
Chapter 14

James and Natasha had been locked up in the prison for what felt like an eternity. They were both beaten and bruised, but their spirits remained unbroken. They knew that if they were going to escape, they had to do it soon before it was too late.

Natasha had managed to communicate with James through a series of subtle hand gestures and coded messages. She told him that SHIELD would come to rescue them, but James couldn't trust their help. He was determined to do it himself. While also believing that even if Shield did come they wouldn't be much help against a Hydra base.

James knew that he had to act fast. He carefully observed the guards' routines, looking for any weaknesses in their security. He knew that the key to their escape was timing. He waited for the right moment and then made his move.

With a quick and precise strike, James took out the guard nearest to him, he used his blastor to shoot the lock. He then quickly disarmed the other guards and took their weapons. Natasha followed his lead, taking out the guards on her side of the cell. James then also blasted her lock allowing them both free from the confinement of the jail cells

"Let's get to Steve as quickly as we can," Natasha said desperate to save her friend from the clutches of Hydra which Captain America already sacrificed himself once to stop them

"If we have any hopes of saving him we first need our equipment or we'll quickly get overwhelmed, plus I don't feel like myself without the armour," James said looking around for any coming guards or signs of where his armour could be at

James, along with Natasha, were determined to escape their captors and retrieve Captain America but first, his beskar armour and Natasha's gauntlets to have any hope of surviving the onslaught of armoured hydra soldiers gunning for them. James knew they needed it to have any chance of fighting against the Chitari army that was due to invade New York in two weeks.

James interrogated a Hydra officer to get the whereabouts of his armour, but all he got was the officer repeating "Hail Hydra" before taking his own life. They searched for his equipment, but alarms blared as they found the room where it was being kept. They were met with dozens of Hydra soldiers, but James fought bravely, managing to retrieve his armour. But even with his armour back, he was too injured and exhausted to continue fighting.

The brutal forms of interrogation and the constant lack of food and water given to them weighed down their bodies not allowing them to draw out their fights and seek an immediate solution not wanting to exhaust themselves anymore from the constant fights

The two of them knew they had to rescue Captain America as well, but their attempt failed. They were faced with a mass army of highly equipped Hydra soldiers along with a creel blocking their way, their only solution was to retreat in the face of this threat not able to overcome the barrier between them and saving Captain America. They managed to get his shield from a nearby science lab while retreating, but Captain America was still in the hands of their captors. They knew they couldn't leave him behind, but with so many Hydra soldiers and the risk of Creel once again capturing them, they knew they had to make a quick escape.

They decided their best option was to escape with the armour and Captain America's shield and come up with a new plan to rescue him later. They knew it was risky, but they were determined to succeed. They knew that with their combined skills and resources, they would be able to outsmart and outfight the Hydra soldiers. But first, they had to escape.

They quickly made their way through the prison, taking out any guards that got in their way. They knew that time was running out, and they had to get out of there as soon as possible.

Finally, they reached the exit. They burst through the doors and into the daylight. They were free, but they knew that they couldn't rest yet. As more soldiers stood in their way blocking them in, James used his blastor skills to take out a number of them with precise aim the Mandalorian trained for years and Natasha with her unparalleled skills as a red room agent moved through the crowd until they finally didn't have anymore directly in front of them but more on their backs as they took a hydra jeep and drove away in a hail of bullets. They had to warn SHIELD about HYDRA and prepare for the coming invasion of New York in two weeks by the Chitari army.

They quickly made their way to a phone and called Fury for a pickup. They told him about HYDRA and to get ready for the invasion as it was nearly upon them, and he promised to send a team to extract them as soon as possible.

As they waited for their pickup, James and Natasha were filled with a sense of dread. They had escaped, but Captain America was still locked up in that prison. They didn't know what HYDRA was doing to him, but they knew that they had to find a way to save him before it was too late.