
Chapter Two: Binary Sunset

Luke Skywalker had never been more confused in his life, and he just saw an old wizard who lived mostly in caves alone pretty much do magic.

Just what was this strange screen? It appeared to be incorporeal, and rather random.

Luke tried to ignore it but it followed him. Out of curiosity, he tapped it.

[You have been blessed with the power of the Gamer! The Gamer allows you to live your life as a video game!

Tap here to review your profile and go over your stats]

Luke was surprised he was a little less confused.

He had a vague idea of what a video game was, at Tosche Station, there were a few Dejarik boards and even a gambling game based on randomized balls falling in holes and chutes depending on their size, speed, and location around a large circular console. But he had no idea just why he had been given this power or how it worked.

He tapped the screen again.

[The Menu can be brought up at any time to list your Status, Skills, Quests, and Inventory, by thinking or saying the word: Menu]

Luke then thought 'Menu.'

[The Status page describes all of your current physical and mental attributes, as well as any other status information.

The dynamic nature of the Gamer revolves mainly around stats. For instance having a high STR results in higher damage output and physical strength.

After increasing in one level, you will receive five Skill Points which may be distributed among STR, STA, DEX, INT, WIS, and LUK. Leveling may also increase stats randomly depending on LUK. All other stats are calculated using your current status upon receiving the Gamer.

HP (Health Points) represents your current life energy. It can be increased with higher STR and STA, as well as leveling.

FP (Force Points) represents your current amount of Force energy. It can be increased with higher INT and DEX, as well as leveling. Those who are not Force sensitive are unable to access Force abilities, and the effectiveness of Force abilities are calculated upon several stats.

SP (Stamina Points) represents your current amount of stamina. It can be increased with higher STA and DEX, as well as leveling.

STR (Strength) determines how strong you are, base damage range, as well as your maximum carry weight, and critical hit chance.

STA (Stamina) helps you move and fight for harder and longer.

DEX (Dexterity) allows you to move faster, and more nimbly and accurately.

INT (Intelligence) your reasoning and problem-solving ability. Determines how you retain information as well as deeply you may think.

WIS (Wisdom) represents your logical ability. Determines your responsiveness socially as well as the ability to think abstractly.

LUK (Luck) a strange attribute. May increase the likelihood or random events, and the creation of certain stats, skills, Perks, and other things inside the Gamer system and outside of it. To continue, tap here.]

The screen helped Luke explain how this video game thing worked, but not how or why he had it still.

Luke shifted upon his bed, continuing to tap another screen.

[Name: Luke Skywalker

Class: The Gamer

Level: 17 (Next Level: 4.55%)

Title: Moisture Farmer

Age: 15

HP: 500/500

FP: 500/500

SP: 500/500

STR: 13

STA: 16

DEX: 18

INT: 14

WIS: 15

LUK: 18

Status: N/A

Perks: -Force Potential (There are only a few beings ever born with your potential in the force. All Force skills are learned +10% faster and are +10% more effective)

-Excellent Farmer (Years working on your uncle's farm has made you highly skilled in managing moisture vaporators, and bartering and collecting moisture to survive on Tatooine. Farming skills are learned +15% faster.)

Flaws: N/A

Skill Points: 5]

Luke then brought up the menu again.

[Skills (All available and learned skills are here):

Dejarik: A classic strategy game played on a Holo-table. LV 4 (33.01% to LV 5)

Piloting: Developed from cruising at high speeds all over Tatooine in a T-16 Skyhopper, including piloting star craft, vehicles, and motor transport of all kind. LV 29 (21.11% to LV 30)

Moisture Farming: The farming of moisture on desolate, bleak, and or dry planets. LV 67 (24.12% to LV 68).

The more proficient in a skill you become, the higher level the skill. And the higher level the skill, the more the Gamer allows you to learn the skill faster, and gain more stats and EXP.]

Luke considered himself a pretty good pilot, practically a legend already around the flats of the Dune Sea being the only one able to keep up with Biggs at all. So he wondered just how much of a higher level he'd need in Piloting.

Then Luke found the next screen.


Available Quests: None

Completed Quests: None

Any and all quests will appear here. Quests are optional and mandatory objectives giving rewards based on completion and success.]

"Luke! Are you coming for breakfast?"

Luke called back. "Coming Aunt Beru."

