
strangers of Pharos

do you believe in monsters?

Couchbarbarian · Horror
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17 Chs

bitter part1

A running shadow ran through the night panting

Taking a left the shadow dived behind a dumpster as it clawed at it face desperately

The look in eyes showed true fear

"There back there back the Huntsme-"


Touching it forehead black blood covered it shadow like hand before his vision slowly faded

Meanwhile on top of a nearby building a man carrying a sniper was spotted

As he maneuvered through the rooftops he landed to collect his due

As the wind pushed back against his hoodie his face was revealed to be John Logan

It been one month since I started hunting no progress has been made regarding my parents

my hunts so far have been successful some mishaps were made in my first ten hunts but I've grown since then

As I scratched of the name of the monster making it 70 yet hardly made a dent in there population

Lifting the corpse of the shadow blight it would make great material for a upcoming project of mine

What I have come to learn so far of these monsters is that there magical in nature and more than once have I learned that the hard way

So I tested a theory I didn't think it would show any results but i was wrong

And thanks to that one test I've been able to hunt more efficiently my wepons and gear are miles more effectively against these monsters then ever before

Slinging my sniper over my shoulders I carried the corpse over to my truck

And placed it near the rest turn out he wasent the only one in the neighborhood

Originally this would have been hunt 61 but thanks to his friends its 70

Turning on the ignition I stopped by McDonalds and ordered a big Mac with large fries and lemonade on the side

today I decided to listen to the early morning radio to pass the time

"Good morning dayview it your favorite radio host Tara miller and what a early morning dayview has been we have reports that a shootout broke out last night

Police have not found the ones responsible but if you know dayview like we do then you know this has been a recurring case this month

To houses being burned to the ground to our favorite creepy oblex store manger dissappearing

Now I know Tara it the morning do we really have to listen to you spew conspiracy around yes so shut up and listen you old crow"

Raising an eyebrow I drove through oldview as the black angels motorcycle club members were passing the red lights

For them to be up this early something was going on and frankly it was none of my business

"Now back to what I was saying if you look at the past months murders,disappearances are at a all time record high

Not once has dayview PD cracked one of these Cases yesterday I had a chance to interview one of the officers that know these cases front and back

Granted they wished to stay anonymous but what they told me was saddening

Throughout all there investigations nothing has provided progression and slowly these cases are being swept under the rug as cold cases

But I believe there something more that the police don't see look connecting these shooting this past month

Previous incidents have occurred around these areas now at first I didn't believe it but I checked every single one and the result where the same

There all connected for whatever reason dayview city is plagued by something ...….anyways this is Tara good morning dayview"

Shutting off the radio I tossed the crumpled wrapper of my burger out the window

She smart but knowing to much is never a good thing sighing I ate in silence

[beep! beep!]

Turning around a van honked at me as they pulled up next to me I grabbed my pistol

Lowering there window I smiled

"If it ain't the good fellow Victor"laughing at a inside joke me and him had he smirked

"How you doing Logan saw you and wanted to say hi

Seems like the hunt was good"

Nodding I told him what happened as he listened he shook his head

"Logan you have to be more discreet one of these day I wouldn't be surprised if there a picture of you circling around dayview"

"I try preacher or do you still prefer pastor"

Holding back a laugh I saw him glaring at me before we both couldn't

"It was good seeing you Logan I have your orders of ten barrels of holy water

Alongside your blessed salt just stop by the church when you can to pick it up"

"Thank you Victor how much do I owe you this time" thanking him the gold I stole from my monster relative ended as a boon for me as I piled a small fortune of two hundred grand

"Not necessary Logan you helped more than enough for saving my life and provided the funds for our church I feel like I should be paying you instead"

"Nonsense here take it think of it as a offering of good will if you can't take then I'll call your old lady see what she says"

He took the money faster then I could blink

"God knows that woman wrath would scare even the hertic"

Laughing one final time the lights turned green

"I'll be around later today if am not I'll see you when I see you "

