
Strange Rebirth(MHA)

Once again, Truck Kun struck an innocent young lad by the name of Ivan. He was immediately seated in front of a goddess of reincarnation. At first, he thought he had lost everywhen when he had been turned into Momo Yaoyorozu. He was very wrong when he found a unique use of the quirk Creation. Total cellular control, and his key for revenge against the gods who are not yet done with him.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Moving Overseas.

After the Mark XI's extreme success, Ivan quickly returned to the drawing board. After giving it a few more tests, he dismantled it before sketching down the schematics for the suit. 

Of course, he quickly put the suit back together after repairing the minor damage it sustained. Once he was sure the suit was back at 100%, he had Typhon store it away for the time being. Now that he had succeeded once, all future versions of the armor would be even more powerful as he had not added the weapon systems just yet. 

Now he just had to speak with his Father one-on-one in the morning and he would be set to leave Japan. He spent the rest of the night pushing his brain to the limit to set up a successful business in America. 

This world was not as advanced as it should have been because of quirks. Despite smarter people existing they were all focused on Earth and not outside it. People were stuck on the battle of Hero and Villain which he was not all pleased with. 

He would play on both sides and take everything they could offer him as in the long run, his life mattered the most. It was a selfish thought, but he was a selfish person in the end. Being made a Space Marine did not help that as his mind was simply too alien to a baseline human. 

Once everything was in order, he closed his journal and sat down in his Father's study on his father's chair. Typhon rested on his shoulder while Gustave rested at his feet. 

"I am going to miss this place." 

Yoshimura walked up behind him and rested a hand on his shoulder. 

"I don't blame you. This is a good home." 

"Agreed. Anyway, while I have you here I might as well explain my plan. I will take my mother's idea and begin to produce hero equipment like my power armor for sale on the market. Of course, what I sell to the heroes will not be up to par with my own armor. 

I will make the much weaker and with mundane metals, unlike my own personal metals. With this, I will branch into the technology and medical fields. To do that, I will create a 4th identity and act like an up-and-coming genius entrepreneur. 

For 7 years I will use this identity to amass a wealth of my own to fund my own secret research. Through, this I will begin to reveal one of my less-than-nice identities to the public." 

Yoshimura nodded. 

"I see. So, Onslaught, who will be your first target?" 

"Of course, America. I will hit their secret facilities to steal secret aircraft, and whatever other secrets they are housing. Of course, I will need to be certain of my own tech which I am so I am not captured or something along those lines." 

She remembered how ungodly fast and strong he was and she did not worry very much. 

"I think you will be fine." 

"True. Mind serving me a whiskey?" 

She opened her mouth to reject him, but remembering that he had a third kidney she did as he asked. 


She walked over to Asashi's whiskeys and prepared an ice ball before placing it into one of the glasses. She then poured in one of Asashi's rare and expensive whiskeys that had been made by a spirit maker with a quirk to make the alcohol better. 

She walked over and handed him the whiskey which he took with a smile. 


"No problem." 

He sipped his drink as even in his past life, the strongest thing he ever had was a drink of Jack Daniels his uncle gave him. He still remembered his family from his first life which he rarely thought of. He died all because a stupid goddess thought it would be funny to turn him into a girl. 

Just remembering that bratty whore made him ungodly mad. He sighed and enjoyed his first drink of this life which was not as bad as he remembered. When he finished his drink, he set it on the table and leaned back before closing his eyes. 

Yoshimura noticed that he quickly fell asleep a rare event as he slept less and less the more he aged. She smiled as she allowed him his rest, but she did not leave his side. She sat down in another chair as she observed her Young Master. 

He was young of course, 8 years old but he was far more mature than his age suggested. She sometimes thought of how he started off but then remembered how disassociated he was before he became Ivan. 

He used to be quiet, reserved, anti-social, and always bitter. That changed that fateful day when he found another aspect of his quirk and learned shapeshifting leading to him becoming much more social. 

'I am just happy you are enjoying your life now.' 

Eventually, she too drifted off to sleep not long after him. 


They did not sleep for very long, only 4 hours as they were awoken when Asashi entered his study. When he saw his son, Gustave, Yoshimura, and Typhon all sleeping in his study he was confused for a few moments. 

"You all slept here?" 

Ivan opened his eyes and yawned a little. 

"Good morning, Dad. While I have you here, are you free at the moment?" 

Asashi nodded. 

"I got 30 minutes before I got to head to work. What is it, son?" 

Ivan grabbed his journal which was still on his chest. 

"Alright, you know how I am going overseas for the next 7 years right?" 

Asashi nodded. 

"Of course." 

"Well, I don't plan on just exploring the world in that time. I want to open a business in New York. I will need a loan which I will use in a new identity I will need to create. This business can work with yours and Mom's to create new technology and pharmaceutical research. 