The boy rubbed the side of his head when joining Beru and Owen at the table.

Owen was checking what passed for news around Tatooine on a small holo pad as he sipped a juice Beru had prepared for him. "The Darklighters were kind enough to drop off that new vaporator you bought an hour ago. Said their son left it to them, and they were glad to hear you were alright."

"Thanks." Beru passed Luke his breakfast.

Owen sighed. "I suppose I can't blame you, he was the only friend you made. Just hoping this racing nonsense is behind you."

"Trust me it is. That T-16 is worthless now." Luke said, heartbroken.

"Well anyway, now you can focus on your farm work. You've got to get that new vat up and running and go sell all those water you've collected last week by midday."

"Midday?" Luke put the plastic cup Beru passed him down after drinking from it. "What's the hurry?"

"I made a deal with our nosy little neighbor. Ben Kenobi said he had something to show you. I didn't want to reward your crash in Beggar's canyon, but I felt it right considering you're otherwise in a hardship."

Luke's eyes lit up as Owen dug into his breakfast. "He did!? What was it?"

Owen slightly raised his hand. "Calm down. He didn't say what it was, you have from midday until sundown to go see him and then help your aunt prepare food for all of next week."

"Boy, this day just got a whole lot better. Thanks Uncle Owen."

Luke smiled brightly, his aunt reproachful. "Slow down, you're going to choke."

He was chewing as fast as he could. "Ben's the best thing that happened to me since Biggs and I found out how to blast Womp Rats. Sorry."

Luke glanced at the small screens he now saw floating above his family.

[Owen Lars - LV 14 Moisture Farmer "Your Stern Uncle"]

[Beru Lars - LV 11 Moisture Farmer "Your Caring Aunt"]

After nearly swallowing his breakfast and running outside, Luke was greeted by a small screen.

[New Quest Alert! Daily Farm Work

Objective: Help your aunt and uncle by raising a new collection spire and going to Mos Espa to sell all the moisture they made in the last week.

Reward: +1000 Credits, +1 LV

Accept? Y/N]

Luke shrugged at the screen, agreeing in his head. 'Sure not like I have much of a choice.'

Luke was starting to pack up his things into the landspeeder for the days work when he saw another landspeeder approach.

He smiled when he realized who it was. 


"Luke! Wow, you're alright!"

The two hugged for a moment.

"Your aunt and uncle told me you were fine when I helped my parents drop off some of your stuff when you were still asleep a couple of hours ago." explained Biggs. "I heard how nasty the crash was, I came running to your farm as soon as I didn't see you at the finish line and found out what happened."

"Ah, I guess it was too tough to keep up with you."

"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of chances for a rematch when I get back from training."

That reminded Luke, whose smile slipped away quickly. "Aren't you going to miss your transport to the academy?"

"Nah, it takes off tomorrow. Try to keep your piloting skills sharp while I'm gone okay?"

"Absolutely." Luke then realized while his T-16 might've scrap, he still had the Gamer now.

"I'll see you again Luke, take care."

The two said goodbye and shook hands.


The speed at which Luke worked was astronomically quicker than it was just the day prior. He'd been maintaining and working on the moisture vaporators around the Lars family farm for almost five years and not once had he had a brand new vaporator up and running so fast.

It just all seemed to make sense to him more, and the reason for it wasn't exactly clear.

But Luke was sure it was the Gamer.

[Skill Improved, Moisture Farming!]

[You have gained +200 EXP from improving this skill!]

"Glad I have somewhat of an incentive now to do all this junk." Luke slammed the vaporator lid closed.

Luke was happy the Gamer let him invest the points he could earn from doing farmwork into doing the things he enjoyed more. Like spending time with his friends playing Dejarik or seeing Ben.

Ben. Ben Kenobi. What in the world could he want? Besides this new strange Gamer power, he was completely unsure of just what he was capable of or even who he was with what he did to those Mastiffs.

Luke hopped into his landspeeder, all the moisture crates he had collected prior properly stowed away in the back.

He keyed the ignition, hit the accelerator, and headed in the direction of Mos Espa.

The boy should've been distracted, a brand new power, making a new friend, but for some odd reason he was more focused than ever on his work.

Perhaps the Gamer had something to do with keeping his head sharp? Luke was unsure.

