
Multiverse: Journey into the Twisted Mind

Some people exist with pride, others fight with pride, some compete with pride, and others fail with pride, but few can resign with pride. When you finish reading this paragraph, congratulations! You have imagined how this last case would be. Jonathan was a proud surgeon who believed that in each of his surgical interventions with patients on the brink of death, he had a battle with death that he had never lost. Challenging death was something that filled him internally with excitement, but it all ended when he died at the hands of someone determined to heal. Death could be accepted, but thanks to unknown individuals, he had another chance, one where, although it would be very different, there was a freshness that would lead him down another path. But as he spent his days as a high school student, something changed within him, and with his new abilities, he discovered that things could be much more interesting if he bet his life in another way. ... The world of strange things is integrated into the series in chapter 35 onwards, the pragmatist will reach that world through a wormhole

SrCuervo · Movies
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52 Chs

The Doubts of an Introverted Girl

"Should I intervene?" Yina was feeling dizzy, deeply believing that her deskmate was a good guy and that no one deserved to be beaten by a bully like Nick. Subtly, without him noticing, Yina turned her head and looked at Jonathan sympathetically.

Jonathan, who had his eyes closed, thought, 'Is it just my imagination or has the girl with superpowers been staring at me the whole time? I hope she hasn't fallen for my kindness. I don't think I'm that charming, so I prefer to think it's just my imagination.'

The only reason he was very interested in Yina was because of her ability; she was the only other person besides him who possessed supernatural abilities in this boring school. The only problem was that she seemed to have serious family issues, which would make it difficult to get close and be friends.

During recess, Jonathan investigated Yina and found out that her mother had died in a car accident. How did he learn all that in just a few minutes of free time? Well, his mind is much faster and more powerful now.

Learning a language just by hearing it once? Jonathan could do it. His psychokinesis ability granted him certain privileges, speeding up his mind to the point where everything else seemed boring.

This is why he spends his time playing games. He uses his mind to speed up his thoughts, setting himself challenges that would be difficult to complete if he weren't a boy with supernatural abilities.

Besides his psychokinesis, Jonathan had superhuman regeneration, giving him the ability to survive unless his head was cut off. Regenerating a limb was simple, but damage to his head could be much more complex to heal.

While Jonathan thought of strategy number one thousand five hundred ninety-two to defeat an enemy, the fresh air in the classroom made Nick more patient.

"No, I shouldn't beat him to death on the emergency stairs. His screams could attract people's attention. Also, if he somehow escapes, it could get me in trouble if he involves a teacher. It would be obvious to them to blame me for beating him, especially since I plan to break his teeth, which will cause a lot of blood."

Yina clenched her hands upon hearing these perverse thoughts from Nick. She really didn't want to get involved, but it would be impossible to ignore something like this. 'I hope these are just his thoughts.'

Most of the time, like anyone else, Yina knew that many people thought things they didn't really want to imagine or would never do. Some were intrusive thoughts, others simply fantasies, and the rarest were the ones that actually came true.

This time, Yina knew Nick was angry, but they might just be thoughts without real desires. It was really hard to know if a person would carry out all their thoughts to the letter.

While Yina was distracted, the class ended.

"Hey, you know what's going to happen, right?" Nick got up from his desk and walked towards Jonathan, putting his arm around him. They looked like friends, and that's the impression many had from afar, but Yina knew what was really going on.

"Get your hand off me." Jonathan sighed again, his patience wearing thin, which was not good.

'Jonathan doesn't seem like someone who can be intimidated...' Yina really started to feel sorry for him. Even though he didn't let himself be intimidated by the size of his body, he didn't seem like an athletic person.

'Did you just threaten me? Damn, you're really annoying. I know a good place where I can shut you up and make you scream like the bitch you are for as long as I want.' Nick's eyes turned red with anger.

Yina was now listening to Nick's thoughts, not bothering to think about herself and her problems when doing so. 'Should I call a teacher?'

While she was thinking about what to do, she saw Jonathan leave the classroom while playing with his cellphone, so she stood up and tried to be discreet while following them. Her bag was light and compact, so she could keep up with him.

'What's that girl doing, acting like a fool?'

But a stranger's thought passing by made Yina blush with embarrassment.

'I should act naturally...'

In the end, Yina didn't dare mention this to a teacher. Living in a family with superpowers, she couldn't draw attention to anyone around her since they had remained hidden for maybe a thousand years and didn't plan to reveal their unique talents, even though they had trouble with that nowadays.


"Damn, there's not much signal here..." Jonathan complained while killing a level-three monster.

As for Nick, it took him half an hour to find the right place. It was a dark alley; despite the sky still having some light, it was clear.

What Nick didn't think about was this: Why would Jonathan, a withdrawn boy, agree to follow him for half an hour looking for an alley to be beaten? Something didn't add up in this whole revenge process, but Nick didn't think about it. Maybe he thought the one he would beat was an idiot.

