
Star Wars:Vader

Hero, Villain, Jedi, sith; Anakin Skywalker was all of these things as he took his last breath he felt regret, he felt pain and sadness as he stared at his son's figure. And then he returned to darkness, where it all began.

deadly_orange · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

"Borrowing" Parts

[POV Anakin]

'I'll need to steal a translation module, a few extra servos, I'll have to steal some alloy to use for the shell though I'm unsure what alloy to use but for now until I have the funds it would be wise to use whatever is in the scrapyard or any other nearby shops, due to the fact the smaller shops aren't controlled by Jabba. After that I wont need to much more unless I want to add some combat capabilities to C 3PO, though I should make sure he isn't as talkative as he was previously so it isn't necessary to memory wipe him. But if I dont memory wipe him I'll have to implement some obstacles to make it harder to access his memory core.'

'And if I come across any droids I should try to recruit any droids I come across, after all every droid will have a use; be it information, combat, accessing restricted areas. Each and every one of these possible uses will just make the future take over easier. If all goes well I can easily ensure my mom's safety as long as she is a resident of Tatooine, but first I need to finish building and upgrading C 3PO everything else will come to pass with time, all I need is patience and then all the pieces will fall where I want them too.'

I was then right outside my destination as I finished plotting Jabba's fall from power, and ensuring my mom's absolute safety. I entered without hesitation there was no point to impede upon my own plans.

As soon as I entered the all too familiar smell of various fuels yet the fumes didn't bother me it reminded me of the happier times back when my Naivety was at its peak. Yet I quickly dispelled the nostalgia I felt, I had something I need to accomplish afterall.

I past by a scraggly looking human who had blonde hair was disgustingly filthy, he had a white shirt that had various brown, black, and green stains that had an origin I was incapable of pinpointing with just a glance. Yet he smelled like the searing flesh of a Geonosian, yet I tried to ignore the revolting scent assaulting my nostrils.

The man observed me and looked completely uninterested afterwards.

"Scram along runt you clearly have no money."

His words meant nothing to me considering I was never planning on buying anything. So I calmly waved my hand.

"You want to give me anything I take. You also think you need to get on my good side because I am the son of a crime lord under Jabba." I spoke commanding the force I compelled this fool to my whim he did exactly as I commanded and I began to rob him right before his eyes taking every part that I needed for C 3PO.

I had most of the parts except one in a sack on my back, I uses the force to strengthen my body allowing me to carry what should be impossible to carry considering my age, size height, and even muscular capabilities.


An Hour Later...

Finally I was in front of my house at long last, but I simply entered my house without stopping since it's been taking quite the fair amount of concentration to strengthen my body enough where it won't stunt my growth, so increased my strength twentifold this whole time. I went through the kitchen heading directly to my room where I dropped the rucksack that was on my back.

I began to organize the various parts in neat piles near C 3PO. After that was taken care or I began to work on one of the droids I grew pretty close to, and the droid I entrusted to look after my beloved Padme.

"This time we won't let Padme die, you'll help me right 3PO?"

"I know you will my old friend, I really missed you Rtoo, and Padme. Soon we'll be together just like old times."I spoke quietly as tears streamed down my fave remembering all the happy moments I had with all three of them.

I remembered fondly the first time I built 3PO and the smile Padme gave me when i entrusted 3PO to her. It sas the first gift I ever gave her and the fact she took him everywhere with her always filled me with happiness.

"I will not fail you this time." I spoke with clenched fists and tears running down my face. I then wiped my tears away strengthening my resolve I began to work tirelessly on C 3PO.

A Year Later....

C 3PO has been fully operation for around 9 months now, every time I had free time I'd work on him yet my freetime may have been a rarity as of late, but it mattered not as I accomplished what I set out to do. My mom was curious of where I got all the parts but I said a kind store owner gave me the parts and she believed me. Due to the simple fact as a child I was honest to a fault usually, she probably couldn't bear to think I'd lie to her. Most parents would prod more not trusting what their child said, which brought a smile to my face.

I managed to repair around fifty more droids within the past year only five of which were combat class droids. But I did recruit a few security droids but it was not enough I needed more droids to ensure absolute success once I knew success was all but guaranteed will be when I shall strike.

As long as I'm patient I will continue to gain more power yet I only have a few years until I can finally see Padme again. I was worried what if she hated what I had become, what if she will no longer fall in love with me. But I shook off such worries I decided to be confident that I will be reunited with my wife.


Hey folks author here I hope you enjoyed the chapter I decided to do a time skip since honestly the main character will be doing pretty well the same thing almost every day.

Anyways I'll probably upload another chapter or two later. I hope you all enjoyed and make sure to give me feedback because I'd like to keep making this story better and better. I also hope my Vader is pretty close to what Vader would be like in this situation.

Also I hope you have a wonderful day or night wherever or whenever you are and if you want you can come join my discord sever.

Discord is right here: https://discord.gg/TRXGga3