He reached Mos Espa quicker than he ever had.

"Why hey there. 'Ow you doing Luke?" Nib, according to the Gamer, a seasonal LV 19 Quarren Trader said in Mos Espa's market.

"Pretty well." Luke said, trying to sound casual.

"Heard you had a nasty crash down in Beggars Canyon, Biggs told a few folks right before he headed out to Mos Eisley earlier."

Luke was surprised. "It's unlike Biggs to brag."

"Oh no!" the Trader blubbered, the tentacles on his face moving around a bit. "He wasn't bragging, just elated when he told everyone you were still alive."

Luke smiled. "Right."

"So anyway, what've you got for me?" Nib rubbed his gloved hands together.

"Nothing much, just sixteen standard crates you might like to buy." Luke said, grunting a bit when he moved one pallet off his landspeeder.

"Alright then, let's have a look."

Nib needed only a moment to inspect the water.

"I'll give you twenty a box."

"Twenty five." asked Luke.

"Twenty Luke, Jabba just put the squeeze on the local guards in town, what little of them they do. Tax stays firm."

Luke didn't know how or why, but he sensed that the Quarren was trying to swindle him. He could see his smug feelings towards Luke, even though Nib's face was blank.

Then, something else happened.


"Huh?" Nib turned a little. "Hey!"

Nib's hand shot out, preventing a small child, likely a tiny Mos Espa orphan from swiping some merchandise from his stand.

Luke was surprised that for half a second Nib's hand instinctually went to his blaster pistol holstered at his hip.

Nib seemed unsure of what to do for a moment, and then he released the tiny girl's wrist, shaking his head and gesturing for her to run.

"Sorry about that, anyway where was I?"

"Don't worry about it. Think I'll be taking my things elsewhere.

Luke turned around in confusion.

He hadn't even seen the little girl trying to steal until the last second, but somehow a moment before he could feel trouble was brewing, unable to tell just exactly what it was.

What was going on today? He was selling his farm's produce at the market for the millionth time, and this had never happened.

"Thanks a lot!"

Luke shook hands with a nice Rodian lady vendor and earned a twenty eight credit per box deal.

[You have learned a new skill Bartering!]

[You have earned +150 EXP!]

"This day just gets weirder and weirder." Luke said, leaning on his landspeeder, sipping some water from a canteen he had stored in the driver's seat.

He had looked at the time and he was done with half a day's work an entire hour earlier. Even on his best days Luke was never this efficient, and he'd gotten one of the best deals on his uncle's moisture he'd ever sold it at.

Luke decided to go straight to Kenobi's cave.

All the teens around the Dune Sea knew where it was, some of the crueler kids even tried playing pranks on 'Old Hermit Ben' when they were younger or dared each other to approach it as the sun went down.

For fear they'd be turned into Womp Rats.

And here Luke was, parking his landspeeder at the foot of the small rock crevice leading to what passed for Ben's home.

"Uh, hello?"

Obi-Wan appeared with a smile. "Hello there."

"Hi. My uncle said you wanted something?"

"Sure sure, come."

Luke looked around the small steps leading up into Ben's cave, seeing that the rumors of old Bantha bones and empty spice pipes were false.

Luke didn't know what to think of Obi-Wan Kenobi's humblest of homes, or the title the Gamer had given him.

[Obi-Wan Kenobi - LV 453 Jedi Master "The Watchful Protector"]

Luke was bombarded with questions.

Why was his level so high? Sure he had only just gotten the Gamer, but did that mean this old hermit was over twenty times more powerful than him? And what exactly was a Jedi?

"I believe I wanted to show you this. Your uncle might think it's too soon, but I suppose I should just tell you why I wanted you to come here."

"Sure Ben."

Obi Wan trudged around his dingy tiny apartment in the rocks of the cave and then procured a small metal canister looking device.

He showed it to Luke. "This, will help you understand, just who exactly you are."

"What is it?"

Luke focused on it, trying to use the sensing power he had earlier in the market but the Gamer responded.

[You've activated Observe!]

[Lightsaber - A unique sword powered by a Kyber crystal.]

"Your father's weapon. The blade of a Jedi Knight, I'd imagine he'd want you to have this when you were old enough. Careful, you press that button there, and try not to cut yourself."

