
Decisions, decisions

Cass's pov

I covered myself and plopped my back down on the bed. Beomgyu's struggling noises caught my attention so I watched him empty his stomach at the corner in silence.

Great. He's disgusted. I took a deep breath and looked back up on the smooth, wooden ceiling to stop my tears from falling yet they still fell anyway.

Why did I even thought he'd eventually accept me for what I am just because he signed up a piece of paper that he can always legally dissolve anytime he wants?

Crazy at how I just realized my naivety after years of basically stalking Beomgyu.

I decided to sit up and compose myself. Enough is enough. My delusions only caused me countless sufferings and those would've been justified if only we were on the same boat.

Funnily enough, at the moment we do in a literal sense. Yet the damage can't be undone, no matter how much I try to fix the hole. The main problem was that other person keeps on poking the ship to sink everything as a whole.

This marriage shouldn't have happened in the first place. It was a dream of mine that wasn't supposed to become a reality. And now I'm paying the price of my stupidity.

I wiped my face and dressed up in black silky pair of pajamas before Beomgyu comes back.

I initially planned to sleep the night off entirely, however, I woke up at the middle of the night.

All alone.

The boat remained still over the tender waves and the soft moonlight shining gave them a glittering effect on the surface.

I walked around the boat to look for Beomgyu and saw him sleeping with the captain of his yacht. His face looked so peaceful that it hurts even more.

So close yet so far.

I held onto the glass window and fought the urge to forcefully enter the cabin. Asking for him to get back to our room after he chose to leave me alone would be pointless and awkward so I immediately left the area and sat on a stainless steel chair at the deck.

I spent the rest of the night watching the empty scenery of the endless sea while daydreaming again, creating scenarios where Beomgyu and I live in a different way.

However, him being all touchy and smiley on me didn't materialize the way I wanted to, due to the fact that there's actually no memory to back it up.

What I've seen most of the time was him being all nice and funny next to random girls, close or not.

I just felt even more miserable so I decided to take a swim. I changed to a plain-white one piece swimsuit and was prepared to dive directly from the deck when I noticed a speedboat with flickering light passing by, several yards away.

I had a bad feeling so I ran back to the room and brought my handgun, silencer and a pair of high range binoculars with night vision just in case anything suspicious arise, only to realize the person trying to catch a fish using a fishing rod at the middle of nowhere is somewhat familiar.

I waited for him to look my way and waved hard to catch his attention using a flashlight. He somehow did and slowly moved closer.

I jumped ahead when he reached a meter away to avoid waking up the others. He got startled as he looked at me from head to foot, then eventually cleared his throat and greeted me in the most unenthusiastic way I've ever seen.


I raised a brow and greeted him back. "I believe this part of the sea is rarely used for transport alone, much less by fishermen."

"True. But I'm not a fisherman." He simply said and opened a black backpack sitting on one corner. He gently rummaged the contents and handed me a large white shirt.

"Thanks." I followed his every move and inspected the whole boat just by looking around. "So do you mean to say you were stalking us?"

He choked on his own saliva before he got to explain himself and it made me smile for some reason. He coughed a bit till he finally got rid of it.

"Truth be told I was worried when I heard you were only traveling with one bodyguard so I ended up scouting the area."

"That's so nice of you but this stunt is dangerous. I might've accidentally shot you."

"I expected nothing less, although I'm glad you didn't."

"Anyways, thank you for doing this."

"Don't mention it."

I felt relieved. I always thought he's such a role model for doing the things he does even though he's supposed to be our enemy.

"To be honest you actually saved me by appearing here randomly."

"Oh really?" He shook his head then offered me a can of softdrink from a cooler box without asking anything.

"Why do you look like you expected this to happen?"

"Not really but usually, married couple tend to quarrel about something at the first five years." he sighed. "It sucks you feel this way on your first day. I can't say it gets better since I haven't even had a relationship before."

"Can't say I'm surprised." I teased and he glared at me.

"You probably should go back before your husband finds out you're spending your wedding night with another guy."

"Don't worry he's not gonna find out." I grinned bitterly. "Since he's spending the same night with another guy too."