
The Final Stand

{Day: Thursday}

{Time: 11:00 PM}

{Location: Ruby Hotel}

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at my phone. It was the day that Lance and I had our final battle. Nicholas had called out because Beatrix and Saliel had gone missing while he was asleep and he clearly needed them to defeat me.

"What is he gonna do? Roman is dead and Nicholas called out because Beatrix and that angel is gone." Freya said.

"I know Lance. He's still gonna fight, so I will go alone. I know he is gonna use everything he can to power up even if it means awakening the Forbidden Techniques of his Clan." I said.

Georgia looked at me and sat beside me. "This is really it...Your time for revenge. You've trained hard for this moment and I just want to say...I love you."

I looked at Georgia then smiled at her. I held her hand gently. "I love you you...and that goes for the rest of you here as well. I love all of you dearly. We've all known each other since we were kids and what a better way to end this chapter of my story than to kill the one man who started it all...aside from Shiro."

Nova nodded and smiled. "Win it for all of us."

"Yeah you better fucking win. Lance needs to go down once and for all." Kasumi said and smiled at me.

"This is the moment we have been practicing for." Royal said. "Once Lance is dead, the Crimson Crows are done for good! This is your moment!"

I nodded and stood up. I checked the time. "Make sure you all cheer loudly for me~ Rhea, Mila, Akari...let's ride."

{Time: 12:00 PM}

{Location: Destiny Peak}

Destiny Peak...A location not on the maps, but it is a historical location for the Matsugaya and Mitsuki Clans for the soul purpose that Papa Gregory and Ketsuko had their final battle here. This was it...The moment I waited long and hard for. My final battle with Lance.

"This is a very important and special battle these two competitors! Only one can go through and the one must go down! Lance vs. Kaden!" Trinity announced as she was in a helicopter, livestreaming our battle.

Everyone was watching this important battle. The Crimson Crows have affected all of West Arkington and now it was time for the match that will change history.

Lance watched me walk forward onto the vast battlefield. He took off his jacket and it flew off with the wind. "About time you made it, Kaden and I see you're wearing that same outfit your grandfather wore! This great now I can truly embarrass you in front of the entire world! Are you ready to die?!"

I looked at Lance and looked serious. "The question is...are you ready to go to Hell? I'm sure the Demon of Wrath would love to have you.."

"HAHA! You're hilarious, Kaden Mitsuki! Enough talk! Let's end this!" Lance said and got into his stance.

"This battle is different people! This battle doesn't end...until one dies! This is a Death Match! The entirety of Destiny Peak is their battlefield! I'm rooting for Kaden because I'm biased and he's my student so go Kaden! Kill this motherfucker!" Trinity cheered.

Lance and I noticed a rain droplet falling to the ground. The rain droplets hit then ground then Lance propelled himself toward me and went for the first strike. I blocked it and pushed him back and went for a counter attack, but he dodged it and struck my stomach. He kicked me away then dashed after me then noticed I had used a burst of speed to appear behind him.

I kicked him away and launched a ball of darkness at him. The ball hit him and exploded, blowing him away. I propelled myself toward him and twirled rapidly going for a tornado kick. Lance blocked my kick and grunted then pushed me away. We clashed multiple times before he parried my next strike and grabbed my face. He bellowed and threw me down the mountain. He rushed after me.

"Follow them! Our fans need to see every moment!" Trinity commanded to the pilot.

The pilot flew after us and Trinity continued to commentate the battle to the viewers across the globe.

"Kaden! I'm coming!" Akari called out.

Akari ran after me in her kitsune form and I landed on her back. Lance whistled and his hoverboard came to him and he landed on it then began to hoverboard after us. He used his Ice Manipulation to create a ramp and jumped off the ramp and kicked his board in front of Akari, but she drifted and avoided the board.

I jumped off Akari's back and landed on the ground then dashed toward Lance. Lance landed on the ground and dashed toward me. We clashed and began to block and dodge each other's attack then I kicked him away and generated lightning around myself. I bellowed and moved around Lance at lightning speeds, but he formed a barrier around himself to block each one of my attacks.

I kicked off his barrier and performed flares in the air, firing bolt of light at him then landed on the ground and hopped up and down. "Hmph...Seems like you perfected your Energy Manipulation."

"You're not too shabby yourself, but it's time that I turn up the intensity of this battle!" Lance bellowed and a cursed mark formed on his chest. "Two months...was all I need to acquire this form. The form gifted to me by a demon known in the Matsugaya Clan's history. A demon named...Felola."

