated. Akari bellowed and went for a series of kicks, but I blocked and dodged each kick then countered her next strike with an invisible strike. Akari groaned and stumbled backwards then grunted when I hit her with another invisible strike then a roundhouse kick into a 360 Kick, knocking her away.
Akari recovered and her pupils became fox like and she summoned balls of fox fire and launched them at me. I formed a water barrier around myself and blocked the fox fireballs. The water barrier began to reconstruct into a sword of water and floated next to me.
Akari watched me then smiled. "Seems like you have the hang of—"
"Everyone raid this entire fight club!" A voice said outside the dojo. "Grab whatever you can, money, lost jewelry, anything!"
"That voice.." I said.
We hurried outside the dojo and noticed Ashton and his crew raiding the dojo. They were taking important rewards that Papa Gregory earned, they were taking money, they were destroying the very thing Papa Gregory worked for.
I didn't ask any questions, I just went straight into action. I knocked the first gang member away with a powerful kick then grabbed another and slammed his head into the counter.
Ashton noticed me and scoffed. "Of course! Aye bring in the big guns!"
A few gang members came in with AKs and SMGs. They began to fire bullets at me, but I held my hand out then released a force of energy to deflect the bullets back toward them, killing each of them.
{Kaden! There's more of them!}
{New Choices Available!}
[Fight them off (70% Chance)]
[Retreat (Heroism Decrease)]
"I'm fighting them off of course. I'm not letting them raid my grandfather's hard work!" I bellowed and dashed toward the gang members and dodged their bullets and used my water sword to deflect more bullets.
I sensed a lightning user and they rushed straight toward me. My body immediately switched to Esoteric Earth Energy and I became immune to their lightning attacks. I elbowed them and surrounded their torse in rock then palmed their chest, blowing a hole through their chest.
The gang members watched in terror as they noticed me kill one of their strongest allies. Adrian appeared behind me then went for an attack, but noticed I dodged it. He looked surprised and groaned when an invisible strike hit him then I kicked him away. Ashton ran toward me and punched my cheek and noticed he did no damage to me.
I looked at Ashton and grabbed his wrist then the Wrath and Patience Symbols were projected then I struck his stomach. "You all made a huge mistake coming here...now—"
{Another?! And this energy is strong!}
I kicked Ashton away then noticed a woman come down through the roof and impulsively roundhouse kicked her into a wall. The woman groaned and held her head.
"God...dammit..!" The woman complained then stood up quickly and pointed at me. "Hey! I'm your ally here, your handsome idiot! I was sent here by Mistress Mitsuki!"
"How the hell was I supposed to know that? Besides who the hell are you?" I asked.
"I'm Lolly Gula! The Maiden of Gluttony!" Lolly said with pride.
Mila and Akari looked at Rhea.
Rhea noticed them staring at her. "I have no idea who she is truth be told."
Lolly was an insanely attractive woman with a graceful and slender body. Her skin was clear, her hair was dark orange and styled in two tornado pigtails, and her eyes were a dark orange with the Gluttony Symbol in her right eye. She wore a black and orange battle dress, white stockings, black heels, and a headress. She had a giant pair of scissors as her weapon of choice which could detach and allow her to dual wield.
{New Routes Possible: Maidens of Sin!}
"Alright, since you're an ally, I'm trusting you in taking them down." I said.
"Taking them down? HA! No...I'm gonna kill them." Lolly said and had a sadistic smile on her face.
I looked at Lolly then smiled. "Alright, let's get to it!"
"Kill us? That's funny...You honestly think you can take us down in our awakened forms?" Ashton laughed.
"I already killed Jacob before coming here. Lexi told me his location...Now it's time to kill you and Adrian." Lolly smirked and laughed then dashed toward them.
Ashton dodged her slashes and noticed I binded him with light chains. Adrian tried to help him, but I induced him with sleepiness and he fell to the ground.
Lolly laughed as she cut Ashton's head off and consumed his soul with her Gluttony abilities. "One down~"
I walked to Adrian and picked him up then slapped him to wake him up then surrounded his head with a powerful wind energy. Adrian tried to break out of my hold, but I didn't let go. He began to suffocate as the wind only became stronger. His skin became pale and his body fell limp. I dropped him and looked back at the rest of the gang members.
They put down what they stole and retreated quickly.
"Mission complete!~" Lolly giggled and skipped over to me. She grabbed my hand and looked up at me. "Master Kaden, I want to ask you something before I leave and report to Mistress Mitsuki."
"What's that?" I asked.
"Would you mind treating me to a date when you're free from everything?~ I know Mistress Mitsuki said I can't join you, but she never said I can't date you~" Lolly smiled at me.
"I'll see about that. I do still have other women needing my attention, but I'll consider you an option." I said.
"Yes!~ I can't wait to brag about this to my sisters!~" Lolly giggled and hurried off. "Bye!~"
"So how am I supposed to register her if she doesn't have a phone because I'm very sure she was communicating telepathically to Lexi." I said.
{Ahh...Don't ask me. I didn't create myself and I'm pretty sure my creator is dead.}
"You're sentient enough, can't you just rewrite your code?" I asked.
{I never thought about that. It might take some time, but I'll definitely have it finished by tomorrow.}
I smiled and looked at Rhea, Mila, and Akari. "Mind helping me clean up the bodies?"
Rhea smiled. "I don't mind~"
"Yeah let's fix this place before Papa Gregory comes back." Mila said.
{Time: 2:50}
{Location: Ruby Square}
I walked down the sidewalk and noticed Shiro leaning against the wall. I stopped and looked at him. "Shiro.."
Shiro opened his eyes and smiled. He looked at me and got off the wall. "Losers Backet...I must admit, Georgia and the others fought well to at least make the others try, especially Georgia and Nova."
"What do you want?" I asked.
Shiro had a serious look on his face. "I need you to win this next round. You are 100% facing off against Lance and Nicholas tomorrow. If you don't win this, I can't consider you my equal and I've seen your power against that fodder first team."
"You're cheering him on?" Rhea asked and crossed her arms.
Shiro smirked and chuckled. "Let's just say that I want to see him grow so the next time we fight, it will be the best battle to ever be had in history."
Shiro walked toward me and placed his arm against my shoulder then leaned toward my ear. "Show no mercy...I want Lance dead so we have no distractions when it's our time to fight."
I looked at Shiro then smirked. "I already planned to kill him. You better hope you're ready for our next battle, Shiro Moji."
Shiro chuckled and let me go then walked off. "Alright, Kaden Wright."
I looked back and placed my hands in my pockets. I turned away and continued down my path to the Ruby Hotel that Royal and the others were staying.
{Notice: To Be Continued..}