
Students Human Nature.(Dropped Check out new novel,better then this)


Supreme_Slaughter · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: 3/3

'I cannot suppress my growth, navigate me towards an unendifited or weakly guarded place.'

[Turning on navigation system]

[Go to the Teleportation ]

[Teleport to Zone #411]

[Would you like directions such as pointers or arrows?]

'No, thank you.'

*********Skipping till He reaches the Teleportation Desk*************

"Where to?" demanded the desk assistant in a professional tone.

"Zone #411," replied a coarse voice.

"Identification, please," the assistant requested firmly.

Aaron deliberately changed his voice and covered his face. The time for his plan to begin had arrived at last.

"So, Mr. Robert, tell me the reason why you want to visit this particular zone. You don't seem to correlate with the inhabitants in the zone," said the assistant.

"Why do you need to know?" Aaron started to exert pressure on the assistant, waiting for him to crumble. He leaned in closer and whispered into the assistant's ear, " Would you ask the same type of question to the mercenary who killed thousands of civilians or ask it to the kidnappers whom you recently collaborated with for human trafficking? It is your choice in the 


Every word Aaron uttered scared the flying shit out of the Travel assistant.

"Have a nice trip, Sir, here is a business card, call them if you want to sell anything. They will buy items above market price, and please do not tell anyone about this."

Aaron walked off with the business card, not giving a fuck about the last few words.

'If anyone betrays me or is my enemy, they are fucked.'

His aura scared the passersby, they unknowingly created a pathway for him.

[Teleportain has ended]

[Host, This interference will stop now.]

[You are unrestricted no matter what]

'Finally, I'm sorry to do this but I need to do this. Does that make any sense? Nevermind.'

***At the Travel Desk********

'Fuck fuck, I didn't think the prince would have left already. Considering that he already exposed the Corleto family's activity, I need to catch him before the 'he' knows of this. Fucking bitch dangering my life by exposing that 'guys' family.'

Sterling dashed towards the Teleportation desk.

"Sir has anyone recently left who looks around 18 to 19 years old, has a punchable face and is very arrogant?"

This certainly confused the assistant as he had never seen anyone like that.

"No sir, I have not seen anyone like that. Apologies"

Hearing this, took sterling into a puzzle.

Sterling checked the records of each teleportation and the third prince did not pop up.

'How would he have left the capital without the teleporting? OH FUCK.'

Sending a telepathy message to the commanders of the borders,

'Lock every border, check out all the cars for the third prince. This is an emergency.'

'I need to let the First Prince know about this.'

At an undisclosed location, two men were engaged in a rapid conversation that seemed to be of great importance. One of them appeared to be in a position of power, as he was issuing orders to the other.

"Sir, the Capital has issued a lockdown at all the borders. Our shipments are at stake. If they are found, then our activity will be exposed," the subordinate reported, his tone urgent.

The man in charge let out a curse under his breath, clearly agitated by the news. "Damn it. Tell them to retreat and delay the process. We can't afford to be caught now."

He paused for a moment, deep in thought, before issuing another command. "I need you to call an emergency meeting. We need to come up with a new plan of action, and fast."

The gravity of the situation was palpable in the air as both men exchanged worried glances. It was clear that something big was at stake, and they needed to act quickly to protect their interests.

*******End of scene, back to Aaron*************

'AI, why did you ask me to teleport to this place'

[This zone is not supervised at all as the teleportation area is not protected. It is more like abandoned.]

'Alright then, bring me to the nearest group or village of humans'

[Follow the arrows and it will bring you there]

'Why is it so far away?'

[This world has multiple races excluding humans.]

[The teleportation system can only bring people this far and anything else is up to them]

'It doesn't matter which race I kill right?'

[Yes host.]

'Awesome, I wonder what the different race's blood looks like.'

[Would you like the interference to stop?]


[Mental interference will stop. If signs of falling into the ego, interference will begin again.]



The elf trying to rebel against Aaron. The mere smell of Aaron creeped the elf out since he was covered in hundreds of elf blood.

[Blood Demon evolution Number 1: Dark arts]