
Star Wars: The Last Je'daii

After an unexpected death and rebirth, Ian is reborn on the planet Lotho Minor. His grand journey begins with the uncovering of a piece of ancient tech; The Force System. The System isn't the cheating type, with inventory, store, levelling up, consumable 'stat points' and all that, but a more grounded one, a teaching/learning aid of sorts, it does have a stat board though. The chapters are short, but I update pretty regularly-- In fact, calling them chapters seems wrong there more like pages. Mc gets the system chapter 10, and the story at least at the beginning doesn't focus on him too much. It starts getting (In my opinion) really good around chapter 13.

TheDevilYouKnow · Filme
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33 Chs

Star Wars: Abducted the Abductee?

After introducing the masters the system continued with "All the masters have been introduced, do you accept them as your masters and yourself as their disciple."

The five force ghosts stared expectantly at Ian, awaiting his reply and Ian scanned over them one by one, scrutinizing them, looking for subterfuge.

Ian had thought it over on the way here. What were the chances that he: Is struck down by a bolt of lightning, that manifested out from a clear blue sky. Is then reincarnated into a universe that just so happens to have people that can wield lightning; the sith, and then not even a day later receives a long lost ancient legacy.

It all felt a little contrived. Someone was obviously scheming, using Ian as a pawn in some grand plan or maybe he was just a plaything; a gods toy, set to dance for the entertainment of a greater power.

Either way, Ian didn't like it and thinking back, his life had been marred by bad luck, who's to say that's all it was, maybe his sudden death was just another part in some dastardly plot that had been running its course over his entire existence.

So when the five masters appeared he could only treat them with suspicion.

"Did you bring me here?" Ian asked, with bated tension. The five ghosts looked confused, and Oswald turned to Illus and inquired, "wasn't a certain level of intelligence one of the requisites?"

Illus ignored Oswald and stepped forward, "do you not recognise my voice? I am the one that brought you here." Illus asked and Ian restated the question, "did you bring me to this universe, this world, are you the ones that killed me?"

The five ghosts' bewilderment intensified, and they looked blankly at Ian, failing to understand his meaning. There was a short silence which was broken by a bout of laughter.

"Hahahahahaa, bloody amazing, that's just great, we wait countless years inside a box for a chosen one and we get a nut job, hahaha," Nikola, collapsed to the floor, his fits of laughter intermingled with hysterical giggling.

The other masters looked appalled.

The Orc-Man, Ray then asked, "What do you mean by killed, boy?" Ian looked up, meeting Ray's harsh gaze, "This is not my first life, and I'm suspecting I was killed by Force lightning in the last, I am asking simply, was it one of you lot that killed me?"

Oswald turned to Aretha and asked, "Is he lying?" Aretha's vacant eyes focused for a moment and she replied, "He believes what he says, and he says what he believes is the truth, there is no deception." Nikoli had stopped laughing by this point and he asked: "Is it possible Illus?"

Illus sank deep into thought and the other masters waited, looking to her for answers. "It could be 'that woman' or maybe our master was able to make a move from behind the veil and guide him to us," Illus said, hesitating with her words as she looked at Ian.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Ian asked.

"It is possible, although unlikely, that we are the reason for your death, boy. But if you are asking if one of us had a personal hand in it, then the answer is no," answered Ray.

Ian took a moment to ponder over their reactions and what they had said.

"You mentioned a woman and your master, who are they, and why would they want to kill me, what are they plotting?" Ian demanded answers, paranoid. "We-we can not say, the master has forbidden us from speaking about such things, lest it affects your training," Aretha said, stammering a little.

Ian frowned in frustration and Illus answered his question, "There are rules set in place, we can not tell you even if we wanted to. Master altered the system before he --Beep-- I hope you can understand what Im trying to say, information is restricted and you have to reach a certain level in your training before it can be revealed. What I can tell you is this, we are not your enemy."

Ian stared at Illus for a good while, and all he could see was sincerity. He let out a sigh, "Ok then, it's not like I've got a lot of options anyway, I accept you as my masters." Ian said, giving a short bow.

Probably lacking a coherent thought to bind it all together. The idea was for the last two chapters to give you a quick intro to the masters, establish their personalities to some degree and (hopefully) show the main character as someone who doesn't just go along with the flow. I always hate it when some elderly figure speaks in riddles and the Mc just goes along with it, like ahh yes it's a mysterious old man, giving me vague hints on what/where/when/why/who let's just listen to his mysterious bull and ask no further. While I write this, I realise I will almost certainly fall into this fallacy myself, as I probably already have. Please let me know if and when I do.

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