Driving off before he could say anything I thought back to what I said lately I felt more unsure of myself

If what am doing really doing anything sure I stop monster but there will always be more and one of these day one of them is going to collect there dues form me

Shaking those thoughts I pulled up to a old warehouse abandoned when dayview was built this is where I stayed currently

Pushing open the doors it looked way different before I got here this place used to be a monster den it was actually how I lost my fingers


"StOp MoViNg RuNt" a one eyed monster said as he swung a car at me as I barely dodged only for a club to hit me on my side and imbedding me to the wall

"LoK I GoT HiM Br0" another one appeared gripping a club while dancing around

These two Fuckers where cyclops as i groaned my ribs were broken fuck

"Big BrwoTher CaN I HaVe ThE FiRst BiTe" damn another this time what I assumed to be a girl god there ugly

Looking at the three the eldest was the most arrogant the second was the stupidest and the youngest was spoiled

"SuRe AnYtHiNg FoR YoU"dropping the car the bastard grabbed a huge cleaver sticking out from under the piles of destroyed trash

While the second whined and cried that he wasent gonna get to taste me first not like I would let that happen anyways

Finally freeing myself of the walls clutches I decided to do something stupid that would later come and bite me in the ass

Rushing towards the youngest i dodged the club aimed at my head

"StOp HiM BOO" the eldest yelled as he rushed towards me

"I iS TrYiNG Bro"the second said releasing his club and jumping forward trying to catch me

Slipping past the second meaty finger I finally got to her pulling out my shotgun I jumped on to one of the many destroyed pile of cars

Boosting myself on her screaming body I ran alongside the skins of her arm

"Get It OfF! GeT iT OfF!" Shaking her arm an attempt to send me flying failed as I used the knife hidden on my sides

Using them as hooks reaching her shoulders I aimed my shotgun at her head

"Don't move you son of bitch"the eldest and second stopped in their tracks good as I caught my breath looking in the corner of my eye the youngest cried

Touching really it almost made me not want to do this but knowing what these monsters did was all the comfort I needed

"StOp PlEaSE DoNT HuRt HeR" the eldest said as he dropped his cleaver as the second followed

"Good your gonna listen to me you motherfuckers Now I—"


It happened so fast I couldn't exactly tell what happened but trying to keep myself conscious I saw it there was another one bigger than the rest but it was to late

I don't know how long I was out but when I finally regained consciousness

I was covered in a green fluid the smell was godawfull trying to stand I couldn't and the reason why was because I had a wooden pike that went clean through me

Trying to fight the pain I tried pulling the pike out

Only for me to stop as I looked at my right hand my pinky and my third finger were gone

Hyperventilating I stopped myself from panicking

Refocusing I had to get out of here looking to my side there were dead bodies covers in the same fluid with a pike going through them

Wherever I was I didn't want to stay long as I struggled to pull the pike out it hurt biting my lip the pain was unbearable until finally I got it out

Grunting in pain I was losing a lot of blood taking off my shirt I stuffed it into the wound making sure it wouldn't fall out from both sides

Slowly Standing up my legs were wobbly there east of me was a crack in wherever I was as I limped towards

I slipped through it only to fall hard

By the time I got back up I saw where I was before a huge furnace looking around I saw a dingy table made out of metal

As I heard humming and loud footsteps I hid behind a nearby car looking back I saw it

Dressed in dirty long dress was the biggest monster I ever seen as she walked to the furnace and was about to open it the youngest came out with a guilty face

"MaMa I Is SwORrY I WaS So HuNgRy ThAT I CoUlDnT StOp MySeLf"

It was her! Clenching my fist the blood of my missing finger dripped on the ground

"Hmm oh it fine sweaty mama understand call your brother the food should be ready in a bit"

The youngest squealed happily as she rushed out

Now my plans have changed I wasent leaving here until i got my revenge even if met I had to raze this whole fucking warehouse to the ground