SI and OC, What is a man to do when he wakes up in his younger self's body in another universe? Well make the best of things and do what feels best and have some adventure on the side while on his ship of course. Rated M to be save.
Chapter 21: Slip up
34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon
Sector/System: Bandomeer
Location: Bandomeer Space - Asteroid belt - YT-1930 'Wayfarer'
Jack's POV:
After the short battle, that was rather costly for the Republic side, things were calming down, and I could finally go check on our guest the Jedi.
"Sera, call all commanders to meet on the 'Valitas' and report to the command and briefing room for debriefing, including the one in command of the Deathwatch Fang support group." I told Sera while I left the cockpit
I quickly walked to the room I dreaded and walked inside hoping to see the Jedi chained to either the wall or the bed… sadly it was much worse.
I walked quickly to the naked Jedi and checked on her in the stockade.
What I saw was much worse than I expected to see, but something I should have known should happen.
I checked her heart rate, and blood pressure and even opened her eyes for a short moment, and removed the mouthpiece quickly.
"Fuck, let me move you to a more comfortable place." I said noticing her eyes look at me when I pulled the lids up
'Why are caramel-brown-skinned women so tempting… focus Jack.' I thought slowly carrying her to the bed
I noticed after putting her down her body was stiff as if she was fighting something, well she had that mouthpiece in her mouth so I guess she drank some of that stuff Grandma had made for me to use.
"I'll remove the force suppression cuffs and you can do your Jedi thing and release whatever into that force or whatever it's called…" I told the Jedi who looked at me in surprise.
Just when I removed the cuffs and expected retaliation I could see her body relax and her eyes regain some clarity.
Rin showed up inside the room, right at that moment.
"Jack! so, how was the Jedi? great right, some nice easy access." a rather happy and gleeful Rin arrived but turned pale seeing my anger-filled face.
I had taken my helmet off, to show the Jedi some goodwill, when Rin arrived turning my face into a pure look of rage.
"RIN! I told you to secure her! not drug her and leave her naked!" I yelled at her, seeing her freeze in fear
"I told you to secure her… those are orders…you failed to follow! You doing all this extra stuff means you did not listen!" I kept yelling watching Rin shake in fear
I walked her way, threw off her helmet, and threw her against the wall, my hands against her throat.
When I saw her eyes tear up and her face turning red I let go and watched her collapse to the ground coughing.
"Let that be a warning to do what I tell you to do!" I turned around and walked away just when I left the door I looked back and saw her rush to the Jedi with her clothes, soon after chaining her up again but this time to the bed
"Was that so hard to do Rin…" I growled before letting the doors close and leaving my ship to go to the command room on the 'Valitas'.
"Sera, go 'Restrain' Rin, do the worst you can… I'm done with her she either learns or that room will be her new home." I sternly said to Sera who left my side to board the 'Wayfarer' again in quick order
The more I thought of the situation the more it angered me, I can tolerate her but this was not most definitely not something I could deal with.
My anger and even trying to suffocate her, that fear… it made me shudder at the thought of how pleased I felt seeing that.
That thought angered me even more when I entered the command and briefing room and saw how everyone shot up to attention.
My voice was never this deep and menacing before but who cares.
All in all the debriefing did not take too long but all I could say about the holographic face shown to us by the Deathwatch man…
"...Fuck…" I said all I could say before drumming a finger on the table
Seeing the man… around his mid-fifties with those crazed eyes… how the fuck was I or any Mando supposed to forget this man.
The mad doctor that experimented on me when I was ten… he's alive and Deathwatch found out and made him their target.
I jumped up smashing my hand on the table leaving two dents, and grabbed the Deathwatch man at his collar, seeing the fear in the man's eyes when I did.
"TELL ME EVERYTHING! NOW!" I growled at him
"...I will… calm down…" he tried to say when he and I got separated by the other commanders, well me by Sera and Chuck and Nora and him by Butch.
"*cough* the boss did warn me about this, I will tell you what we have." he began saying after a short cough
"We know he's working for the Hutts but who and what faction we do not know, but the attack back home allowed us to go out and find out." he continued
"We had deals in place and now those are voided, so we are now looking for him, we heard a rumor he would be here, or at least some lab was found albeit abandoned." the man said
I collapsed in my seat, starting to hyperventilate seeing all the memories of that time flashing past in my mind and hearing the mad man's laughter each time he turned things up a notch or injected something into me again and again.
I never noticed it but Sera had rushed away and came back with the Jedi.
— — — — —
Jedi Master Adi Gallia POV:
I never expected to suddenly wake up without my clothes in such an embarrassing position, even wishing to jump the man who got me out of it.
But when he got me out and allowed me to regain access to the force and use it to release these strange emotions that were close to overpowering me, I never thought I would feel grateful to an enemy.
But when I saw him snap, to what I guess could only be the woman that had put me there and drugged me, watching him almost kill the young woman before leaving and seeing her in such fear I could see waves of it coming out of her in spades.
To be honest I was not sure what to feel when she rushed to dress me and then chain me to the bed, after that outburst of the man.
But that is beside the point when this Brown armored woman showed up and stunned the one in front of me.
Not only that she even stripped her and put her in that same stockade I had been in before even using that thing to drug her.
When I saw her move again the Brown armored woman said something that I know made the one now trapped scared, I almost felt bad if I had not heard of the words before she left.
"Disgusting, cumming the moment you realized what is happening, can't believe I thought maybe I could respect you since you were the youngest in your clan's history to be a captain and leader of your chiefs guard." the brown armored woman said
If not for those words I would have felt bad but now? not sure what to feel.
