
Sugar Bliss

In the bustling heart of the capital, 22-year-old Mia Rosamund grapples with the harsh aftermath of her father's tragic demise in a car accident. With the weight of her family's financial woes pressing down on her shoulders, Mia's world is rocked once more when she collides with a luxury car driven by none other than Julian Alexander, a charismatic young executive and heir to an industrial empire. But fate isn't finished with Mia yet. As she struggles to make amends for the accident, Julian presents her with an outrageous demand: marriage. Caught in a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns, Mia must navigate a precarious path between financial ruin and an unlikely proposal from a man whose very presence embodies power and privilege. With stakes higher than ever, Mia faces a daunting choice: surrender to the allure of Julian's proposal and secure her financial future, or forge her own path against the odds. As their worlds collide in an unexpected union, the stage is set for a captivating tale of love, ambition, and the unpredictable journey of two souls destined to intertwine.

Asaolu_Ebenezer · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 20: Pls Don’t!!!

This morning, the addition of just one family member, Mia na, stirred a buzz of curiosity within the Fidell household. With her effortless charm and lack of formality towards the maids, Mia na injected a newfound liveliness into the residence as Julian ' newlywed wife.

From dawn till dusk, Mia na immersed herself in various household chores, including taking charge of the kitchen. Despite the maids' protests, Mia na remained unfazed, determined to assert her independence within the household. In a bold move, she even usurped Molly's role as the head cook.

"Miss, you really should take a break. If Mr. Julian catches you doing this, we could all be in trouble," Molly trailed after Mia na, attempting to dissuade her from what she deemed as beneath the status of a lady of the house.

Mia na, who was busy washing vegetables at the time, didn't seem to want to care about Molly, the mainstay chef of the Fidell family who had worked there for five years.

"If Mr. Julian dares to fire you, I will scold him directly. If necessary, I will punish him!" Mia na said as she looked at Molly seriously.

She seemed annoyed that Molly had been blocking her from doing her activities. Meanwhile, she wasn't used to having busy days just sitting at home.

"What punishment will you give me?"

A familiar voice instantly made Mia na turn her head. Her eyes widened when she realized Julian was standing not far from her still wearing his pajamas. I don't know how long he's been there.

Meanwhile, Molly looked down. Be polite in front of the employer.

"You didn't answer my question?" Julian seemed to raise an eyebrow.

"S-sorry, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to make breakfast for my husband. Am I wrong?" Mia na scrunched her face while throwing a pitiful look.

Julian frowned, feeling that there was something odd about Mia na's attitude, which seemed more relaxed than before. However, he suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Mia na last night. He also tried to balance Mia na's attitude, making the play look even more perfect.

Julian smiled elegantly while still looking at Mia na's face. However, his gaze this time seemed so wistful and alluring, as if there was no hatred or cynicism displayed by him.

"Do whatever you want to do," Julian said, then turned to Molly. "Don't stop her!" he asked Molly.

Molly jumped a little, when she saw Julian 's attitude which didn't stop his wife from doing a pretty heavy job. Shouldn't a big lady like Mia na be pampered and treated like a queen? she thought.

"Yes, Sir." Molly couldn't do much either, if Julian had asked her to do that.

"I'm going to take a shower, you finish your work soon!" Julian said to Mia na, then hurried out of the room.

"Yes," Elena whispered, slightly stunned.

Julian ' treatment this time seemed so gentle. There were no sharp gazes or high-pitched voices, which made Mia na seem stunned for a moment. If only Julian had always behaved like that, she would have loved to work with him in this play.

Instantly a smile appeared on Mia na's face. She also returned to cooking activities with the help of Molly.

Mia na spent a long time in the kitchen. Until a few minutes later, the activity was over. Mia na immediately served some breakfast menus on the table, then immediately went to the room to call Julian .

"Sir, are you done?" asked Mia na as she entered the room.

"Can't you see what I'm doing?" Julian seemed to be buttoning the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing. In fact, he didn't even turn his head towards Mia na.

I don't know why Julian took his time off so quickly, even though he had just married and had a wife. However, work seems to have become his priority. He had only been married to Mia na for two days, but was already busy to work.

Yes. In reality, Mia na was nothing to Julian . She didn't deserve to be made a priority, despite her status as the man's wife. It seemed she had to be self-aware of that. Julian couldn't have wasted any time on a woman like her.

"Okay. Breakfast is ready, I'll wait at the dining table. Excuse me!" Mia na got up from that place, intending to get out of the room immediately.

Mia na made up her mind to leave the room, then looked back when Julian called out to her.

Different from before, Mia na's question this time managed to make Julian turn his head.

"I told you, don't call me that! I prefer your relaxed way of speaking, do you understand what I said?" Julian stared intently at Mia na's face.

"Fine. I'm sorry," Mia na answered quietly.

"Help me put on a tie!" Julian asked seriously.

"What?" Mia na stared wide-eyed at Julian . How could she do that. Ah, that must have made her very nervous, she thought.

"Why? Do you mind?" Julian looked at Elena questioningly.

"M-me?" Mia na pointed at herself as if to confirm.

"Yes, you. Is there anyone else in this room besides you and me?" Julian rolled his eyes even more, just to reassure Mia na.

"I don't like being denied!" said Julian .

Mia na just snorted in annoyance, then walked over to Julian .

Hesitantly, Mia na draped the blue-and-white stripe tie, which she had received from Julian ' hand. Not a word escaped her mouth. She was just trying to do what her husband told her to do, even if it was with great compulsion.

"Do you mind doing it?" Julian asked, who had been observing Mia na's face, which looked a little wry as if he objected to his task this time.

"No," Mia na answered simply and flatly. In fact, she didn't intend to look at Julian in the slightest.

"You forgot your mother's message?"

Julian ' question instantly made Mia na look up, then stopped her activities.

"What did my mother say, huh?" annoyed Mia na. This was the first time she dared to look at Julian sarcastically like that.

Julian pursed his lips. "Didn't your mother tell you to stay obedient to your husband?"

Mia na rolled her eyes again. How did Julian know about that? she thought.

"How did you know about that?" Mia na looked up inquisitively.

Julian just smirked. It seemed that he overheard Mia na's conversation with her mother in the room yesterday.

"That doesn't apply to our marriage, Mr. Julian !" Mia na said firmly as she turned away from Julian ' face, then touched the tie around Julian ' neck again.

Julian swiftly grabbed Mia na's wrist, before the woman managed to resume her activities. This of course made Mia na even more inflamed and struggled with all her might.

"Don't ever touch me!" Mia na tried to pull her hand away. However, Julian tried his best to hold back while staring deeply at Mia na.

"Let go! You've broken the agreement!" Mia na struggled even more asking Julian to let go of her hand.