Luke was handed the lightsaber, and he logically pointed the end away from himself before igniting it.

A light blue blade hissed alive when it was unsheathed for the first time in decades.

"My father's weapon? You knew my father?"

Luke waved it around a little, decently impressed having never seen anything like it, and then unsheathed it with the same button.

"Of course I did." Obi-Wan sat down. "We were good friends, old allies when we were part of the Jedi Order. The same lessons I learned, I will pass on to you."

Obi-Wan began to answer as many questions as he could that the boy had. "Before you were born, I was a peace keeper of the Galactic Republic. Trained in the ways of the Force, to protect those who could not protect themselves."

"You see Luke, before the Empire, many believed in the Force. That there was hope, that there was a meaning beyond this galaxy in and of itself. That something bound us all together. That's what the Force is, an energy field emitted by all living things."

"What are you talking about?"

Obi-Wan looked at him. "You mean to tell me you've never felt it? Something that told you you were different than your aunt and uncle? That you were meant for more than that little farm?"

Luke was pensive.

"Not before today," he admitted.

"Come with me."

Obi-Wan led Luke to a cliff outside his cave, and looked around, speaking. "What do you see?"

"Just the Dune Sea."

"No, look closer."

Luke focused, it was a little hard to see because the two suns were so harsh and the desert was harsher at reflecting it.

But he could feel it through the force, just, what Obi-Wan was referring to.

"Nothing. Nothing is here, it's all empty, deeply and truly empty."

"Yes. Exactly," Obi-Wan said. "That's why for now we'll stay here. You owe a debt to your uncle, as much as I want to, I should not get involved between you and your family here on Tatooine."

Luke nodded. "Alright."

"But when you're old enough, when I've taught you as much as you need to. We can leave this place, leave Tatooine."

"And, do what?"

"We'll worry about that when the time comes. For now, I'm sure you have many questions. About your family, about this lightsaber. I'd politely like you to remember one thing."

Luke nodded and listened as Obi-Wan raised the lightsaber and showed it inbetween them. "This weapon is your life. To better understand your life, ask as little questions as possible. Only by learning this,"

Obi-Wan tapped the sword.

"Will you understand yourself."

"I got it." Luke nodded a little. "Yeah. But how do I learn to use the lightsaber?"

"I'm very glad you asked." Obi-Wan led Luke back into the cave from the small balcony in Ben's cave apartment overlooking a decent portion of the Dune Sea.

"Why am I here? I can't see anything."

Obi-Wan spoke from the darkness inside the cave, far deeper than where Obi-Wan lived. "I told you not to ask too many questions."

"Yeah but-"

A small whisking sound interrupted him.

Luke's eyes and ears perked up.

The focus he got just from jumping into his landspeeder to get to work was back. Luke was ready for anything.

"The Force lies beyond your senses, all you can do is use them to behold the Force, not the other way around."


There was another whisking sound, something was moving around in the darkness around Luke, and he was mostly sure it wasn't Obi-Wan.

Suddenly, a training remote fired a pair of bolts aimed right at Luke.

The first one he jumped out of the way to avoid, and the second one stung his thigh.


"Focus, do as your instincts lead you."

Luke took a deep breath and ignited his lightsaber. The cold blue blade was the only bit of light in the damp Tatooine cave.

He looked around, the remote was nowhere to be found.

And when he saw it, he had anticipated it improperly, the first two bolts just barely grazed him on the hip.

Luke rubbed his side. "If this is supposed to be Jedi training, not very peaceful is it? Didn't you say you were a peacekeeper?"

"This is a test of your patience. Feel the Force around you. My voice, your sword, the droid."

Luke closed his eyes.


Even though it was completely dark, oddly, Luke had never seen better in his whole life.

He could hear the tiny dripping of a stalactite off the cave roof, the hissing of air as it escaped the remote, choosing the next moment to strike with painful but not damaging bolts, even old Ben breathing.

But more than hear them, Luke could feel them.

For a moment when the training droid struck, the tiny ball floating in the air seemed to pause, and all of time stood still for Luke.

There was no thought just action, Luke moved from arc to arc, merely needing to twist his upper body slightly out of the way and to let the blaster bolt strike his lightsaber instead.

Both bolts were deflected with pin point accuracy.

Luke heard Obi-Wan chuckle quietly.

"Try it again."