Jonathan, who was being bullied, remained calm, his eyes fixed on his cellphone screen as it moved completely unnaturally, checking numerous game stats.

"No one comes here. How do I know? Well, my brother is actually part of this gang, and this is their territory. At night, he and the other gangsters gather here, making plans and agreements."

Nick sat on the small wall at the end of the alley.

It was a bit spacious, and behind the short wall was a clear forest. The wall was only there to keep animals from crawling from the forest to the residential street.

"Since there's still daylight, we can take our time here. And don't try to run; I'm a hundred percent sure I'm faster than you."

Tina leaned against the wall of an abandoned warehouse. Just behind her were Jonathan and Nick. Right now, her heart was racing, and she didn't know how she ended up here when this situation didn't concern her.

'Why can't I hear Jonathan's thoughts? I don't know what he'll do. Should I call the police? If this bully is telling the truth, this is gang territory.'

'That's why Nick is so confident. His brother is a gangster!'

"Now, what should I make you do? Hmm? How about you kneel first?"

Yina couldn't see what was happening. If she peeked, Nick would surely see her. She could only hear Nick's voice and thoughts.

'I'm going to take this slowly.' Yina looked at her cellphone screen, not knowing who to call.

"I want to hear an apology, Jonathan. You know what you did this morning and at noon."

"You're not going to kneel? Maybe you should try some of my punches then!"

Then footsteps were heard. There was a pause before a scream came from the alley.


'Oh no, it started!' Yina panicked. 'I should call someone. The police! Yes! Wait, no... Should the police be involved? What about the teachers? But I don't have any numbers!'

"Don't hit me, please."



The screams and sounds of punches continued to come from the dark alley.

With no other choice, Yina pulled her phone from her bag and was about to start calling the police.

"A knife? Are you crazy?"

Nick brought a knife! This is serious!' Yina was sweating, making her hand slippery.

"Stop it! Are you serious?"


"Forgive me, I won't do it again!"

Adding to her trembling, as soon as she tried to open her phone, Yina dropped it.

'Oh no!' She immediately picked it up.

'Wait, Nick will see me...' She turned her head towards the alley, and at that moment, the blade of a knife was close to her eyes.


"Hmm... the girl with glowing eyes?" Jonathan, who was sitting on top of Nick, was surprised to see her there.


Yina was paralyzed. Before she could grab her phone, she fell backwards as soon as her legs weakened.

"Um... ah..."

Yina couldn't believe what she was seeing.

'So it wasn't Jonathan's voice...? Yina was confused.

In front of her was Jonathan, holding a knife. His other hand held Nick's head. Of course, his hands were covered in blood.

Nick was bleeding all over, his face full of horror.

Meanwhile, Jonathan's face? It kept the same indifferent expression, as if all this caused him no emotion.

"Yina! Call for help! Please, this guy is a maniac!" Nick screamed hysterically before seeing Jonathan wield the knife again.

Nick raised his arms.

"Ah!!" He screamed in pain as the blade was buried in his arm.

Jonathan climbed on top of him. However, this only made Nick roll in pain.

Yina trembled, shocked by this bloody scene. Jonathan walked towards her as if nothing had happened.

"Are you okay?" Jonathan extended his hand.

'Why can't I hear his thoughts?'

What Yina saw was a psychopath with blood staining on his face and clothes.

At that moment, for the first time, Jonathan showed an expression: he frowned.

Seeing this change, Yina shivered. Feeling scared, she couldn't help but take his hand.

Jonathan lifted her gently.

"Why are you here?" Jonathan asked casually before picking up his phone.

When Jonathan leaned in, Yina thought of only one thing.

Fight or run?

The first option was obviously a loss. So, when Jonathan picked up his phone, she turned around and ran as fast as she could.

It wasn't a weak and trembling run. As her adrenaline increased, she got faster and faster.

Yina looked around. When she saw no one was following her, she collapsed by the side of the road, not caring about the public stares as she breathed heavily.

But from the top of a house over five hundred meters away, Jonathan, who was wiping the blood from his face, muttered, "For supernatural abilities, they were pretty scary; does that have anything to do with your traumas?"

Things with Jonathan have changed a lot since he woke up in this boy's body. He discovered that he was a superhuman, far more skilled than he could have imagined. Although he hadn't explored his abilities to full power, the only downside was that he was more aggressive and killed without much thought. 

Somehow his aggressiveness was related to his powers; it was all as if he had somehow received specialized training to be perfect. 

When he entered the alley, he knew someone was following them, and when he realized it was Yina, he didn't see the need to kill her to keep her from talking. 

How was a withdrawn girl with super abilities going to the police to point out that she had maimed a classmate? 

Everything was now on a better course. Jonathan now had a much deeper relationship with Yina and would take advantage of this to find out more about her family. 

Welcome to my new novel, tomorrow I expect your power stones and only good ones are accepted or else the crows will eat you.

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