I glared and felt demonic energy surging from Lance's body and grunted. I tried to awaken my Pride Drive, but Lance ended up blitzing me and knocked me away. I rolled backwards and recovered then dodged his next strike then groaned as I was kicked upwards. Lance grabbed my leg and slammed me on the ground multiple times before spinning me around and throwing me.

I recovered once against and awakened my Pride Drive then bellowed and dashed toward Lance. We clashed once again and our energies caused a shockwave to generate. Lance noticed I was increasingly growing stronger and stronger with each blow.

"That isn't enough to overpower me!" Lance roared and struck my face with a powerful punch.

I crashed as I crashed through a tree and rolled on my side. I awakened my Sloth Drive and laid on the ground. Lance appeared above me and came down with a knee strike, but noticed I dodged it. I flipped backwards and created a field of dark blue mist.

'Sloth Arts—' I thought then groaned as Lance blew me away with a beam of fire.

"You aren't using Dreamscape. I won't even give you the chance to!" Lance laughed and dashed toward me.

I dodged his strike and switched to my Charity Drive and stomped my foot down and formed Charity Zone. I dodged his attack then parried his next five strikes then countered with a knee strike. Lance groaned and stumbled backwards then chuckled.

"You equalized our power...Heh...HAHAHA! You really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve huh?! Well let me show you what Defiance can do to your little Zone.." Lance said and bellowed.

His demonic energy shattered Charity Zone and Mila groaned loudly in pain, holding herself. He dashed toward me and kicked me through multiple trees then teleported in front of me, striking me with a barrage of attacks then launched me away. I crashed into another tree and awakened my Lust Drive, but Lance broke through my Lust Drive.

Rhea groaned and coughed a bit of blood as Lance severed our Synchronization. She fell to her knees and panted. "What...did he do..?!"

I fell to my knees and grunted softly. I panted softly and coughed a bit of blood. 'He overpowered me this easily..?'

{He has a Sin Drive...Treachery Drive. He can cancel any Synchronization and he did that to Mila and Rhea. They've...reached Full Tax because of that..}

Lance set up a dark yellow-orange mist around the area and grabbed my hair. I smacked his hand away then punched his face and noticed it did no damage. Lance chuckled and struck my stomach then pressed a ball of demonic energy against my stomach, blowing me away. I landed in a lake and began to sink to the bottom.

Lance let out a triumphant bellow and laughed. "Kaden is gone! That's it!"

"K-Kaden....!" Rhea said tiredly then passed out on the ground.

"No...I can't...fall...like this.." Mila said then passed out.

"Kaden!" Trinity called out and watched in terror.

Shiro watched from his room and crossed his arms. "Hmph...Using Felola's power as if you know her. Now he had enough power to overpower Kaden..."

"This can't be it! Kaden you better get up because I'll be damned if Shiro has to find another equal!" Lustie yelled at the TV.

Shiro continued watching and noticed sparkles coming from the water. "Hm..?"

Lance walked toward the lake and noticed sparkles. He watched closely and rose an eyebrow. "What the hell is this..?"

{I won't let you lose. Rhea and Mila might be out, but I hold no corporeal form. I am immortal in a sense...so allow me...to act as your companion.}

Ardent spent all of my Credit that I've been saving up to unlock one skill.

{New Skill Unlocked...True Power!}

Lance continued to watch and grunted as he felt extremely powerful energy. "What the hell..?"

{Kaden, can you hear me?! If you can, awaken! Awaken your Equinox Drive!}

Lance noticed a burst of white and black aura erupt from the lake and groaned as the energy pushed him away. He guarded his face and noticed me ascending from the water like a divine being.

{All functions, check. Equinox Drive, online! Awakening Mila and Rhea! Akari, I have warped reality digitally so you won't be taxed at all! Sync with Kaden and awaken his Final Drive, Perfect Equinox!}

Akari placed her hand on my back and closed her eyes. "Ardent...I thank you for this.."

My hair became half white and half black. My Yin-Yang Symbol formed on my back and I opened my eyes and they shined a bright silver. I let out a battle cry and my aura surged powerfully around my body.

"This energy! A Second Wind has come to Kaden! I can't even believe it myself! He's...he's achieved it...The Forbidden Form...the strongest form of the Mitsuki Clan, Perfect Equinox!" Trinity commentated and grunted as the winds grew more powerful.

I slowly descended to the ground and stared at Lance. I noticed his surprised expression and watched him step backwards. I landed on the ground and watched Rhea and Mila float toward me. "The real fight...begins now.."

