
Sugar Bliss

In the bustling heart of the capital, 22-year-old Mia Rosamund grapples with the harsh aftermath of her father's tragic demise in a car accident. With the weight of her family's financial woes pressing down on her shoulders, Mia's world is rocked once more when she collides with a luxury car driven by none other than Julian Alexander, a charismatic young executive and heir to an industrial empire. But fate isn't finished with Mia yet. As she struggles to make amends for the accident, Julian presents her with an outrageous demand: marriage. Caught in a whirlwind of unexpected twists and turns, Mia must navigate a precarious path between financial ruin and an unlikely proposal from a man whose very presence embodies power and privilege. With stakes higher than ever, Mia faces a daunting choice: surrender to the allure of Julian's proposal and secure her financial future, or forge her own path against the odds. As their worlds collide in an unexpected union, the stage is set for a captivating tale of love, ambition, and the unpredictable journey of two souls destined to intertwine.

Asaolu_Ebenezer · Fantasy
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35 Chs


"Let go! You've broken the agreement!" Mia na struggled even more asking Julian to let go of her hand.

As hard as Mia na struggled, Julian held her hand as hard as he could.

Instantly Julian lowered his gaze, then raised Mia na's hand which he was holding. At the same time, Julian looked up again at the woman in front of him.

"Is this how you tie a tie?" Julian ' eyes narrowed.

Mia na was surprised. In a flash she lowered her head, lowering her gaze to the tie she was still holding, before finally responding to Julian ' question.

"W-what should I do?" asked Mia na a little nervously.

"You really don't know how to tie a tie?" Julian looked at Mia na questioningly. He doesn't want to believe it. However, a momentary shake of Mia na's head made him sigh in frustration.

"Why didn't you tell me, if you couldn't do it? What a waste of time!" growled Julian .

"Earlier ... I was trying to explain, but—"

"Aarrgh, never mind!" cut Julian again sighing in annoyance.

"Alright, let go of my hand! Why are you still holding it like that? Isn't my hand useless to you anymore?" Mia na snapped while looking at her hand which was still held by Julian .

Julian himself didn't realize it. He was slightly surprised when he saw Mia na's wrist which was still in his grip.

"No way!" Julian didn't want to grant Mia na's request. He really didn't want to let go of that hand. "No! You have to do it to the end!" Julian said.

"But ...." Mia na didn't continue when Julian had pulled her hand away.

Mia na didn't move and could only stare at the movement of Julian ' hand which led her hand to conclude the tie correctly. It seemed that Julian was doing that on purpose, so that Mia na would pay attention to the manner of putting on a tie that she showed.

Instead of focusing on paying attention, Mia na focused on feeling her heart racing so fast. Julian ' hand, which continued to move gently while holding her hand, managed to make her froze for a moment. 'How can a position like this make my heart feel even more churned?' she thought.

Instantly the gaze shifted to Julian ' face who was apparently watching her. Their gazes locked for a moment. No sound. Only the beating of the heart seemed to be pumping in there.

Julian had finished and stopped the activity. However, he had not let go of the hand of the woman in front of him. He was still observing Mia na's face that was so perfectly beautiful, without the slightest flaw. In fact, not a single pimple stain left there.

Like Julian , Mia na is still doing the same thing. She also studied every inch of Julian ' face, she looked handsome with hazel eyes and a thin beard growing on his cheeks. Really impressed very masculine. She couldn't understand why Selena was willing to lose someone like Julian ?

"You still like this?" For the umpteenth time, Julian made Mia na blink in surprise. For some reason Julian was so happy to surprise her.

Mia na woke up. She quickly pulled her hand away from Julian 's. "You broke the agreement! Please, don't do it again!" Mia na said a little embarrassed and then immediately rushed out.

Meanwhile, Julian was grinning happily, because he had once again managed to prank an innocent woman like Mia na.

In the dining room, Mia na began setting plates and spoons on the table, then poured water into several empty glasses. She keeps the glass filled with water beside each plate that has been arranged neatly, which she deliberately prepares for breakfast for her husband and her two in-laws.

"Mia na, what are you doing?" Veronica's voice suddenly broke in the room, causing Mia na to look up and stop her activities.

"Did you do this all by yourself?" Veronica asked as she looked at Mia na, then the gaze shifted to the dish on the dining table.

Mia na smiled, before she finally said, "Yes, Mami. Let's have breakfast together."

"Who let the big miss do the work?" Albert who was standing next to Veronica suddenly raised her voice, hoping that all the servants in the house would hear it.

This of course made the servants in the house swiftly face Albert, and Molly was no exception. They show submission and fear. They seemed to know very well how their master looked when he was angry.

"Why did you let Miss Mia na do the work you were supposed to do?" Albert slightly clenched his jaw while casting a sinister look at the maids.

Not only were the servants surprised, Mia na was also made to jump at her father-in-law's attitude. She was stunned for a moment seeing Albert's expression that looked so angry. However, she quickly tried to intervene, before finally a prolonged misunderstanding occurred.

"Sir, I'm sorry." Mia na approached the two in-laws, then stood in front of them.

"Actually they have forbidden me not to work, but I insisted. I hope you will not scold them for this incident," explained Mia na, a little nervous.

Instantly Albert and Veronica rounded perfectly as if they couldn't believe Mia na's confession.

"What? Did I hear wrong?" Albert confirmed.

"Yes, sir. This is purely my wish," answered Mia na quietly.

"But why did you have to do it? Doesn't this house already have many servants ready to serve you?" asked Albert still in disbelief. How could a woman as beautiful and classy as Mia na be willing to do the work of the maids in that house.

"Mia , you're the young lady of this house. You shouldn't have done that work. Let them do it," added Veronica.

"Sorry, Mami, but I can't just stay at home doing nothing. Besides, I also want to prepare breakfast for my husband, before he goes to work," Mia na replied with a pitiful expression, hoping her in-laws would understand that.

"Work?" Albert was stunned for a moment. "Julian is going to work today? Why doesn't he take more time off? Didn't you two just get married?" A series of questions escaped Albert's mouth. He looked confused by Julian who was in a hurry to spend his time off.

"What's happened? Why is it so noisy in the morning?" Julian ' presence briefly distracted them, before Mia na could answer Albert's question.

Julian stood beside Mia na, facing his parents.

"Julian ? Are you really going to work today?" Albert looked questioningly at the son who had just appeared with the appearance of a young executive.

"Yes. Why, Daddy? Is something wrong?" Julian answered casually.

"Why are you in such a hurry. Didn't you just get married to Mia na. Take a few days off!" asked Albert.

"I'll find a perfect time for our honeymoon. Isn't that right, honey?" Julian said while embracing Mia na's shoulder which suddenly made Mia na widen her e