
Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that fatal damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade".

GenScorp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: A Different World.

*In the normal world*

"What's happening,his body is overflowing from a very strong power. But this has never happened before. Tell all magicians to create a barrier around the house right now." A man commanded a troop of magician who did as he said immediately.

From the looks of the aura he emanated he was quite strong and the other ones who heeded his instructions were his comrades. But he was in charge here.

Axel's body had started levitating until the final burst of energy exploded from his body. Axel raised his head from the bed with a worried face. "My Lord it's me,Thorngage Darkiron, leader of the stealth force"

"Why is he also saying Lord,it seems people are going mad"Axel said to himself. "Where is Julian?" this was the first question that came out of his mouth immediately after he woke up from he evolution.

"Lord Axel, it has been two..." Thorngage hadn't finished with his speech. "Yeah,I know it's been two days since I've been in his evolution state" Axel was sharp to say not knowing what was going on.

"Lord Axel, you're mistaken. It's been two ce-ce-centuries since you started your evolution." Thorngage said in a scared tone. " What do you mean by that." Axel was now speaking in very authoritative tone.

"I very sorry,Lord Axel. I didn't mean to make you angry."Thorngage said now even more scared and had gone down on his forehead pleading for mercy. "Sorry,I didn't mean to blame you. Raise your head and stand up." Axel said more sorry for what he had just done to Thorngage.

"Thorngage,I need an explanation of what happened." " Yes,Lord Axel." Thorngage said now more bravely as how strong he was.

"Three months atfer Lord Akira came to rescue you from the mistaken Iron ranked abyss, he created the stealth force with the other six Grandmasters. They personally trained each of the stealth force members of a fortnite of decades ago. This team of stealth force was trained by the leaders of the stealth force of the past century. So basically we were the ones supposed to train the next stealth force of the next century if you hadn't completed your evolution still yet.

Lord Akira also once told our predecessors that he had interfered in your your evolution that was what made your evolution this long. But we never expected it to be this long so the chain still continued till now." Thorngage narrated the story to him.

"I see which means the Grandmasters are already dead,Julian is dead. Everyone that I knew are now dead." Axel asked in a very sorrowful voice. "Yes,Lord Axel." Thorngage answered.

"I never expected to meet another tragedy after all that pain I went through. Why is the possessor of the katana not k0talking again." Axel said to himself. Immediately the katana apeared from nowhere.

"My Lord,I'm very sorry for the situations now. I'm very sorry my Lord, but after the great Astralux is reborn any of his familiar which hasn't been renamed has no right to talk" the possessor of the katana said calmly than before,when they were in the stellar dimension.

"Then your name will be Asterion" Axel said as if it was a command. "The name has appreciated by your loyal servant." Asterion replied. Right after Asterion appreciated he name he showed his true form. The real form of the katana born from the stars.

Asterion stood tall, his body a canvas of celestial wonder. Stars of various sizes and colors twinkled like diamonds against his skin, as if the night sky had come to life. Constellations traced paths across his arms, chest, and legs, shimmering with a soft, ethereal glow.

His face shone like a radiant moon, with a starry crescent moon on his forehead. Eyes gleamed like binary stars, shining bright with an otherworldly light. Hair flowed like a river of stardust, with strands that seemed to move of their own accord, as if blown by a cosmic breeze.

As they moved, their starry form shifted and changed, like the celestial map of a universe in motion. Their very presence seemed to draw the eye upward, as if beckoning the gaze to follow the starry paths that led to the infinite expanse beyond.

Asterion's starry body pulsed with a gentle, pulsing light, as if their very essence was attuned to the rhythms of the cosmos. He embodied the magic and mystery of the stars, a living, breathing manifestation of the celestial wonders that lay beyond the reach of mortal men.

"So this is your true form" Axel asked amazed at what he was seeing. "Yes,my Lord" Asterion said in loyal tone.

"Lord Axel why don't clean yourself and let's explore this city." Thorngage said. Asterion turned back into a katana he was and disappeared. "Ok" he said as he was being led to the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom he saw a long pipe that stretched out of wall. The pipe had something the pulleys one had but it seemed this pulley was placed flat on the metallic piece that stretched out of the wall.

