
strangers of Pharos

do you believe in monsters?

Couchbarbarian · Horror
Zu wenig Bewertungen
17 Chs

[Entry #3]

[Engima's Ledger]

-Shadow blight-



*a creature born of the malice that shadow has towards the light and forever cursing those blessed to walk under the sun

* typically these monsters stalk and wait for the right opportunity there are know to be fearless for reason unknown

^folk lore dives into the possibility that these creatures return to the shadows after death never truly dying after all shadows never die

*main characteristic are as followed

-black mist obscuring there physical form

-glowing white eyes

*they are extremely quick on their feet and have the ability to meld into shadows

^tricky but if timed correctly you can trap them inside their own by covering the area in light is preventing there means of escape

*they have a dislike for anything even their common monster

^saw one fighting a pigeon one time weird

*it is recommended when facing these monster to shine a flashlight when intended to either capture or kill

^has been tested

*the shadow blight is favored with flexibility and fast reflexes what they lack in strength is replaced by speed

{possible locations might encounter}


-dark alleys

-any dark place


-shadow realm

^currently Unkown to find to any non shadow being

{ways to kill}

*fire is as well an equal weaknesses towards this monster but light is a more potent weapon

*bring it towards to an area equipped with lights and when you think the time is right flip the switch

*just as light is an effective weapon so is magically imbued wepons

^if you wish for a challenge try hunting it with a pistol with one bullet in the chamber it is possible I should know

<note >

These monster have the potential to be one the deadliest beings of there race as their connection with the shadows make them the perfect silent killer I often wonder if there one stalking me now…

Danger Rating [E++]

-if more information is shown they're danger rating will change to provide an accurate assessment-