
Successor of god

Long story short, Dave was a guy who everybody looked up to he was the richest man to live he was a scientist who made the cure to cancer but then he died, and got a chance at a second life, but this life is more interesting as he gets to travel to Anime worlds while in the process getting stronger as he is the Successor of THE GOD and for that to happen he needs to be strong. I don’t own Naruto all credit to that goes to their creator. All I own is the MC.

Supreme_Galaxy · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Meeting parents

When they all finish they all left with Tsunami and Inari staying home Team 7 went to train but Naruto went a different way because what Kakashi wanted to teach them he already knows and did.

While Naruto was walking away from his team he was thinking about just going to meet his parents as he always liked their personality when he was back on earth, so he was choosing wether to meet them or not at the end he chooses to meet them and to do that first he must unseal Kurama to meet his father and try to control the power of Kurama to meet his mother. So after going through everything he knew from Naruto Shippuuden, he went and enter his minds-cape where Kurama was.

" Oí Kurama I'm going to unseal you ok." Said Naruto

" About time don't you think you basically keep talking to me but never unseal me... and you keep saying that I'm your best friend." Said Kurama with a little annoyance

" Yeah yeah I'm sorry ok, anyway I'm going to unseal you." Said Naruto as he was about to unseal Kurama when a bright light appeared in front of him and something or someone grab his hand stopping him from unsealing Kurama.

" Don't unseal him ok... he is dangerous and will try to kill you so don't do it Naruto." Said a voice and when the bright light vanished Naruto could see a man a little taller than him with the same blond hair he has and blue eyes as well.

When Naruto saw him he was thinking about he does look better in real life than on tv and how he gets to meet his now father who basically he dint spend anytime with.

" Huh...what do you mean he isn't bad or dangerous he's my best friend in the whole world." Said Naruto with Kurama shouting behind Minato saying stuff like " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN I'LL KILL HIM, AND LIKE HE SAID HES MY BEST FRIEND SO WHY WOULD KILL HIM YOU IDIOT BLOND MAN!!"

" Yeah what he said why would he kill me if were best friends?" Asked Naruto with a confused face while looking at Minato.

" No he must have tricked you Naruto if you unseal him he will kill you." Said Minato with a serious face as if trying to show Naruto he wasn't lying and being serious about it.

Naruto who heard what he said just pretended to no hear him and walk past him rip of the paper and unseal Kurama though Minato was going to try and stop him he was to late as the unseal was done. When the cage disappeared Minato when in front of Naruto to stop him fron getting hurt because he thought Kurama might try and kill Naruto but it never came, he then looked behind him and saw Kurama just laying with his eyes closed like he dint even care what was going on around him.

" He dint try and kill you when you unseal him... but how?" Asked Minato in shock as he just witnessed what happened.

" Of course he dint... like I said he is my best friend and I am his so why would he kill me dint you believe me dad?" Asked Naruto, but when he asked this Minato showed a a more shocked expression than before while looking at Naruto.

" How did you know I was your dad Naruto?" Asked Minato with a curious expression

" Well it's not really that hard when we have the same hair same eyes, and the fact you knew my name... oh and the fact that i heard that the fourth Hokage was my father and there a literal giant stone face that looks just like you on a mountain." Said Naruto sarcastically while Kurama who heard him and the tone of voice he used was laughing his ass of.

" Oh...ummm yeah I gues that would make sense on how you know about me considering all the things you just listed off Ha hahaha." Said Minato with an embarrassed laughed at the end.

" Can I ask you something?" Asked Naruto

" Yeah go ahead Naruto." Said Minato

" How come your here in front of me last I heard you were 6 feet under." Said Naruto

" Oh that's because I left I a piece of my soul to stay and watched you grow up even if I couldn't be here I still wanted to see you grow up and for the second part it was to stop you from trying to unseal the kyu- I mean Kurama when it was not the right time though I guess I was wrong about that. Also I only have limited time so if you want to ask me anything you can do it now." Said Minato

" Oh... well if there you than is there also mom and can you also give eme the other half of Kurama as he says he misses being full?" Asked Naruto , even if he already knew the answer he just wanted for Minato to tell him as to not make it seem he already knew Kushina was watching him also.

" Yeah she's also here with you also watching you and for the second part yes I can give you the other part of Kuruma if you want." Said Minato, shocking Naruto as how he can give him the other part of Kurama when he's not even alive but when he heard Kushina also watches him with Minato a question arises in his mind.

" Oh ok yes I want to have the other part of Kurama... and also just out of my curiosity you said that both of you watch me right?... does that mean even when I'm showering or...you know?�� Asked With a curious and a little scared expression as he knew how Kushina acted and how she said to have a girlfriend but not until he was 18, as he watched the episode where Kushina explained everything to Naruro when he met her and when he remembered the girlfriend part he had got shivers up his spine as he just had sex with Tsunami when he's just 12.

" Well yes we did and do since we just can't stop as we can see everything you see... and...well I guess congratulations on finding your future wife and one piece of advice when you meet your mother... just get ready ok." Said Minato remembering how she acted when she got mad at him and as soon as he did he got shivers to.

When he said Naruto got so scared that his soul was about to go to heaven because of how scare he was but it stopped and he got back to reality. I mean she can't kill him but then anger of a mother lets just pray for him when he meets her.

" Anyways I'll put the yin-half of Kurama in you now so lift your shirt up.�� Said Minato as he release his seal and started to transfer the yin-half of Kurama's chakra into Naruto. When he was done he took his hand back but he started to disappear.

" Well this is my last minute until I disappear Naruto, but remember I will alway's love you." Said Minato as he completely disappeared. When he disappeared he was left there with Kurama but although he dint know a tear was falling down his cheek.

Then end thank you for still supporting this fan-fic even if I still dint write for a long time.

I'm sorry I haven't been writing as I have been busy all week but from today till Saturday I'll start writing everyday.

Supreme_Galaxycreators' thoughts