
Sudden inspiration idea

*DISCLAIMER this is only a discussion of potential power any author could take inspired on this discussion* *Note:any personal imaginative power or tech can be write here on comments section or chapter section* *I'm not very good on English but I'll try so everyone can understand*

merri_dono · Bücher und Literatur
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8 Chs

Technology : Bio Cube

Bio cube a cube shape pokebox inspired by my floating mind is a technology that can transform matter to a type of bio energy that can develop a biological creature.

It's a cube shape glowing blue box that has button on the front of it like pokeball but shape like cube.

The energy that it made can develop or evolve a certain part or a creature but it's need a large energy.

To get it any type of dead animal or bio mass even minirals like uranium can be transformed to bio energy.

You can develop the brain if you have enough bio energy or you could strengthen your body to become superhuman.