"No...I won't be outshined like this! I refuse to be outshined! I will kill you once and for all! Do you hear me?! I will kill you Kaden!" Lance yelled and slowly began to transform into a demon.

He sold his soul to Felola who in turn gave him the power to awaken his Devil Drive. His skin became gray and demonic wings emerged from his back.

I could feel all of West Arkington cheering for me. I could feel...Hope from those who cheered for me. "This is it...Let us finish this!"

Lance and I propelled ourselves toward each other and clashed then engaged in a heated hand to hand combat. I parried Lance's next strike and kicked him away then launched myself after him and bellowed. Lance stopped himself and tried to counter with a strike but noticed it was an afterimage.

He groaned as he was struck with invisible strikes then knocked to the ground. I flew after him and noticed a beam of hell flames heated toward me. I cloaked myself in holy water energy and flew through the beam and struck Lance with a powerful tornado kick. The kick formed a powerful tornado and launched Lance upwards.

Lance recovered in the air and bellowed. He formed a large ball of energy in the air and hurled it at me. "Die!"

I flew toward Lance using my aura and broke through the energy ball and struck Lance's stomach then knocked him to the ground with a double axe handle. I fired multiple rays of light at him and watched the multiple explosions happen and sensed Lance appear behind me and immediately countered him with an elbow strike.

'H-How did he—' Lance thought then groaned as a barrage of invisible strikes hit his body.

I cloaked myself in light energy and bellowed as I awakened my Omen and Miracle Drives. "You're finished.."

I began to rush Lance with a barrage of strikes from all directions, not letting him get in a counter strike. I bellowed and formed an orb of energy around Lance that looked like the Yin-Yang Symbol. I appeared above the orb and launched it to the ground and the ball of energy exploded and a bright light shined.

The light vanished slowly and I landed on the ground and exhaled. I turned around and began to walk off, but a burst of aura from behind me stopped me. I looked back and noticed Lance standing up and noticed Nicholas had healed him.

"What the fuck?!" Trinity asked in surprise.

"Brother, I tried to warn you about this, but you don't want to fucking listen! So now we will make you listen!" Nicholas said and glared at me then awakened his Sage Drive.

I looked at Nicholas and glared. I readied myself for a two against one. "So you came just to intervene. Where did you even get that power from?"

"Grandfather." Nicholas smirked evilly.

"What? What did you do to Papa Gregory?!" I yelled.

Nicholas laughed and held his face. "Let's just say...the old man has reunited with his wife."

"What..?" I asked and my eyes widened.

"Wait what did he just say..?" Trinity asked in shock.

"You killed...grandpa..?" I asked and felt my Tranquility slipping away.

"He was past due anyway. I only did him a favor..." Nicholas chuckled and his eyes shined.

"I guess I was right about getting rid of you all." A voice said.

Shiro began to descend to the ground and landed beside me with his arms crossed. I looked at Shiro and noticed Lustie appear beside him.

"Killing your own family...How much lower can you fools get? You two are BEYOND pathetic!" Shiro said and a suit of red battle armor appeared on his person, awakening his Ardour Form.

"What's this?! Shiro Moji of the Matsugaya Clan has come to assist Kaden?!" Trinity asked in awe.

"Well well...Shiro, we now know who's side you're truly on." Nicholas said.

Shiro looked at me then back at the two. "Our partnership here is merely temporary. Your dishonor forced me to come out here because I know in your Sage Drive...none of his allies can help him and using our companions is overkill."

"I should use them because he killed Grandpa! Grandpa was the one person who kept the Mitsuki name alive outside of West Equinox! You killed the one man all of West Arkington looked up to! Nicholas..." I started and held myself then groaned as my Yin-Yang Symbol shattered.

"Nicholas...I'll kill you for that! You'll pay for that!!" I roared and my dark aura surged powerfully around my body awakening the full power of my Omen Drive. Dark mist surrounded my body and I synced with Rhea to awaken my Calamity Drive.

Shiro looked at me and smirked then got into his battle stance. "Let's end this for good."

I bellowed and dashed toward Nicholas then wildly thrashed about. Nicholas grunted and knew I was beyond angry. I allowed myself to become drowned in Indomitable Rage. He could barely keep up and groaned as Rhea kicked him away.

I flew after Nicholas and grabbed his leg and stomped on the ground then a black energy spike emerged from the ground then I slammed him against the spike and Nicholas groaned in pain. I raised Nicholas up once again and slammed him on the spike once more. The spike disappeared and Nicholas coughed blood.