When the 7 years run out, I can just sell my business to you on the down low. That way you will have more reach in America." 

Asashi thought about this. 

"I can see the merit in this, but are you sure you can succeed? The current market is quite hard to get into."

"Of course. You yourself have seen the kind of inventions I can make just on my own. Add a business to the mix and the things I will be able to create will be revolutionary. I already have a basic plan to start and a name. Void Industries." 

"You got a reason for that name?" 

"Of course. I plan to sell weapons to the military while selling civilians more down-to-earth technologies. On the other hand, I want to cause an increase in Spatial Exploration." 

Asashi thought on this as he knew damn well how intelligent his son was. One of the smartest people he knew or heard of and his technology could revolutionize the world. 

"Alright. How much would you need to get started?" 

"I don't want to ask much, so how about 150 Million to get started?"

Asashi pondered on this before agreeing. 

"I will give you 200 Million. Knowing you son, you will turn this into heavy profits. You won't be on your own as I will be offering you my support. You just got to make this new identity you want to use." 

Ivan hadn't made one yet, but he had an idea. He grabbed his journal and quickly started to sketch a new identity. He wanted to go for an older look, someone wiser and one with little in common with his current identity.

Asashi let his son work as only he knew how tricky shapeshifting could be. When he had a good identity, he nodded before he placed a hand on his face. Quickly, his body began to work like usual. 

His features which were Japanese warped and turned more European and he went from a young man to a much older-looking man. He had a full white beard and white hair, but he did not look all that old. 

(Image here)

More in his 50s, and he still had the heavy muscle he was proud of. Seeing the form made Asashi curious. 

"Going for an older look are we?" 

Ivan nodded as he fixed the cuffs of the outfit he formed. It was quite fancy and eccentric, but then again this world had heroes and villains everywhere. Looking a bit fancy was no crime. 

"Name's Geralt. Geralt Schneider, that sounds good." 

Asashi nodded. 

"Perfect. It has no similarities to either Megumi or Ivan so it works. When will you be leaving?" 

Ivan pondered on that. 

"Tomorrow. Of course, I will be taking Gustave with me." 

"Of course you will. Don't worry about housing, I will buy you a decent-sized mansion in New York. Though you will have to hire the staff yourself." 

Yoshimura spoke up. 

"Leave that to me. I am a maid after all." 

Asashi smiled. 

"Of course. I have someone buy the house today so when you land tomorrow you can move right in." 

Ivan nodded as his Father left his study. Once he was gone, Ivan placed a hand on his face before he returned to his Toji form. 

"Alright, last day in Japan. Let's make the most of it as I will be quite busy." 


While Ivan got ready, Yoshimura began to pack their bags. Well, it was mostly her packing her own luggage as Ivan as usual only wore clothes he made. On the other hand, she had plenty of clothes she rarely got to wear as she was always in a maid's dress. 

In the meantime, Ivan spoke to his Mother about what he talked about with his Father. She also supported his idea and she herself loaned him another 100 Million of her own money bringing his funds up to 300 Million. 

He planned to return their investment as they were his parents and trusted him with that much money. With that, he had one last meal with his parents as the next day, Yoshimura, Typhon, and Gustave took one of the family's private jets. 

Ivan took his Geralt form and relaxed during the flight. It was going to be some of the last relaxation he was going to have over the next 7 years as he was going to become a businessman. 

He was going to be pushing his brain to the limit as business was not as easy as inventing for fun. However, he was confident in himself and what he could offer. As a start his parents already loaned in 300 Million dollars and if he needed he could ask for more. 

He did not want to, but he was not going to be prideful as this was new terrain for him. 


He turned to Yoshimura and thought about it.

"Quite confident. Once I get everything off the ground, I will begin to use the funds to supply my own secret inventions which you only truly know what goes on in my head." 

"So, what's the first order of business."

"We make ourselves at home at the house my Father bought for me and from there I will 'lease' a building from my Father and build my company from there. Truly, I already have the backing of two extremely wealthy families in Yaoyorozu and the Nagai families." 

Yoshimura burst a part of that. 

"But your Mother's Father hates you so you only got your Mother's backing." 

"And that is all that matters as she has enough political pull herself to be a good 'business' partner."

She understood what he meant. When it was time for him to go to UA, he planned to merge his company with his Father's giving his Father access to his business. That way in the future he could reclaim it as himself and not a separate identity. 

Honesty, starting off as Momo was a boon as he got a godly quirk and wealth. Which was a power in itself as one just had to look at Batman and Iron Man. However, he would have preferred just to be her brother rather than the character herself. 

'Oh well, as I always say, no use crying over a few broken eggs.'