
Studying superpowers in a mental hospital

A fascinating Chinese fantasy novel.

DaoistLYCOmu · Urban
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21 Chs

I want to live!

Wang Shao?!" Li Yifei and the other two heard the familiar voice and exclaimed in unison.

The three of them exchanged glances and immediately ran towards the alley where Wang Shao had left.

Lin Qiye stood alone in place, frowning as he gazed at the dim alley, his expression turning serious.

Although he didn't know what was happening, he had a foreboding feeling in his heart.

In the outskirts of the old city, a psychopathic killer, a sinister stench, screams...

Something was amiss.

After hesitating in place for a while, after a mental struggle, he sighed helplessly, and finally picked up his white cane and rushed towards the alley.

Under normal circumstances, if Lin Qiye encountered such a situation, he would definitely not meddle and would instead run in the opposite direction as fast as possible!

Since someone was screaming, it meant that it was definitely not a good situation.

Not a good situation meant trouble.

Robbery, murder, or witnessing a crime scene... Regardless of which one, Lin Qiye did not want to get involved with any of them.

He didn't have that strong curiosity to want to know what exactly was happening; nor did he have an overflow of sympathy to want to play the hero.

Most importantly, he didn't know how to fight. What if he ended up losing his life there?

But the current situation was a bit different.

Although Lin Qiye didn't want to admit it, Wang Shao's danger was somewhat related to him.

If they hadn't escorted Lin Qiye home on their own initiative, perhaps Wang Shao would have taken another route back home, or returned a few minutes earlier, and wouldn't have ended up in this situation?

He truly disliked meddling in other people's affairs, but he disliked owing favors even more.

Regardless, he at least had to go and see what was happening, considering it as a gesture of goodwill. And if he encountered any danger, he would just run away.

With his eyes covered, Lin Qiye's speed didn't slow down at all. The closer he got to where the screams were coming from, the tighter his brow furrowed.

The stench was becoming stronger and stronger.


The second scream came from around the corner ahead, this time a female voice.

Jiang Qian!

Lin Qiye abruptly stopped at the corner of the alley, his spiritual perception catching sight of Jiang Qian and two others.

Not far ahead of him, Jiang Qian was slumped on the ground, her mouth wide open in terror as she stared ahead, trembling all over!

In front of her, Liu Yuan and Li Yifei were frozen like statues, their eyes fixed firmly ahead, also trembling!

Further away... Lin Qiye couldn't sense anything.

His eyes still unable to open, unable to see the world with his own vision, and with his spiritual perception limited to only ten meters, an extremely awkward situation arose.

Within ten meters, he could perceive everything; beyond ten meters, he was truly blind.

What did Jiang Qian and the others see that scared them so much?

Although he couldn't see, his sense of hearing was very acute. He could clearly hear rustling sounds not far away.

It sounded like someone was gnawing on something, gnawing wildly and with relish.

Hmm... it sounded like when Xiao Hei gnawed on bones.

"What's happening?" Lin Qiye asked in a low voice.

Jiang Qian seemed startled by Lin Qiye's appearance. She grabbed his clothes frantically, her teeth chattering.

"Monster... a monster is gnawing on Wang Shao's face!"

Lin Qiye's expression changed instantly!


Lin Qiye and Li Yifei both shouted at the same time!

As soon as the word came out, Liu Yuan, like a mad wild dog, turned around and sprinted backwards frantically. After stumbling from the impact with Lin Qiye's shoulder, he quickly got up and ran for his life!

"Monster... Help! Someone help!! Monster!" he screamed loudly as he ran.

Lin Qiye, caught off guard by his collision, staggered, barely stabilizing himself before hearing a dull impact sound from a distance.

It sounded like a brown bear pounding the ground, charging madly in his direction.

Jiang Qian's pupils suddenly contracted. With a burst of energy from somewhere, she sprang up from the ground like lightning and ran away screaming.

As for Li Yifei... he had already started running after shouting the word "run", his speed slightly faster than Liu Yuan who had pushed Lin Qiye away.

If it weren't for Liu Yuan's recent collision that caused Lin Qiye to stumble, Li Yifei would have run far ahead by now.

But just that momentary delay had left him lagging behind, just like Jiang Qian.

At this moment, it seemed like everyone had forgotten Lin Qiye's "disabled" status. The classmates who had just promised solemnly to escort him home had completely disregarded him.

Well, not completely disregarded, considering they had just bumped into him.

Lin Qiye sneered inwardly.

But now he had no time to worry about these things because as he had just taken a few steps, something intruded into his spiritual perception range of ten meters.

It looked like a person, yet not quite.

It was like a person because it had four limbs and a head like a human, but not like a person because at that moment it resembled a hyena, running on all fours on the ground, with a bulky body like a bear!

Most importantly, it had a ghostly face on its head.

Pallid, contorted.

Its long and crimson tongue, resembling a snake, extended half a meter from its mouth, writhing flexibly.

Lin Qiye's expression instantly turned grim.

Its speed was too fast. In just a few steps, it leaped from ten meters away to within its own mental perception range, and it was approaching him at an astonishing speed!

Lin Qiye believed that even the world's sprint champion would absolutely not be able to outrun it.

Lin Qiye calculated the distance from here to the end of the alley in his mind, and his heart sank instantly.

With the speed difference between them, he wouldn't be able to run out of this alley before being caught up to.

What other options were there...

Lin Qiye's brain spun rapidly, perceiving everything nearby, trying to find something to block the monster behind him.

Suddenly, his mental power landed on the backpack behind Jiang Qian.

"Throw the backpack at it! Delay it!" Lin Qiye roared!

Beside Lin Qiye, Jiang Qian shuddered all over, a cold light flashing in her eyes. She let out a scream and yanked the backpack off...

And hurled it toward Lin Qiye.

Lin Qiye's pupils suddenly contracted!

He never expected that Jiang Qian would actually make a move against him!

By the time Lin Qiye reacted, the backpack had already landed heavily on his chest!

Through his mental perception, Lin Qiye could clearly see Jiang Qian's expression.

Her face was incredibly pale, like a startled rabbit, fear written all over her face, but her eyes held an unprecedented ruthlessness!

At that moment, the shy and kind class monitor seemed to transform into a hysterical demon!

She looked at Lin Qiye with guilt, madness, and malice in her eyes...

Yes, I am the class monitor;

I promised to help you more in the future;

I promised your aunt to take care of you;

I can teach you how to do problems, walk you home, help you with meals... all of that is not a problem!

But now...

I want to live.


Please go and die.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. Lin Qiye looked into Jiang Qian's eyes, his own eyes as cold and deep as the night.

Throwing a backpack wouldn't delay the monster for more than a few seconds, but abandoning a person... increased the chances of survival.

This was Jiang Qian's choice.

The backpack was not heavy, and the kinetic energy was not great, but unexpectedly it struck Lin Qiye hard.

Behind him, the rapidly approaching monster leaped towards Lin Qiye who was left behind.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Qiye smiled.

His smile was very cold.

As if he had eyes on his back, he anticipated the monster's trajectory, swiftly crouched down, and skillfully avoided the monster's lunge!

At the same time, the cane that he had been holding in his hand swept forward like lightning, its tip striking Jiang Qian's ankle!

Jiang Qian exclaimed in shock, losing her balance and falling to the ground.

A heavy shadow suddenly descended and crashed down on her...

The next moment, blood dyed the night crimson.