
Starship Troopers Fan in another universe!!!

John is fan of Starship Troopers franchise, watched all movies dozens of times, played even Starship Troopers games, even Starship Troopers mods in other games.. I don't own Starship Troopers, Or any series,game, anime used in this fanfic.. I don't own cover ... Expect violence and curses..

MegaDanijel · Filme
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32 Chs

Chapter 10

3x years later

Money was successfully established, currency is called Credits from now on..

Age is 2304 ( I needed an official date for time skips and such)

John doesn't look as a teen but an actual young man. In that time he was educated in politics and military training...

In this time. Much has happened. Human population reached 7x billions...

Humans populated both continents on Cadia...

Mars was established as colony, now at first it was expected to create brand new colony on mars but, it's seems that old colony from real ST universe was there. No hints of bugs activity for now.. 100x Millions are on Mars currently, Mars is used as mining colony future resources needed for final battle with Arachnids.

Terra's moon was also colonized in need of research and spectating Terra itself..

Few ships have traveled to Terra and have taken dozens of Arachnids for test research and transported to moon where research will be done..

Research was primary done because of need for more advanced weapons..

In Humanity possession are hundreds of different vessels ...

By estimation, invasion of Terra will happen in 3x month from now on...

There was also modernization of tanks. Such as old tanks that were summoned are improved and ready for Terra..

Pure new tank was invented by human engineering , this tank is called Siege-Tank, inspiration is derived from Starcraft 2..

But that's about their similarities ...

They weight over 100x Tons, their speed is over 120kmh.. They have two cannon and 2 automated turrets.. And they also have self-destruct mechanism..

After research of human biology it was discovered that it was altered. Making them to live at least 170 years as minimum.. For further data more research was needed..

Super soldiers :

Currently there are only three versions of them..

ODST : Have same armor like odst's from Halo, Armed with M1 and Vector CT1. They have strength and speed 7 times of an average human.. Currently numbering in 12,000x . Of which 300x are personal guards for Emperor..

Adeptus Astartes or Space Marines : Separated into multiple chapters . Have almost exact armors as their chapters from w40k. Marine can carry 1,350 kg, lift 2,700 kg, and push 5,400 kg. Armed with bigger and better versions of M1 rifles... (From some sources they are 50x times stronger/faster than normal/average Human, in my future chapters you can expect me to mention it, there would be more super soldiers . Some are going to be 25x times stronger than average Human. DON'T COMPARE REALITY WITH FICTION !!)

(I do know basic stuff from Warhammer 40k but not too much, as i wanted to create super soldier and i was requested to make space marines i decided why not. NOW mc has basic amount of knowledge about Warhammer 40k so he couldn't possible be able to make space marines armor exact same as in Warhammer 40K, same could be said about their fighting styles, now this data about how much marine can carry i found on quora ,reddit i'm not sure if it's true but i will have to use it for simplicity..)

Adeptus Custodes : They are 10x more physically stronger and faster than space marine in all departments, basic weaponry are Shield, Spear and bigger and better M1 there is only 20x of them. All are Emperor's royal guards..

To the story.

On Cadia , Royal Palace,

In a room is Military council..

Sky Marshal : John Rico (Traitor of Mars looks)

Supreme Admiral : Carmen Ibanez (Traitor of Mars )

Minister of Intelligence: Carl Jenkins (Traitor of Mars)

Now they represent their departments and are leaders but in John Rico case he's a leader of entire military and Mobile Infantry ..

"Let this meeting begin ." Spoke John, taking seat at other side of table and in front of him are three military leaders..

"If i may? Your Majesty." Asked Carl for permission before speaking.

"You may." Agreed John.\

"From current informations gathered by both scientist and scouts. It would be best to begin invasion of Terra in next 3x months. There was huge improvement in our weapon sector but, it would be best to soon re-take our home-world as we all have made and battle-plan." Spoke Carl , with precision while at the end of his sentence he ordered tea through his tablet.,.

"Yes, plan was made with different options so it can be improved ." Spoke John Rico crossing his arms over his chest..

"Yes, but it would be best if we begin." Stated Ibanez as and video-simulation of invasion appeared.

"From all places to first make an invasion attempt, it would be most optional. This." Said Rico before video-simulation zoomed to Terra and then to Australia..

"Australia? Reasons? " Asked John, curious why Australia.

"From all other locations and land masses, Australia has most bases, it would be harder to invade by Bugs and adding bonus is that Australia have smallest bug activity on the whole Terra" Explained Carl, just as video-simulation zoomed to show Sydney..

"First troops will land in Sydney, to exterminate all bug activity in the whole city. As this would be battle of speed and quality, it would be best to send PS-Troopers followed by Marauders and Terminators.," Continued Rico " As Your Majesty knows , Marauder Suit Troopers are best at close combat with their Morita 4 Assault rifle..

Author note :(Some of you might get confused but there are two types of Marauders, Such as Marauder Suit Troopers, normal humans with Marauder suit equipped with Morita 4 Assault rifle, very effective against Warrior Bugs in close combat and with unlimited ammo, which is generated by generators in them, and they would overheat over time and user will have to wait few moments before firing.. And second are Marauders robots from third movie but some of them even have designations which i will use later in story..

"What Terminators would you need? T-800 ?" Asked John just in time to get his answer from Carl Jenkins..

"Yes, they would be needed later but we still could afford few destroyed buildings I suppose, along with T-1 seeing as they would be best alternative for Tanks.." Replied Carl.. and getting interjected by Ibanez..

"Fleet will support MI by sending fighters, bombers and Tac-Fighters to clear out any bugs that even get closer to city.." Stated Ibanez

"What about Plasma Bugs?" Asked John a question which is one of the most important till now.,..

"They wouldn't pose much of a threat as they did before, Whole Terra only has thousands of them from current informations and they would be dealt by T-600." Answered Carl.

"Ok, you can begin preparations ." Agreed John before standing up, just as he was about to leave room he heard Rico's voice..

"Your Majesty. This war could very well take decades to end it, And as Sky Marshal i must ask of you to make a training law, people could get paid by joining MI for 3x months only to learn basics, as we don't know when we would encounter aggressive race."

Chapter word count 1103