
Patching things up

Beomgyu's pov

(Continuation from the chapter on his pov entitled Expendable pt.2)

"What's happening?"

I asked Taehyun as soon as he finished talking to one of the doctors who finally left the operating room not even half an hour.

"The doctor said the wound isn't fatal but she lost more than fifteen percent of blood due to the nature of the laceration. Good thing she received proper first aid since it took us long to bring her here."

"The problem is the patient's blood is a rare type. We usually keep blood bags for emergency purposes but the last bag was used yesterday and the schedule of delivery is expected around next week."

The male doctor let out a deep sigh.

"Her wound is already sealed. I suggest you bring her to a bigger and more advanced hospital at the Capital before it's too late."

I was about to agree but the light over the emergency room's double doors suddenly turned red again and the surgeon had to run inside without explanation.

My heart started palpitating for reasons I refuse to accept. I wanted to doubt the idea of her heart failing because of lack of oxygen as the doctor had spoken of, due to low blood pressure and having no option available at the moment is maddening as fuck.

One of the veteran nurses inside came out panicking while giving instructions to the rest of the crew in the reception area that they're about to move Cass out so I had to force her to tell me what's happening.

"The patient is currently having a seizure and the doctors are trying to calm her down using medications but you need to transfer her to the hospital in the city as soon as possible." Her hands are shaking while writing something that she eventually passed to a staff handling the computer and the young girl started making a call.

"What's her blood type?" Taehyun asked her while reading a referral written by the receptionist.


I choked on my saliva hearing that. "Wait, I'm the same. Take as much as you need."

"That's good to know but it's not that simple." She raised her head to check the small clock hanging over the white wall and looked at me from head to foot. "We have to make sure your blood is safe for transfusion."

I felt attacked by the way she judged my health through my body since I have been experiencing this issue ever since. Just because I'm slim doesn't mean I'm sickly.

It's annoying, however, when she tested my blood she found out that my body is not that healthy to begin with.

"You also have low blood pressure young man."

Fuck. I swallowed a lump down my throat. "Does that mean I can't donate?"

"Yes but in certain circumstances you might be able to." She quietly read the lab results and called the surgeon to confirm my options and then frantically placed the phone back to it's cradle afterwards.

"The doctor said that you're only allowed to donate because your blood pressure is at least 90 systolic and at least 50 diastolic. After the procedure is done, please stay put till you recover. We're gonna have a huge problem if the only available donor ends up as a patient as well."

"I understand."

The rest of the female nurses helped me undress in a room nearby to change to a clean, blue hospital robe.

This situation was brief yet the most suffocating thing that has happened to me since Mi Young's attempt particularly when I caught them glancing at my chest and underwear with that kind of look in their eyes and for some reason, my body is reacting weirdly and it's even more frustrating to me.

I heaved a sigh of relief once the awkward moments have passed and gave the middle aged nurse my go signal after I laid over the stretcher they prepared for me.

"We'll put you next to the patient but please stay on your bed at all times and follow the doctor's orders."

I just nodded and they started pushing me towards the surgery room.

I was in awe at the dimmed atmosphere inside the narrow room, in which they magically fitted all those big and small equipments covered with thick plastic and the rolling tables carrying several surgical tools.

They placed me a meter nearby where I could see her pale, sweaty face with a breathing instrument stuck in her mouth. There was a faint smell of blood but it's overwhelmed by the strong scent of alcohol.

"Take a deep breath and let the needle in."

"Wait," I covered my arm to get her full attention because the others are still scrambling in keeping Cass's body in control. "Can I at least hold her hand please?"

The anesthesiologist took in a deep breath asked the assistant doctors to leave their positions. They helped her to push my bed closer till I get to clasp my fingers over her cold and trembling hand.

"Cass, I'm here now… everything's gonna be fine so don't worry…" I called and hoped my muffled voice under a surgical mask reach her deep down and fortunately, her vitals slowly returned to their original state.

The anesthesiologist took the opportunity to start the transfusion process wherein my blood flowed towards a blood bag with quantity marks swaying over a small gadget prior to the transfer to ensure that the amount of blood taken won't threaten my life in the end.

"Is that enough?" I asked worriedly when she promptly stopped the procedure midway and faster that I've expected.

"Don't worry." The older man in the room pointed at a machine in front of the anesthesiologist and showed me that Cass's blood pressure has returned at least the standard levels required and her seizures have disappeared. "She's safe now thanks to you."