

The wagon, large four wheeled cart with canvas cover pulled by a strong horse came to an abrupt stop. As it did sounds of complaint rang out from the wagon bed as a youth of about sixteen with short brown hair rubes his head where a small purple bruise was beginning to form.

Propping himself up careful to avoid the circular packages wrapped in cloth piled around him. "Hey George is it magical beasts? I hear they thrive in these woods."

"No clue, whatever it is looks like its coming from the head of the caravan. Hopefully it will be dealt with soon pops will kill me if the cheeses went bad on the way. Hey Cameron why don't you check it out, your dad was a knight and all you should be able to handle whatever the problem." Responds the cart driver a lengthy young man with long brown hair and rough dirty clothes but having no facial hair to speak off.

Suddenly ear piercingly loud screaming echoes throughout the caravan. Cameron scrambles up to the driver seat next to George. Looking out he sees men carrying makeshift weapons, mostly tree branch clubs, running towards the front of the caravan. In the opposite direction rushing to the back of the caravan are women and children; some children being carried while older ones being pulled behind their mothers.

"When I offered you the job it was just cause I knew you needed to get to the capital, I never though anything would happen." George says with a remorseful face.

"Yeah well looks like its time to earn my keep" Cameron responds as he moves back into the wagon.

Reaching for his pack Cameron grumbles to himself "Stay up half the night on guard duty only for the caravan to be attacked the next day, just my luck. I had just gotten to sleep to."

Without thinking further Cameron grabs his fathers longsword from its place strapped to his pack he was using only minutes ago as a makeshift pillow. Twisting his fathers ring for good lucks, Cameron hops out the back of the cart and starts racing to the front of the caravan.

The dirt road still muddy from last nights rain combined with the panicked crowds slows Cameron's progress to a stall. Hearing conflict and seeing the forest adjacent to the road clear of people Cameron makes the quick decision to bypass the busy road through the forest. Seeing relatively less overgrowth and shrubs on the right of the road Cameron enters the forest and began to jog towards the front of the caravan.

Feeling a sharp pain in his side Cameron is stunned to see an arrow protruding form his waist, dropping his still sheathed blade in pain and shock he stares down at the wound. Carefully reaching for his side Cameron grasps the arrow, causing intense pain to wrack his body. Gritting his teeth, feeling the rough food arrow shaft he gives a quick tug but after only a moment overwhelming pain hits stopping his movement. Seeing his right hand nock soaked in bright red blood Cameron panics, and without a clue of what to do begins to yell out for help.

"Help! I need help, I don't know what to do!"

As he stumbles back towards the road Cameron continues to cry for help with one hand holding his side as the other waves franticly. Seeing an old grey haired man with a long beard wearing clothes crafted from furs and holding a large bow he begins to feel a glimmer of hope that he just might make it back to safety.

Suddenly a sharp pain erupts from his back, looking down Cameron sees an arrowhead soaked in blood and bits of flesh jutting out from the front of his chest. Collapsing onto the ground the only thing he can see is the mud around him dyed red with blood, but oddly the fall doesn't make his wounds hurt worse instead they aren't hurting at all. The last thing Cameron hears is the bowman yelling, but what he yells becomes harder and harder to make out until the whole world goes silent.

Welcome! Thank you for reading my new novel, first time author on this site so any feedback would be appreciated.

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