
Strange's Apprentice

When Doctor Strange suddenly walks into Vanessa's apartment desperately asking for her help, she has no choice but to ditch college and help him save all of Manhattan from Loki's destruction. In return, Strange teaches her the Mystic Arts to benefit her in battle, which ends up bringing the pair closer together. Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Strange or any of the characters or characters affiliated with him, as well as Loki. All rights go to MARVEL. Vanessa, Rachel, Caleigh, Gino, Michael, and the cat-scorpion creature belong to me.

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12 Chs

Chapter 12

"So is that why you left so suddenly for a few weeks?" questioned Rachel, sitting to my right on a stool at the island counter. 

It's Saturday evening and Stephen will be at the door in a few minutes. I had to come up with a story to tell Rachel why I've suddenly left for a few weeks without telling her. 

"Yeah, a friend texted me saying they needed me urgently". 

"Vanessa you could at least told me and your other friends where you were going; Even Michael was worried about you".

"He was?". 

"Yeah, I did text and call you several times, but you left your phone here". 

"Yes, I was in a hurry and forgot to grab my phone" I lied, standing up from my seat and slipping my brown leather purse strap onto my right shoulder. 

"So why did your friend need you so urgently and for such a long time?" asked Rachel, pressing me with more questions. 

I could feel my armpits starting to sweat. 

"Well he needed help with- ''. 

Suddenly there was a loud knock at our door. 

Saved by the knock.

"Sounds like my date is here, I'll be back before ten" I said, cheerfully. 

"Is it Moore you're going out with tonight?" she asked, following me to the door.

 "No, it's someone better".

 I opened the door to see Stephen Strange in a black and white tuxedo suit, holding my black magic briefcase. 

"Hi Stephen, how are you?" I asked, greeting him with a quick hug.

 "I'm good, thank you. You forgot this at my place" He replied, handing me my briefcase. 

"Thank you so much! I totally forgot about that". 

 I gently tossed it on the couch and waved goodbye to Rachel. 

"I'll see you when I get back". I closed the apartment door and walked out of the building, holding Stephen's hand.

"So, did you settle in okay so far?".

 I sighed. 

"I got kicked out of my college programs since I didn't show up to class or hand in any of the assignments for the past few weeks". 

" That's unfortunate". 

"And I made up a story to tell my friends about where I've been". 

 Me and Stephen got into my car with him getting into the driver's seat.

"Well, being a superhero in this world is hard and complicated. He turned on the car and drove out of the parking lot. 

"Yeah it is. Sometimes I wish it doesn't have to be". 

"At least now you have someone you can be honest with," replied Stephen. A smile spread across my face. 

"Yeah that's true" I said, blushing. 

Is Stephen the right guy for me? 

 And how will Michael react when I tell him about Stephen?

The end.

I hope you enjoyed the story. It took me this long to write it: 

December 2021---March 16 2022