After getting near the big bowl that he knew was supposed to be used to bath since the metallic pipe was just on top of it. He tried his knowledge from old times when they pulled rope on the pulleys towards themselves.

At first he turned it to he right side because that was what seemed right to him. But nothing came out. He forced it until he felt like turning it to the left.


Water was coming out of the metallic pipe he couldn't understand the phenomenon at the moment. As long as the water was flowing he knew he could bath.

A few moments later he was done. He came out wearing his armour he used to wear for his nimrod mission but Thorngage had already prepared a nice and new shirt for him to wear.

"A relaxed-fit t-shirt with a subtle graphic print, perhaps a small logo or a minimalist design, in a soft, pastel shade that complemented his bright smile. The sleeves were short and slightly cuffed, revealing a hint of his toned arms. A pair of distressed denim jeans, faded in all the right places, sat comfortably on his hips, with a few loose threads and frayed edges that added to their laid-back charm. His feet were clad in scuffed-up sneakers, perhaps with a bold color or a trendy design, that have seen their fair share of adventures. A black or navy hoodie or jacket was slung casually over his shoulder, ready to be pulled on if the breeze picked up. The overall look was effortlessly cool, comfortable, and perfect for a day spent lounging with friends or exploring the great outdoors.

They were ready to exit the house,this time Axel took the lead outside of the house. Immediately out of the house,it was as if he had entered a new world.

The world had burst into a kaleidoscope of color and sound, a whirlwind of innovation and transformation that left few aspects of life untouched. The once-distant hum of technology had grown to a deafening roar, as the internet's invisible threads wove together the fabric of humanity.

Cities pulsed with the rhythm of progress, their steel and concrete skyscrapers piercing the sky like shards of glass. The air was alive with the buzz of drones, the glow of holographic advertisements, and the soft murmur of virtual assistants.

Yet, amidst the dazzling spectacle, the planet's ancient rhythms still beat strong - the sun rose and set, the oceans tides ebbed and flowed, and the human heart continued to beat with a hunger for connection, for meaning, and for a future that seemed to unfold with every passing moment.

While looking at how the world had changed,within a split of second, there were about hundred nimrods that had appeared infront of him.

"Welcome Lord Axel, they all said in unison but Axel already knew what was happening. Axel took in a deep breath and said "I thank you all for the work you have been doing till now,that has been appreciated by I myself. Good work. I grant you all a three day rest,you may leave." Axel had spoken as if he had been playing the role of a leader for so long.

"Yes,Lord Axel" they all said in unison again and vanished into thin air. Axel and Thorngage stepped out of the barrier that was covering up Axel's aura.

*In an abyss*

"The evolution is done,huh" a man holding the divine iron staff of Lord Kaito said.

*I an office"

"Guardian of the Stellar dimension has arrived" a middle aged man sat with Lord Sora's sword by the side of the desk he sat by.

"At the entrance of an abyss"

"I think I can now get a friend to join me on my missions soon,I think I'll have to look for him in a few days time" a nineteen year old nimrod holding onto Lord Kenzo's spear.

"In a luxurious mansion"

"Dad, can you please take a look at what is happening. My awakened sword is glowing but it has never happened to before." a fifteen year old girl holding onto Lord Rylan's sword looking confused asked his father.

"I guess it's time for you to start attending the school for nimrods." the father said to the daughter.

*In the headmaster's office of Nova Haven School"

"Young master's evolution is complete. Then I think is time he started attending the school." a sixty five year old man said with a happy look on his face.


"Lord Axel, can you please um-um conceal your aura a little bit." Thorngage said with a serious face. "What do you mean by that" Axel said back at him. "Your kyokai's energy is very overwhelming and a lot of people are going to spot you as danger." Thorngage pleaded. "Oh,so that's what you actually meant. Sorry, sorry."

Afew moments later Axel concealed his aura as if he didn't even exist. "That's okay, Lord Axel." Thorngage thanked him.