Luke had never tried to block or dodge anything with his eyes closed before, let alone do it twice. But the Force let him.

Luke understood the lesson better when the thought on it better. It helped him, it was a guide, Luke was merely the conduit of its power.

Luke spun in place, arcing the blade downward behind himself, then repositioning as the remote moved in the air to fire a second bolt.

On the third time, Obi-Wan waited for the training remote to finish firing before Luke perfectly deflected all three bolts again instantly.

"Better than my first time. Of course I was about half your age but still." Obi-Wan appeared in the darkness. "Open your eyes, I can lead you back home."

Luke watched Obi-Wan calmly as he began to prepare dinner for himself, it was going to get dark out soon.

"Who are you? Why are you showing me all this? Don't get me wrong I'm grateful but." Luke tutted. "I understand patience will help me discover the Force, but I'm still curious."

"All of your questions will be answered when the true moment arises. For now, keep as much of what happened tonight a secret. Show no one, not even your aunt and uncle your new blade."

Obi-Wan turned from the dining area he carved out of a cavern. "Tomorrow I will help start training you physically, calisthenics and the like. There is much that goes into preparing a Jedi for whatever they may face, and I hope you again. Remember patience."

"I will Ben, thank you, I'll see you tomorrow."

He smiled a bit at the boy when he nodded and began to walk down the rocky steps leading out of Ben's cave.

Near his landspeeder parked outside, Luke was greeted with a few new screens.

[Quest Completed! You have gained +1 LV! +1000 Credits]

[Skill created! Lightsaber Combat LV 4 (43% to LV 5)!]

[Skill created! Force Sense LV 13 (37.91% to LV 14)!]

[You have gained +3 LVs and +400 EXP from power leveling your INT, DEX, and STR stats from practicing |Jedi Training|]

Luke appreciated the screens, and found that by using the Menu and his new Inventory, the credits he earned manifested themselves out of thin air, into real golden money.

"Neat." Luke smiled, selecting the option to pop them back into his inventory, seeing them disappear back into nothing as per the tutorial's instructions.

"So what did the old man show you?" asked Owen. "Hope it was nothing too crazy."

Luke shrugged, looking at the assorted salad Beru made for the three of them after he helped make dinner and prep their food stores. "Just some tricks for how to meditate better or something. It was actually disappointing."

Owen didn't appear happy, but Luke could sense that he was elated Luke wasn't too excited about training with Ben.

Beru said nothing as well, and then Owen spoke. "So you got a nice deal on last week's yield. Nice job."

"Thanks Uncle Owen."

"How's Nib doing?"

"I didn't trade with him. I spoke to this new trader on the other side of the market."

Owen chewed quietly. "What for?" he asked.

"I just felt like we could get a better deal somewhere else."

"We've traded with him ever time the harvest is almost finished. Why change?"

"Was I wrong?"

Owen looked blank, and then he turned back to his plate. "No, no I guess not."

"So, what work do I have for tomorrow?" wondered Luke.

"Half the condensers need to be reset, and I want you to find out if it's true that the Sand People started trading with Mos Gofti."

"Well why's that?"

"We had some money we were saving up we should have ready a few months from now, perhaps for a new droid. If Mos Gofti is trading with the Tuskens, we might have to reconsider. Either way, very nice job today."

"Yeah, thanks." Luke nodded said quietly, unable to sense the reason in his uncle's mind for such intense hatred for the Sand People he had all of his life.

Luke walked out of his uncle's home and threw a rock side, sniffing.

The boy shrugged, even with all of his new powers, even with his uncle's farm appearing to be on the up and up. There was still something missing, something he knew was missing.

His destiny.

Luke Skywalker walked up to a small ridge on the embankment surrounding his family home and stared into the sunset of the two suns.

As he felt the wind flow through his blonde hair, he wondered what the galaxy had in store for him.

If the power of the Gamer, the Force, and all of what Obi-Wan told him was truly as wonderful as it appeared to be, and what did it matter if it couldn't truly lead him to his path? And where would that path would take him?

Luke closed his eyes, trying to use the Force for an answer. To who he was, and what his powers had been leading to.

But Tatooine had no answers, all he felt was nothing, just its emptiness.

Luke turned back into his home, walked back to his bedroom and hid his lightsaber, ready for another day of work.