
Chapter 5

A week later...

Narrator POV

John's forces increased..

Now base has over dozen Outposts 29 fused into one. The lake that was near this base was integrated into base with help from electric fences, military wires ...

Multiple traps were created in specific parts of the forest along with bear traps. Whole base was surrounded with electric fences, military wares and trenches..

On all sides of base , 200 meters from it are Electric fences and wires, and closer to base are trenches as one of the last lines of defence...

Closer to borders of the base (Borders are electric fences ) are camps of Troopers.. In the case of many enemies attacking they are stationed so they can intercept and use turrets from platforms... While there aren't true need for Troopers to be stationed there as even Warrior Bugs and Tiger Bugs weren't able to breach them from movie 3 without deactivation of electricity...

Number of personnel at base is over 1200x Most of them being Military and other's being Farmers, Hunters ,Scientist etc..

Over 700x Troopers with Morita rifle.. 100X Troopers armed with Morita 2 Assault rifle difference is that this variant can also fire grenades.. 50x Woodcutters, 50x Medics, 10x Doctors , 100x Scientist all others are Hunters and Farmers...

While All 100x Troopers with Morita 2 Assault rifle are stationed at Outpost 29 with another 100x Rifle Troopers all other are scattered at camps with other civilian excluding Doctors and Scientists.. With added 10x Powered Suit Troopers armed with Morita MK1 Rifle.

Author note "From now i will refer to Powered Suit Troopers as PS Troopers, Morita 1 Troopers as M1 Troopers, for Troopers with Morita 2 as M2 Troopers...

Many species have been discovered in this week..

Firstly Dodo's, they are hunted and domesticated for obvious purposes. Velociraptors have been discovered but unfortunately they are Jurassic Park/World version thus making them much taller than they actually were...

And many more were found , even insects.. Diseases also were found but with advanced technology most of them were already researched ...

Supply lines were created to connect all camps and main base..

But let's focus on John.. John is currently in biggest shellter on the outpost, planning his future actions...

No one's Pov

'I have mission to summon at least 5x Vehicles, and reward is 3400x Coins along with 10x Doctors'

'Hmm, i have System and i was able to summon technologies from 21st century and with it i should be able to summon vehicles from the same century?' Thought John while at the same time opening system and going to war vehicles section in summoning and selected it..




John selected Tanks before seeing a long list of Tanks such as..

{Leopard 1}

{Leopard 2}

After at least 5x minutes of pondering John decided to summon a tank, T-72 more precisely ..

And with a flash of light 5x T-72 were teleported in front of base along with all their crew which mainly consist of : Commander, Driver , Loader and Gunner.

{DING!! Mission completed!! Taking another one!!}

'This soon, every time it would take at least 20x minutes before another mission was assigned' Pondered John little bit surprised but not unwelcome...

{1st Mission: Go Scout in Forest}

{2nd Mission: Send 200x Scouts }

{Rewards for 1st is 1000x Coins for 2nd is 5x PS troopers{

'Oh well time for work, later i should buy Powered Suit for sure,.' Thought John already hoisting his Morita Carbine variant..

30x Minutes later after assigning teams from other camps..

Another 10x Minutes after all teams are on their position on other gates around fences..

John's Team

Is made out of 10x M1 Troopers and 10x M2 Troopers along with him making it 21x strong...

"Men and women, we are going into un-discovered zone and further. If you see anything hostile shoot it no question asked! You understand!"

"SIr ,Yes Sir!"

"Ok then move it Troopers!!"

And with last word from John's mouth gate was opened and all of them stepped further, and ordered man to form a two row formation first row will be M1 Troopers and next M2 Troopers...

And John will be in front leading but added that he's in middle of the formation and there aren't two Troopers behind him...

40x Minutes later..

Other Team at the south side of the base which was deployed at same time as John's..

Consist of 10x M1 Troopers...

As they were scouting and patrolling this region....

They stumbled across a pack of Velociraptors..

"Trooper wounded I repeat Trooper wounded!" Shouted Trooper before using shotgun function in point blank range at Velociraptor who lunged at him!

"Understand!" Shouted another before taking wounded Trooper behind cover and firing on rushing Velociraptors..

"We were ambushed by damn-overgrown lizards!" Shouted another Trooper who just has taken cover near wounded Trooper..



"6x Velociraptors down !! There are no stopping to their numbers!! Your orders sir!!"

"Hold the ####### line!!! " Ordered Trooper that seems to be leader of the group before he was attacked by another Velociraptor who lunged at his back, successfully impaling his back with it's claws but not before it can chew on the leader the raptors head was blasted from another Trooper.. Who shoved his Morita rifle in Raptors mouth and used shotgun function..

"Shit!! Shit!! They have advantage of the terrain, re-inforce our line!" Ordered wounded leader who was picked up by Trooper and carried just behind near stone, big enough so that Morita Rifle can be put on it and be fired from it..

"Radio Trooper, contacts nearest camp!! We need reinforcement!! Near this location is definitely a Velociraptor's nest !! It's too close to base!! " Ordered Leader .



"Sir!! Reinforcement is coming ,they are following our signal !!" Reported Radio-Trooper before shooting nearest Velociraptor in the legs thus rendering it's movements before another Trooper finished it..

"There is already over 20x Velociraptors dead , sir!!" Shouted first wounded Trooper behind cover ..

"From the looks of it , there might be big nest around here!"

"This damn trees ! There is not enough room for us to shoot at them!" Shouted A young Trooper as she fired on the nearest raptors that tried to flank them..

"They are damn smart !! " Shouted leader before dodging a Velociraptor from the damn trees who tried to jump at him. As leader rolled out of the way it was a mistake for raptor as Leader was in the center of this whole formation, all Morita's aimed at Velociraptors and opened fire and upon next 3 second all that was left was only dinos pasta ....

"They are retreating i repeat they are retreating !!" Shouted Trooper.

"Do not drop your guard troopers!! They might just ambush us behind our backs!!" Ordered Leader " We will stay here till reinforcement arrives from then it is their job to deal with damn Lizards.."

Chapter count words 1103