

Paul:" So Captain, how did you and your squad survive?"

Jessica:" Paul, this isn't nice to ask. Forgive him. Please!"

Before I had the chance to speak, I heard T voice.

T:" Captain used his life to protect his squad and the next morning the found us , disoriented and scared,but as injured as he was , he used his will and gather us in a cave where we make a plan. The plan is simple. We go to a nearby nest and blast it to Oblivion with a bomb."

Wow, T knows how to lie,but his lie wasn't that fake as it seems.

As we continue to advance towards our base/cave , I decided to summon five new soldiers and two power armors , but first I need to find some sort of excuse.

Kevin :" I'll check on the other group.Well meet at the cave"

Without waiting for their response , I disappear behind a huge rock and after waiting for five minutes I summoned the soldiers and the power armors.

I didn't know how to describe it, but it is a kind of excitement with a peace of mind.

But with the calm atmosphere around him, it was also easy to calm down himself.

Of course, Kevin did not forget his purpose of coming here.

Seeing the five soldiers,three men and two women standing in front of him, he felt proud of his achievements ,but this this didn't get to his head as he ordered two soldiers to use the armor and then to follow him.

When we arrived at the cave , Paul's group was shocked by Kevin.

Paul didn't think about Kevin's second team,plus the fact that this team has two power armor.

Paul:"Captain,they are your soldiers? The armors too?"

Kevin:" Haha,of course. They're my soldiers but I see them as brothers/sisters. I won't use their life for my own safety. I'll fight side by side with them and if the situation demands , I'll use my own life to save them."

Even I was inspired by my own words and I'm one hundred percent sure that Paul's group will be loyal to me. Don't get me wrong, I won't be a tyrant and get my men killed for my own selfish ideas .

As I was lost in my thoughts, Bear walked towards me.

Bear:"Sir,I finished my bomb."

Kevin:" Ok , people gather here."

When the squad was assembled , Kevin start explaining the mission.

The first thing he explained was the team distribution and who will take the bomb and plant it. Next they decided how to group everybody and finally when they will strike.

After the meeting, Kevin became the one with the bomb, while he's escorted by Paul, T, Jessica,Bear,S1( one of the last five recruits).The rest will cover them from outside and if necessary ,they will open a path for their escape.

While you may think about the massacre that has happened ,about the numbers of weapons and ammo that was left, well I should inform you that most of these supplies were destroyed or buried alongside their dead users .

Next day

When the sun rises,Kevin's squad can be seen walking out of the cave.

Fourteen soldiers walked towards their first mission as a squad.

One hour later they reached the nest.

Kevin:"Fox , you'll lead the outside team while I'll lead the other team . Do not engage until we are out of the nest or the Arachnids block our only escape . Clear?"

Fox:"Yes, sir!"

Kevin:" Good, let's start."

With me in front and the team covering my back, we advance in the nest.

At first we thought that this nest was a small one,but as we advanced , we discovered more and more ramifications ,but we walked on straight line.

But I fell like something is wrong. We didn't saw any type of lifeform in this nest.

After ten minutes ,we stopped.

Bear:" Captain, something's fishy .Mayb...."

As Bear words faded away, we heard noises from literally every corner of the cave.

Kevin:" Fuck, Fuck, we need to leave . I'll arm the bomb to thirty minutes after the clock start ticking."

After arming the bomb , we rushed to the exit , but we were stopped by a horde of Arachnids.

Bear:"Sir,leave the rest to me."

As he said that, Bear took a strange looking weapon and in the next moment he fired at the bugs.

From his weapon shots flames.

I'm impressed,I didn't thought about this situation or the fact that Bear may know how to make a weapons. With his help, we managed to clear a path for us,but more and more bugs keep storming at us .

While the bugs keep coming , we begun to fell pressured and scared, because our ammo is almost depleted.

Kevin:"I'm happy to die together with you guys and I'm sorry ."

Paul:" Apologize accepted,now can we kill bugs? At least we will die with some honor."

Jessica:" I'm sorry to interrupt ,but we may need to run like right now. I don't really want to die right now."

Bear:"Good plan. Sir, I'll cover our back ."

Kevin:"NO! Just go. I'll cover your back. Leave the rest to me."

[*Ding* Host has gained the item

Napalm bomb. This item has consumed two of your quest chances.]

[Do you want to use the napalm bomb ?

*This action will replace your bomb with the napalm one]

Right now I'll use my life if necessary. Use it.

[Ten minutes until detonation]

Looking at the message, I was shocked and with a pale face, I turned to my squad and yelled:"Run as fast as you can. We have ten minutes until this hole cave will become a crater.

They were shocked ,but their trust in Kevin pushed them to run.

Without ammo , their only hope for survival was their own legs.

After five minutes of running they saw the light and as they rushed out of the nest.

When Fox's group saw us they breath a sigh in relief,but in the next moment,they fired at the entrance as Arachnids followed us to surface.

Kevin:" Run. This whole place will turn into a crater."

As soon as they hears my words, they start running while we followed from behind.

After we run 2 km we felt an earthquake,but I know that this earthquake wasn't a normal one. I pushed them to run again , because I don't want to risk any live today,again.

When we were at twenty kilometers ahead of the crater, we turned to look at the mushroom cloud.

It's true that all of us were shocked ,but little did we know .


"Sir. Something happened on Planet Lost ."

The man in chair frowned and spoke:"What?"

"Mushroom cloud. That's a signal I think. Maybe there are survivors on the planet after all."

"Sent this to the media. We need to show this to our people."

That day, the entire human population was shocked by the news.

Some were excited while others were scared,but one thing was clear for them, Survivors. Soldiers from that massacre have survived almost one week on that planet and now they showed us a signal.

Here's the chapter.

For six hours ,I tried to finish this chapter ,but my dog would unplug my wifi constantly. So I had to play with her .

Sorry for the delay.


MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts