
Successor of god

Long story short, Dave was a guy who everybody looked up to he was the richest man to live he was a scientist who made the cure to cancer but then he died, and got a chance at a second life, but this life is more interesting as he gets to travel to Anime worlds while in the process getting stronger as he is the Successor of THE GOD and for that to happen he needs to be strong. I don’t own Naruto all credit to that goes to their creator. All I own is the MC.

Supreme_Galaxy · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Meeting Mother

" Well this is my last minute until I disappear Naruto, but remember I will alway's love you." Said Minato as he completely disappeared. When he disappeared he was left there with Kurama but although he dint know a tear was falling down his cheek.

After he disappeared Naruto just stood there, after the minute he started walking up to Kurama who had his eyes closed just enjoying being free from the cage after a long time.

" Kurama I'm going to try and use your power if you don't mind." Said Naruto to which Kurama just open his eye and nodded his head afterwards.

When Naruto tried to use Kuramas power a second later golden chain's appeared and launched themselves towards Kurama much to his annoyance. Then everything went white and Naruto waited for a few minutes until the white light disappeared and he was in a place where everything was a color mixed between yellow and gold.

He walked forward and to be honest with himself he was a little scare and kinda happy as he was finally going to meet his mother, and as well one of the characters he loved when he was back on earth and watch/read the anime/manga.

While he was walking forwards a silhouettes appeared and when he got closer he could see a beautiful woman with red hair white shirt and a long green dress and when he saw her he smiled and walked closer to her to greet her.

(A/N: He is still wearing the white and red outfit that looks like the Assassins creed one with the mask, so Kuching can't see his face)

" Hello mom, How are you?" Asked Naruto with a smile

Kishinev turned around and saw someone standing there but when he said mom she smiled widely because of it.

" Is that you Naruto?" Asked Kushina as she couldn't see his face, and he picked up from that so he took of his mask and his hood and when his face was shown, Kushina was almost as red as her hair from how...well handsome he looked.

" Yes it's me mom." Said Naruto with a smile which made Kushina mesmerized and her heart beat started to increase.

Naruto got closer to her and hugged her for a minute before Kushina reciprocated and hugged him back. They spend a few minutes like that before they separated although Kushina dint want to.

" You know mom your red hair is really beautiful it compliments your beautiful face." Said Naruto with a smile trying to flirt with her

( A/N:Yes I'm adding her but no more maybe Konan but that's it)

" W-What are y-you saying Naruto." Said Kushina with a blush that was as red as her hair and some steam was coming out of her head. While that was happening, she was thinking " How come when he says it, it makes me more happy that I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest but when Minato said it I just felt happy?...Could this be true love and not that of Mother and Son but that of a Husband and Wife?" Was what Kushina was thinking but inside she knew even if she did love him like a husband and not a son she couldn't be with him well because she's dead.

" Mom... mom....MOM!" Yelled Naruto as he saw she couldn't get out of her thoughts.

" H-huh Oh Naruto what happened?" Asked Kushina as she got out of her thoughts.

" I was saying that I could revive you before you disappear so that you can be with me before the time runs out so what do yo say mom?" Asked Naruto with a smile.

" Oh... yes Naruto if you can, can you please do it?" Asked Kushina while secretly inside she was happy that she gets to spend time with her son and if what she thinks is right that she loves him not like Mother and son but that of a Husband and wife kind of love.

While Naruto on the other hand was happy that she said yes... well technically said yes but was a hell lot more happy that she dint mention him having sex with Tsunami and sighed with relief. But Karma stings in the back because the next thing she said send shivers all over his body.

"Oh... yeah Naruto I saw what you did yesterday and I dint like it, I SAID DONT HAVE THAT UNTIL YOU'RE 18!!!" Screamed Kushina with An Oni mask behind her smiling like a devil (The oni mask not her)while her cheeks were a little red but he dint know whether it was because of anger, embarrassment, or jealousy, only she knew.( That's her)

That was when Naruto knew that The anger of a mother is more dangerous then battling with * The God* and grab that image and shoved it deep into his very being wanting to remember one thing for the rest of his life... and that was TO NEVER EVER MAKE YOUR MOTHER MAD.

"*Gulp* H-ha-ha-hahaha I'm sorry but I love her." Said Naruto, as he said Kushina felt a sting in her heart and she looked down in disappointment that he loved another and not her as she just fell in love with her own son but hey who cares am I right?

" But I also love you so don't be disappointed okay." Said Naruto because he saw her looked down in disappointment and he figured she fell for him, and he decided to reciprocate her feelings.

" Huh you love me? Like love of husband and wife or mother and son?" Asked Kushina with a little hope he would say the first

" Yes I love like husband and wife and not a mother-son kind of love and if you love me the same way I do when I revive you maybe we can be together?" Asked Naruto

" Yes Naruto I do love you the same way you love me and if we can be together that would make me the most happy I've ever been." Said Kushina as she walked closer to him and put her arm's around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

Naruto was t ready for it but after a second he started to reciprocate her kissed and they kissed for a few minutes before they separated, a string of saliva was could be seen connecting both their mouths. They smiled at each other and Kushina started to disappear like Minato (A/N: Sorry Minato for making your wife love our MC whose your son but the viewers wanted it.)

Before she could disappear Naruto grab her soul and stored it in his inventory. He came back to the sewers and saw Kurama but there was something different about him he never smiled but now he does, and his fur which was this dark orange is now light orange he walked up to him and said.

" Hey Kurama why did you change I mean I know you now have both yin-yang parts but why the change?" Asked Naruto

" What are you talking about boy I'm not Kurama my names Kurumi... but you do look handsome and I think I just fell for you, you're too lucky boy you made me fall for you or should I say your too handsome." Said Kurama now known as Kurumi with a seductive voice.

Naruto was too shock to respond to her so he only stood there but soon got out of his daze he looked at her and said " Oh okay Kurumi I'll see you later and thank you for your feelings but for now I can't reciprocate them so maybe another day we can be together." Said Naruto

He went out of the sewers and appeared back onto where he was he got up from his lotus position and started waking back to Tsunami's home.