


The whole human race was shocked by the news they saw and heard .

Many were wondering who are these survivors .

Federation Headquarters

In the main room , twenty people sat around a screen.

These people were generals, they are the most powerful humans alive.

G1:"So,what should we do?"

G7:" We should send a rescue team. At least they will be view as heroes when they come back."

G20:"I'm against it. We can't send more people to their death."

G7:" So do you suggest to let them die?" I won't accept this type of thinking. If all of you decide to let them die, I'll sent my own people to save them."

As the generals were arguing with each other,the door opened and from it, a beautiful woman walked in the room.

When the generals saw the woman,they stood up .

"Supreme Commander!"

"At ease generals."

G17:"Commander , what do you think about this situation?Do you have a plan?"

SC:"We can't sent a rescue team ,but we can sent materials, weapons,ammo and supplies."

G7:" Commander,your suggestion is a little bit harsh. I'm not against it , but I think that it's better to send more than this."

SC:"I can't do that. I don't even know how many are alive or if they are still alive after that stun. This is the only way we can help them without sending more people to death . This is my final decision."

G1:"We'll send some weapons,30 should be enough. Fifty crates of ammo. One radio station, fifteen crates of food and fifteen crates of water bottles. As for materials ...I don't know if we should send building materials,but we'll send a transport ship with some walls .This should be enough ."

Two hours later , the Earth found that the Federation will send help to Planet Lost

Planet Lost

After one day of rest,Kevin and his squad were in a cave somewhere far away from the crater.

We survived and with our survival,the Federation would most likely noticed us.

As I was lost in my thoughts,Fox approach me.

Fox:"Captain...are you alright?You were so exhausted yesterday."

Looking at her,I could only smile.

Kevin:"I'm ok. Well,if I was back home with a cocktail and some meal , I'll be more than ok. Oh don't forget about the girl that would have come with me."

I don't know if I saw some sort of imaginary imagine,but Fox's face turned bright red and immediately after she run outside. But as I was thinking about what happened, I heard a voice.

Jessica:"Captain , you should watch your mouth, we don't want to make someone sad, right?"

Kevin:"You're right. I'm sorry."

Jessica:"Oho,but you don't have to apologise. At least not to me. Anyway I come here , because we need you outside."

Kevin:"Bugs or humans?"

Jessica:" Neither of them,but I guess is from the Federation."

Walking outside, the first thing I saw ,was a transport ship three kilometers away from our location.

If you're wande how can I see so far away, the answer is simple,power armor optical zoom.

T:"Sir, what should we do?"

Kevin:"Gather Sergei,Paul, Bear ,Fang,Yan and Jessica."

After all of them were gathered,I spoke.

Kevin:" The eight of us will check the ship. I want you to follow my instructions as your life depends on it. I don't want to see any of you death."


As we advance carefully towards the ship,we noticed the fact that there aren't any bugs around us and this thing is very strange, because the entire Planet is like a giant nest for bugs.

After half an hour of walking , we arrived at the ship and I can say that I'm surprised.

No human or bug or anything in the ship.

As we entered the ship, I decided to give some orders . Sergei and T were posted as guard outside of the ship while the rest of us entered the ship.

Inside we found weapons,ammo,food,water a radio and walls. With these supplies we can definitely survive .Well in our case,we can upgrade our life.

Kevin:"We hit the jackpot."

[*Ding*Congratulations Host, you unlocked a new type of recruit.

Pilot -200 RP

RP available: 2000 (from the bomb minus deduction for the bomb replacement and because of the fact that using explosives to kill Arachnids you get only one point per Arachnids)

Rank Private 10/10 Promote?

Can summon 10 soldiers]

Kevin:"Guys , I need to go for a short walk. "

Fang:"Small or big problem?"

Kevin:" Fuck you."

Walking somewhere hidden from their eyes, I summoned two pilots and decided to advance my rank.

[Congratulations . You're a Privite Second Class 0/20

Available summon slots: 20 (every 10 levels you'll gain 20 more slots)]

I was surprised ,but excited. I summoned another 10 soldiers and now I have in front of me 12 people , 8 men and 4 women..

When we returned to the ship, all of them were shocked (T is excluded ) by the amount of people that come with me.

Kevin:"Haha, you should look at your face. They are the crew of this ship. They came here to help us .The Federation can't send more people or pick us ,so we need to survive on our own. Let's go back ,we have a long day ."

Made it in time.

Here's the last chapter of the week.

I ... need ... some... sleep.


MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
Next chapter