

In the previous chapter (chapter-16):

"Know your fight etiquettes dude!!" I yelled as I turned around and kicked his face. I may have 'accidentally' shot at his crotch? "Ouch that's gotta hurt." I said, as he fell to the floor, clutching his crotch.

We thought we had overpowered them, but more and more guys just kept coming in.

That was when some guy yelled. "STOP IT!! STOP NOW. OR HE'S DYING!!!"

I turned around to see Jungkook held down and forced to kneel. Behind him was a guy holding a gun to his head, and he had a hand around his shoulder.


Olivia (in suga's body) POV:

Flashback (continuation):

We all pointed our guns at that guy. But he just smirked.

"Shoot me, and I'll just pull the trigger before I fall." He said, pushing the gun harder on Jungkook's forehead. Jungkook just shut his eyes, refusing to look at us. His Adam apple bobbed down as he swallowed nervously.

"DROP YOUR GUNS!!" "NOW!!!" he yelled,and we had no other choice than to drop our guns as he said. I dropped the guns in both my hands, following Joon, who dropped them first.

Wait you little shit. We'll show you.

But I think I spoke too soon, for I felt someone putting me in a headlock, made me raise my hand and then the person put a gun to my head. I turned around slightly to see that everyone was in the same state as I was.

The guy who held a gun to Jungkook's forehead hit his head with the back of his gun, and the youngest just passed out blank, his face to the floor. We were helpless as he dragged an unconscious Jungkook by his collar. Some more men came in and dragged Jimin and V the same way.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I kicked the guy behind me in his balls. He crouched down, but before I could take his gun, the guy who hit Jungkook punched me in my face.

I fell down with the impact and as I rolled around, I spat out blood from my mouth. The guy who I kicked in the crotch stood up for revenge. He kicked me thrice on my right ribcage, before the other one held him back. I think he wants us alive. Then he hit me with the back of his gun on my head.


The next thing I knew? Was waking up here.

I looked around and couldn't see Joon. I turned my head as much as I could, but I still couldn't see Joon. Jison was awake, and he just sat there, probably rethinking his decision to come with us.

"Jison.." I said, and wondered if he heard me, because my voice failed to come out. But it was pindrop silence otherwise, so he probably did.

"Yes Athena?" He said, not even turning around to look at me.

"Don't ask me where we are, or who they are. I'm in the same state as you. They drugged us all with chloroform or something stronger smelling before they brought us here." He said, in a monotone voice.

"Drugged with chloroform? But.. but it takes…"

"A long while to wear off?" He asked, finishing my sentence.

"Yeah. We were here for almost three hours, or that's what I remember after waking up. So we were probably here longer than that."

"Where's Joon?"

"I think they took him for a talk after knowing that he was their leader."

He said, shrugging.

"Did you notice how all of them were speaking in English? Other than the little girl, that is...And don't have our masks on.."

"Yeah yeah… I did. I did notice that."

"Kookie.." guess someone else woke up. It was V.. he was tied up next to an unconscious jhope probably knocked out from the chloroform and from a hit to his head, because his left forehead was reddened and swollen.

"V.. Kook is unconscious." I stated the oh-so obvious fact. He wakes up and the first word he utters is 'kookie'? Oh how romantic!!

"Hmph.. why does my whole body hurts? Aish… why don't I remember anything? What happened?" As he started talking in Korean, I just ignored him and let Jison reply.

"You don't remember because the little girl tased you before the fight began hyung."

"Oh.. the little girl… wait.. how's Jimin?"

He pushed his chair around to probably to see Jimin who was sitting to my left.

"Chim!! Chim wake up!!!"

As he yelled, I slightly nudged Jimin. And he woke up out of his trance like a drunk man.

"Aish.. why does my whole body hurt?"

I started to think of other things, as they started talking in Korean.

The right side of my chest hurts like hell. Wait.. didn't Suga say that his finger bled? Because of my dumb knife back home? That was the same time my finger bled.

So we both experience the same pain huh? So if my ribs hurt now.. does that mean…?


Suga (in Olivia's body) POV:

"Argh.. it hurts…"


"My chest, my head.. everything hurts."

"Gosh!! Woman up sis!!!" Raejun yelled at me. I just finished telling her the story of how I am not her sister, and she's still calling me sis? Gosh is she that dumb? But it's a good thing she's half Korean and knows my language at least.

"Don't call me 'sis'!!"

"Okay okay.. but man up… why does your body hurt?"

"Do I look like I know? I think my ribs are broken." I said, groaning.. but how did they even break? I didn't even work out today…

Raejun just rummaged over the house, and searched for a passport. So that we could get to Korea.

"I FOUND IT!!" She yelled, and believe me, I was never more relieved.

"Wait.. which one of these do we use?" She asked, spreading out a bundle of various coloured passports.. How many identities does this Olivia have? Does she have like a million passports too?

"Search for the one that says Olivia. She herself said that it's the identity that stuck the best to her." I said, still rolling around in my bed. Why am I experiencing this pain? Do both of us feel the pain if one of us gets hurt? Does that mean Olivia is hurt?


That's it for today guys!! Hope you liked it!!! Please tell me in the comments..

Your comments make my day.. I'm not kidding.

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