But when that same armored woman came back not long later in a rush releasing me and dragging me with her I got scared… yes I got scared something that is not easy for me since I'm a master Jedi and we release our emotions into the force.
But this, no words pure fear, and when I saw the holographic face on the table I knew enough, and even for me all color drained off my face.
"Do your Jedi thing and save him! All of you be ready!" I heard this woman command us
To be honest, seeing him sitting there with wide eyes completely white his hands clasping the table's edge, and seeing his fingers dig into the table.
There was just one thought.
"Is he that child?" I asked who I hoped where the oldest in the room and their answer confirmed it for me
"... Yes… he is, and if you can save him, on the honor of our clan, Clan Gryphen I am willing to let you walk away, this I can promise you as my name is Butch." I heard this giant of a man Butch say
I could see in his eyes when he took his helmet off he meant it even if the words hurt him.
I noticed everyone else get ready for a fight, even if I was not there I was there when all those dead had returned and the few masters on the council who returned showed almost dead looks in their eyes.
'If he is the child of back then, it is no wonder they expect a fight… don't think I will walk away since all the others never said a word.' I thought taking a gamble.
I walked towards the young man, pale-faced, and white-eyed as if he was out cold, but the closer I got the more I became scared myself, I could sense the force reacting to him wishing to lash out.
'I need to hurry and use myself as a conduit to calm the force… I wish Master Ti or Yaddle were here who are much more experienced in doing this.' I thought reaching the man in question.
"I promise Jedi, you will walk away with your life… we need him to find this man and deal with this wound in his mind." I heard this man in the colors of Deathwatch say and seeing everyone's surprised reactions his next words made sense to me.
"As I would do anything to jeopardise the mission. We need the boy, either as bait or as the leader to lead us all to greatness. It is why my boss and faction have gone all out to support you all." I heard the man say before putting his helmet back on
"Besides… this lapse is my fault." he said showing force suppression cuffs and holding them in balled hands
I ignored him and walked with some difficulty to the young man.
When I reached him I quickly felt the force, focusing on it and hoping it would let me channel it and let the young man's emotions bleed into it through me.
'This is gonna be painful.' I thought when I felt the Fear, Pain, Horror, more Pain, the anguish the pure hatred the child had abc then, I felt it all bleed into me staying there before slowly bleeding out into the force.
"T-Tis… w-will t-t-take a while." I gasped out with difficulty
I could feel the pain I could almost see what happened to him, so powerful that the emotions almost overwhelmed me.
What none of the people noticed was the Master and Padawan pair hiding just above the room inside the air ducts.
— — — — —
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn
"Can't believe this…" I whispered, watching wide-eyed in surprise at how Master Gallia performed her duty willingly even having the promise of most of those there to walk away alive and unharmed.
This is not what I remember about Mandalorians. Hell, my master made sure to hammer into us all about how Mandalorians can never be trusted.
But this seeing this spectacle and seeing that face on the hologram… things are starting to make sense to me well sort off.
"Master…" I heard Kenobi whisper to me, making me put a finger on my lips denoting silence, luckily he did, and I'm starting to find he will soon be ready with another year or two, to finally be a knight
While we waited and watched, I saw this big man named Butch look in pain at the young man hell I was right above him so I could hear his words.
"Fuck… the chief won't like this…" I heard him say when another spoke up
"No worries big guy, he will be fine he got that Jedi on him." this man I could sense myself getting goosebumps when I saw him being so nonchalant. However something about him made me worry and I soon knew why.
"Korar… you." Butch said to the man.
"Don't you dare say my name big guy, you did not earn it, and the Chief's play on lazy bones is just that a play." I heard this man Korar say
'Damit the 'Fast Thunder' is here? Not good.' I thought remembering a Mandalorian who had gone toe to toe with my master while only using his hands and wrists to block and parry my master's blade
Remembering this fight made me also remember the harsh and painful training my master Dooku had given me right after, making me never wish to remember let alone speak of it again.
But my thoughts and those down below were thrown away when we heard the painful wail of Master Gallia.
I saw her being grabbed by her throat and smashed on the table, but just when I and Kenobi planned to jump out her voice was heard.
"Don't do anything! you will be the death of us all!" I saw her looking at me but the words were mend for all of us.
I saw her gather the force and push him back in his chair when her words came out.
"NOW! CUFF HIM!" I heard her scream and saw her struggle to keep him seated when I saw the man I dreaded move like Lightning and cuff the young man.
"You…" we say light had returned to his eyes and when he saw Master Gallia he wanted to say something.
"Forgive me, Sir, I will take full punishment for letting her go and even bringing her here." I heard this armored woman kneel in front of him
I saw the young man stand up wobbling on his feet, before I saw him point a pistol at Master Gallia
"You might have saved everyone from me… but you need to answer this question… Truthfully." I heard him say, and it took me a bit to keep my padawan in control
"You or the other two." I heard him say when I felt myself be pulled out of my hiding place watching my padawan be thrown down as well
Man, am I glad I trained him on proper landings, falling on his face would have been embarrassing for us both.
"I will stay… let them leave." I hear Master Gallia make the choice, and only now did I notice the man I dreaded standing between myself and my padawan with two knives at both our throats.
"Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Kenobi you will leave here now." I heard her say making me put a hand on Kenobi's shoulder
"I know the folly of our attempt now… take care, Master Gallia." I could only say when the knives left our necks
"You Jedi…better leave, or I will try to find out if you are better than your master was around your age." I heard him say, which made me wide-eyed when the orders were given out.
"Korar… guide those two off this ship, if they try anything…" I heard the young man say who had one hand on Master Gallia's shoulder
'How are we to tell Master Ti about this blunder… ?' was all I could think of while trying to think of words to say when I would meet the Togruta Council member
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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