I grabbed his face and raised him off the ground and glared at Nicholas. I tossed him in the air and growled then roared. My demonic energy blasted to the sky and struck Nicholas. "Die!!"

Shiro kicked Lance away and created his Luck Zone then smirked. He noticed beams of dark energy crashing down to the ground and watched the destruction of the area as Lance and Nicholas were struck by the beams of energy.

"We're not finished yet!" Rhea bellowed and smirked sadistically and raised her hand to the sky and the sky began to turn red.

"Do it Rhea!" Lustie yelled.

Rhea yelled and all the black mist around the area began to form into one massive ball of demonic energy. Shiro assisted by stomping on the ground and caused a rock pillar to raise Lance and Nicholas to the sky.

"Ragnarok!" Rhea bellowed and launched the ball of energy at the two.

The ball of energy struck Lance and Nicholas then a massive explosion happened and their souls were also eradicated as well. The sky returned to normal and everyone watched the aftermath.

I reverted to normal and sunk to my knees then looked at the ground. "That...was for you...Grandpa.."

Rhea noticed I had passed out and floated toward me and held me up. Mila, Akari, Shiro, and Lustie watched us. It began to rain because of the explosion Rhea's Ragnarok caused.

Shiro looked at me and reverted to his normal form. He looked at the sky then closed his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Just form an alliance with him. You two obviously can work together...It is time to break this generational curses." Lustie said as she was the voice of reason.

Shiro opened his eyes and looked at Lustie then smiled. He looked back at me and the others. "I suppose so, but that won't stop me for wanting to battle him one last time..."

Lustie looked at Shiro then at me. She watched as Shiro walked away, not before leaving behind a key, which was a sword. She followed Shiro. "What...is that sword?"

"The key to my home, Destiny Island. If he wishes to battle me once more before becoming an ally...He can meet me there." Shiro said and looked back. "But let's do something for him first.."

"What..?" Lustie asked.

"You'll see.." Shiro said.

{Day: Monday}

{Time: 10:00 AM}

{Location: West Equinox: Home}

A few days passed since my final battle against Lance and Nicholas and I was still hit pretty hard learning about Papa Gregory's death. Even Mom, Freya, and everyone else who learned everything they knew from Papa Gregory was hit hard.

I hadn't gotten out of bed since learning the news. Rhea, Mila, and Akari stuck with me through my healing process, never to leave my side for anything. They noticed the door opening and noticed Isabella walking into my room with Chloe, Brianna, and Elizabeth.

"Kaden, you have a visitor." Isabella said and walked to my bed then noticed me roll to my side. "Kaddy.."

Shiro walked into to the room and smiled at me. "Kaden."

My eyes widened and I sat up quickly to see Shiro and Lustie in my room. "What—"

I noticed Gloria walking into the room and she smiled at me then bowed toward me. I was confused on what was going on.

"We've been giving everything some thought and we want to help you truly avenge your grandfather. We learned the truth...Your father gave the order to kill your grandfather." Gloria said.

"That sword I gave you...is a key." Shiro said.

Rhea looked at the sword that was in the corner. "That black sword you left behind?"

Shiro nodded then exhaled. "That is the key to my home. Your grandfather created Summer City to honor your grandmother from what Royal told me. Your grandmother loved the Summer season and to honor her and your grandfather because I respect him as well...I want to help you expand West Equinox and Summer City."

"Wait what? Expand Summer City?" Chloe asked in shock.

"For the history Summer City holds, it doesn't feel right that this city is small and confined to this area. Kaden...this is a once in a lifetime chance. Allow me to join your ranks...as your rival and ally. Let us start...the Summer Equinox." Shiro said and smiled.

Mila and Akari looked at me then noticed the life return back into my eyes.

"Our two clans...would work well together. It's time we end this generational curse and start over by becoming allies. Lustie told me that...so what do you say?" Shiro asked.

I stared at Shiro then looked down and smiled a bit. I closed my eyes and nodded. "Yes. I will allow you to join the Mitsuki Ranks."

"We shall take down your father and Ketsuko together. I can't wait to begin our new chapter." Shiro smiled and nodded.

Shiro and I, although haven't known each other for long, have finally settled our differences and went from enemies to rivals. I had an extremely powerful ally and more opportunities had begun for me and my new allies. My goals were finally complete, yet...a new volume of my life had started for me. I had new purpose...and I was going to complete my next goal: Kill my father and Ketsuko.

{Notice: Season 1, The Goal - Complete}