
Studying superpowers in a mental hospital

A fascinating Chinese fantasy novel.

DaoistLYCOmu · Urban
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21 Chs

His eyes

Jiang Qian died.

Lin Qiye witnessed the entire process of her death.

The monster descended from above, cleanly slicing open her neck as if cutting tofu with its nails, then gleefully began to devour her.

Until the very last moment, Jiang Qian's eyes were fixed firmly on Lin Qiye, filled with fear and resentment.

Lin Qiye's mind perceived all the details clearly, his stomach churning, nearly causing him to vomit.

Although he had already matured more than his peers through numerous hardships and struggles, this was the first time he had seen such a bloody scene.

And now was not the time to vomit.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Qiye turned and ran towards the other side of the alley while the monster was busy devouring Jiang Qian's body!

The original retreat path had been blocked by the monster, so he had to take a different approach and run towards the direction where Wang Shao had been attacked.

The monster seemed more interested in the corpse, so it didn't chase after him, which made Lin Qiye breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't know what the monster was exactly, but it was undoubtedly not part of the category of "human" or any known category of "beast" among humans.

If someone were to say it was a mutated humanoid due to radiation, he might believe it. Its physique, strength, and speed were simply beyond what normal humans could contend with.

But that was only a "maybe."

In this world shrouded in mist, having seen the existence of Archangels with his own eyes, he did not believe that science was the only truth in the world.

He believed in the existence of the "mysterious."

And Lin Qiye always felt... he seemed to have heard of this kind of monster somewhere before.

Just as he was lost in thought, something else entered his mental perception, causing Lin Qiye to brake suddenly and come to a sharp stop.

His breathing became even heavier.

Ten meters in front of him, the figure of that monster appeared again, and Lin Qiye could confirm that this was not the same one as before.

Although it was similarly ugly, it was definitely a different one.

The most obvious evidence was that in the arms of this monster, there was the dead body of Wang Shao, being gnawed on.

At this point, Wang Shao's face had completely disappeared, leaving only a blurry mass of flesh and blood. If it weren't for his distinctive clothing, Lin Qiye might not have recognized who it was at all.

This was the second monster.

The one that killed Wang Shao!

When he was with Jiang Qian and the others before, he didn't see the scene ten meters away and subconsciously thought there was only one monster. But now thinking back, he was way off.

From the behavior of the monster that killed Jiang Qian, it was clear that these monsters preferred eating corpses rather than chasing after living people, otherwise Lin Qiye would not have been able to escape.

But as soon as Wang Shao died, a monster immediately started chasing after Lin Qiye and the others.

This could only mean... another monster was already feasting on Wang Shao's body.

One alley, two monsters, completely sealing off all of Lin Qiye's retreat paths.

Lin Qiye's face was extremely pale, a feeling of despair rarely seen in his heart.

In the seventeen years, there were only two times that truly made him feel despair.

One was ten years ago, when he saw those eyes on the moon.

The other time, was now.

In front of him, the monster that had finished eating Wang Shao's face seemed to discard his body like trash, then turned to look at Lin Qiye, its crimson tongue licking the blood at the corner of its mouth.

At this moment, Lin Qiye wanted to curse.

Damn it, why is it always me being so unlucky!?

When I was a child, I could see archangels climbing on rooftops,

End up falling down from the rooftop blinded,

People thought I had a mental breakdown and ended up spending a year in a mental hospital,

Now that I finally made it through and was ready to study hard for the college entrance exam to embrace a new life...

I run into you, you ugly freak?

Some people never encounter such things in their whole life, and here I am encountering two at once?!

It's just ridiculous!

Under the pressure of death, the anger and frustration that had been suppressed in Lin Qiye's heart for years erupted like a volcano!

This burning rage surged, compressing his fear into a tiny space, and a ferocity he didn't know he had suddenly burst forth!

He tightly gripped his cane, facing the looming monster, his chest heaving heavily.

At this moment, it was as if the monster in front of him was not just a creature that had just feasted on a human, but all the grievances and setbacks he had experienced over the past ten years.

Even Auntie and Yang Jin didn't know what kind of anger was hidden in the heart of this young man who had been suppressed for a decade!

He refused to accept it!!

Perhaps even he himself hadn't realized that under this surging emotion, his eyes that had been tightly closed for ten years trembled violently, as if they were about to open at any moment.


The monster, looking at the tender flesh of Lin Qiye, like a thug seeing a beauty, let out a sharp screech and leaped up!

"Damn it, I'm not afraid of you!" Lin Qiye growled low, raising his cane and actually charging towards the leaping monster!

The distance between the two rapidly shortened!

Just as the monster's claws were about to slash Lin Qiye's throat, the latter suddenly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike!

Although Lin Qiye could perfectly track the movements of the monster, his own physical abilities were lacking. The claw grazed his temple, leaving a faint blood mark.

At the same time, the black ribbon was cut open, carried away by the swirling wind.

With his eyes closed, Lin Qiye seized the opportunity, let out a roar, and fiercely stabbed the monster's abdomen with his broken cane!


A crisp sound rang out. Lin Qiye felt a lightness in his hand before a huge force came from behind, and the monster's tail directly knocked him away!

Lin Qiye rolled on the ground after being knocked back, enduring the pain as he got up. He sensed that the cane in his hand had been broken into two pieces.

The cane was originally meant for guiding the blind, not particularly sturdy in material. It naturally couldn't withstand the impact of the extremely hard monster.

"Damn it!"

He cursed angrily, throwing the broken half of the cane to the ground.

He finally got a chance, only to waste it like this.

The breaking of the cane was like a fuse, setting off all of Lin Qiye's emotions. He stood there, fists clenched tightly, nails digging into his flesh, leaving bloody marks.

"I refuse to accept this!" he roared!

In the midst of this surging emotion, a strange feeling suddenly surged into his mind.

Like a spring rain, everything fell into place, and a coolness flowed from his heart, touching the blockage in his mind gently...

The layer of paper-thin window, burst open!

Lin Qiye felt as if a sun was exploding within his body, an unprecedented heat filling his entire being, the eyes beneath his eyelids feeling like they were being scorched, intensely hot!

And so, naturally...

He opened those eyes that had been tightly closed for ten years.

And these eyes saw the final image, another pair of eyes,

The eyes of an archangel!

In an instant, a dazzling column of intense heat erupted from the alley at the edge of the old city, piercing the sky!

At that moment, the black night shone as bright as day!