

In the previous chapter (chapter-20):

"Wir sprechen uns später."* Olivia said and pushed her towards the door, but not before leaving s lingering touch on her neck.

*Talk to you later -(German)

"Good job Olivia.. I mean Suga..." Joon said to Olivia as they drugged the revolters with Chloroform and put them all in a single van. As Joon turned around, Jin was glaring at him.◇◇


Olivia's (in Suga's body) POV:

As we turned around, I saw a glaring Jin, and I thought it would be better if I went in search of.. um... Jison? Gulp.

After some.. well... un-understandable, definitely filled with *beeps* kind of yelling from Jin, it was decided that Joon and Taehyung will drive the van with the goons in it, while the rest of us find another van to drive to the concert venue? Something.. since our car was missing from where we parked it..

Taehyung was the best choice to drive their van since the rest of us, not including Jimin were having a difficult time even to walk.

How do we find a car here..? We kept walking in silence, until we heard the honking of cars.. traffic? No.. it seems we are right in the middle of a road? Wait.. What?

"Jison!! Do you have your ID card? From LAUA?" I said, not moving even though I knew we were blocking the traffic by standing right in the middle of a road.

"I do.. why?" "Oh wait.. I know why..." Jison said and smirked, leaving me happy and smirking that he read my thoughts exactly. The other guys were looking at us with a confused expression, as Jison ran to the car and pulled out his wallet.

He showed the guy driving the car his ID card.. more like flung it in front of him..."IM A GOVERNMENT AGENT!! GET OUT OF THE CAR!!!"

The owner looked flabbergasted, but he obeyed Jison and ran out of the car. "Will return it to you Mister!!" Jison yelled at him before driving the car and stopping in front of us. He moved from the driver's seat and let Jimin drive. It was very stuffy considering there wasn't enough seats for all of us, and my broken ribs weren't helping much either.

Speaking of broken ribs..

Is that a Billie Eilish

depressing ringtone that Im hearing?

"Why is Suga hyung calling at a time like this?" Jison said, handing me his phone.

"I think I know why.. wait... bish you had your phone with you all the time? What the heck?"

"Oops.. must have slipped my mind..."

"Slipped you mind huh? Dumb lil.."

I picked up the phone without much further ado.

"Why does it hurt?? Ya what did you do to my ribs???" I heard some ear splitting yells.

Okay.. I guess I was right...

"You see Suga.. we are in the middle of a very.. teensy-tiny situation here... I'll just tell you everything when we get back okay?"

"Just get back already. I don't like the tone of your voice.. and by the way... some guy named as 'don't-pick-up' called.. he wants you to go the agency? Something before noon."


"We're already at it.. but bish you should see how he dressed you up."

I heard a girl's voice, which obviously belonged to Rae.

"Well how ironic!! She calls me 'sis' and calls you 'bish'. Wow.. daebak."

"Ya shut up!!" I heard Rae saying.

"Tell me.. did he dress up like a nun or like a stripper?"

"Nowhere near a nun.. and not exactly a stripper, but he sure does watch a lot of anime."

"Anime?" I asked wondering what the hell that meant, because all the other guys in the car snickered when she said that.

"Anime? What the hell? You don't know what anime is? Girl.." "Don't worry I'll send you a pic of.. well... yourself. Later." Rae said, before cutting the line off.

What was all that about?

The car pulled up at a huge stadium kind of thing? There was a back entrance through which we entered. Jimin took the phone from me and called Bang someone who told him something.

Jimin signalled us to follow him while he entered a room. It was a dressing room? I guess..

A girl in a white shirt and denims pulled me and made me sit down on a chair in front of a mirror while she started to work on hiding the purple bruise on my forehead.

"Don't they find it weird? These makeup artists? I mean.. We're all practically hurt, broken and bleeding.." I asked this question generally hoping someone would answer.

"They are specialized make up artists.. meaning they're part of the gang too." Joon, who was there first, replied. I needn't ask what they did with the goons, they probably locked them up somewhere.

"Hyung.. Suga hyung... I mean Olivia is hurt so bad. Her ribs are not in a good condition and she doesn't know anything about rapping or dancing.. what do we do? The concert starts in fifteen minutes.." Jimin said something in korean probably.

"I have the perfect idea." Joon replied something to Jimin, but I definitely did not like the look on his face.. uh-oh.


Do you have any idea what Joon's idea maybe?

And yaaay.. y'all got four updates instead or the promised three.. God gosh.. I AM spoiling y'all huh?


Just turn that tiny star at the bottom to orange color guys!!

And don't forget to tell me what you thought of these chapters and don't forget to tell me your idea of what Joon's idea may be.

Lol🤣 thats confusing af.

Bye guys!!

Goodnight!! (If it's night for you there.. ie.)

