
Students Human Nature.(Dropped Check out new novel,better then this)


Supreme_Slaughter · Aktion
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: 1/3

"The dark spirit entered the body of the Elf and began to course through it. Although the Elf's body was swelling up, it seemed as though the Elf was not aware of it. The Elf was lost in a pleasurable dream, while their body was experiencing something far from pleasurable."

BOOM! The Elf's body blew up and its internal organs were scattered across the area splattering the walls with blood and gore. The dark spirit had successfully consumed the Elf's life force, leaving behind a gruesome scene of destruction and death.

A group of 10 appeared behind Aaron's back and their commander spoke.

"Bloody bastard, Stop right there and Il give you a painless death."


"What will you do?"

Aaron snapped and spoke.

"Il Tortu-"


A combined Explosion of 11 men covered a big radius, not that it would affect Aaron anyway.

From a far place, an adult carrying water in a bucket saw Aaron's figure and thought of something, A demon.

The children of the adult saw the picture and posted the picture online, it was crazy viral.


CatLover900:Is demonic cult starting to move again?

First of the Nine Great Stars: The cult is nothing but a mere facade against me, imbeciles.

Astra:Shutup you arrgoant bastard

***************At the OG Protagonist(Roberto but lets call him Robert now)


Robert screamed as he felt pain shooting through his leg. He felt like a piece of his heart had been ripped out. The agony was unbearable, and he struggled to catch his breath. Every muscle in the body was melting away, leaving him weak and helpless. The excruciating pain seemed to consume his entire being, making it difficult for him to even think straight. As he lay there, a wave of fear washed over him, wondering if he would ever be able to walk again.


Robert's bodyguard rushed into the room after hearing screams.

Robert was suddenly pulled out of the Illusion, only to still have the pain of his heart being ripped out. He felt like he was going to die, each and every part of his body ripped out and placed in front of him.

"No nothing happened, did you get the information on Loara and how she is right now?

Ps: Loara Is the OG Female lead for Robert

"Yes Sir Robert, she is currently in secluded training. It is located on the outskirts of the capital city. We can only get a general area without action.

Your word is my command."

Robert was not shocked by her character as he had been playing the game countless times.

"Let's catch her, bring me there and let's start the plan. Even though she works hard, Loara is dumb as shit falling for any fantasy she sees."

*******************Back to Aaron**********************************

'Now navigate me towards the Academy AI'

[You have accomplished milestones in the Blood Demon technique]

[Reward: Advancement in the energy]

'I feel different, especially when using the Technique'

'Blood Demon Technique: Dark Arts'


The Spirit grew bigger and could talk via telepathy.


Yoo, what are you'r guys thought on where this is heading, dont like something about this chapter? Leave a comment and i will think about it:)

Supreme_Slaughtercreators' thoughts