Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.
Destruction, chaos and death.
All things happening as of this moment, as Ahsoka makes her way past the Jedi exiles current place of residence being attacked and heads to other areas. Specifically to another area that goes even further down, deeper into the abyss of the undercity.
'How does he even have the time to set up something like that anyway! Here of all places as well, right underneath everyone's noses...' Ahsoka thought to herself about Anakin, whom had told her of how he could help.
It is now that everyone would need it as well. With Dooku now in orbit of Coruscant, having taking forces to distract alot of the military Palpatine has access to, and paving their way forward towards here, she believed that this was their chance to convince the Jedi to leave for now.
Retreat and regather themselves if they really wanted to. That plan came crashing down as soon as the rest of the undercity section the Jedi were staying in came crashing down as well.
Ahsoka was now away from the area everyone else is at, and she had been receiving some message, telepathically through the dyad from the others. They had discovered that they could do this, through using Anakin as the medium they also could talk to each other as they could him.
Going deeper and deeper down, Ahsoka would not be pleased that she is within an area that seems to reek within the Force. Reek of the dark side of the Force, whereupon she is trying to discover the device setup here on Coruscant.
The teleportation device that was setup everywhere within the Empyrean, known as the Stargate is also setup here as well. 'I really do want to know just how he managed to do this... He is too mysterious sometimes...' Ahsoka thought to herself again, not running out of breath for she has trained to a certain level in physical fitness.
Passing by several people that seemed to have been mutated or changed in many ways, toxic gas in the air and poisonous substances at seemingly every corner, she even started to wonder why he would set it up here of all places. Of course, she is just complaining internally but now that she is here, she can open up and activate the Stargate, allowing Anakin and however else that has access to come through.
Above Ahsoka, way above herself, there is a fight going on in space around Coruscant and its system. Dooku is taking care of and distracting the fleets, but as he does so he starts to consider what he is feeling through the Force.
'A warning of some sort...' Dooku thought to himself, sensing some sort of dissonance within the Force, warning him of some incoming and impeding threat. "I want the armies to start trying to deploy on the planet immediately." Dooku commanded, and the droids he is accompanied by obliged these orders.
A stark difference between the armies of the Empyrean and everyone else is that their droids are not living. Some could say they are un-living, something akin to the undead but not the same as they are artificial.
Dooku's small army for now is enough to hold off against all of the current forces of Palpatine's before anyone else gets here to back them up. It would be a an hour or so from now that others would start appearing, but for Dooku, that feeling was telling him otherwise.
Ships were fighting within space, Dooku's artificial intelligence controlled ships alongside living pilots as well. Dooku had taken to trying to recruit people who are skilled enough for the job, and he was successful in doing so.
However, that meant there would be more death and destruction to those that decide to join up and start a rebellion against the Emperor. Even more so, there is something of greater significance for Dooku and that is the fact he wants to now help Anakin in doing more than what he is doing now.
Dooku didn't just come here to put up with the Jedi and their backward ways, nor did he help just from the sense of duty one feels towards protecting life as a whole. No, he is doing this in hopes of not only help the Jedi and the Republic, but merging these two things into the Empyrean itself.
"Sir. There have been reports that the Empyrean have won their battle against the unknown force of individuals known as the Yuuzhan Vong. After winning, it seems like their forces have gone back to deal with any rebellious factors within Hutt space, and then there are the Yuuzhan Vong whom are heading this way." A living being, a human came up to Dooku and explained, giving a report.
"Is that so?" Dooku asked a rhetorical question.
"Yes sir." The information's officer answered anyway.
Thinking to himself, Dooku started to delve into the Force to see whether or not this means anything to him at all. What he finds is the same feeling he was having in this instance, a warning that there is more bloodshed and pain to come.
"We will... stay." Dooku decided, not wanting to retreat as of this moment and deciding that this needs to be done. Dooku not only wants his revenge against his master, but also wants to help Anakin as well, for he has done things for him unintentionally, but also shown him things that he may have been blind to before.
He berated himself at those times, for while he mocked the Jedi and the Republic, he too was also in the same position as them as well.
He was also being used by the Sith Lord for their own purposes, and while Dooku most certainly could see where Sidious was coming from before, now...
Now, Dooku didn't consider himself a Sith anymore, but nor did he consider himself a Jedi either, for now he will be with the Empyrean. It is there that there is proper things for Force-sensitives, but for everyone.
For the common person, their health, their safety is put above everything else. Something that Palpatine didn't value not one bit, but it seemed and evidence pointed towards Anakin caring alot about these people.
So much so, that he would go on to create droids to do things considered potentially lethal, but of course he also wasn't about to just restrict what people could do as well. There is some sort of balance within the Empyrean that Dooku finds himself at peace with, but at the same time that peace is only given because of his passion to create it.
Thus, he stays here now, believing and knowing that if even he dies, doing everything within his power to make sure that Anakin and the Empyrean consumes the Republic, Empire and whatever else under itself.
It is only through them, that Dooku believes that things can be done right. Only through Anakin.
"Where are you going!?" Zannah called out as she saw a few of the Sith leave, either not wanting to get involved in fighting her, or believing that only a few would be enough to put a stop to her.
"You, are a Sith?" One of the Force-sensitives under Palpatine asked, their faces covered, hidden behind a veil.
"Maybe, maybe not. However, I am here for another purpose today. And that is to make sure that I either save these Jedi from death, or prevent you guys from killing them. Which would mean I would have to use some lethal force. Believe me when I say this, but you guys would have at least stood a small chance against me if you all stayed, but now..." Zannah is taunting them, and as they are confused it would only further increase whatever negative feelings they are having right now against the Jedi.
Zannah wanted to redirect that attention onto herself.
"So be it." One of the Sith said, going in for the kill, striking against Zannah with all of their might, but only failing in the end.
Zannah easily managed to surprise the Sith, striking out herself and landing a blow that immediately decapitated the person. "You guys are relatively untrained and only rely on the power of the dark side. How quaint." Zannah smiled a beautiful smile, enchanting as it is but for the Sith around are angry, not feeling anything else, designed to hate.
One after the other, the Sith worked in unison to try and strike Zannah down, but she was easily able to manipulate the flow of the battle. Her lightsaber flashing red and orange, further demonstrating just how powerful her abilities are when it comes to lightsaber combat.
"You guys are laughably easy. Were you guys just born yesterday?" She raised an eyebrow in a taunt, making sure that they remain trying to strike her down, so she could strike them down in return.
"I'll kill you!"
Many voices of these beings, both masculine and feminine in nature tried to strike her down, and when Zannah started to sense their actual strength, it is no wonder that they are able to kill the Jedi.
Their level of strength, physically is way above the norm and it is through her own abilities and her connection through the dyad she is able to deal with their combined physical prowess. "You guys dont seem so smart, but where did your power come from is what I want to know?"
She looked towards the fallen Sith, and could perceive a few things that are out of place. 'Their skin seems too pale, alongside all of that rotten stuff... They are decomposing already?!' Zannah, not to get distracted killed another Sith, finally coming to a conclusion about these beings in front of her.
"You... All of you are failed projects, huh..." Zannah said aloud, which went to further anger them all. They had not learned after all, so they only further used their hate, inborn pain and all sorts of other things to try and take her down.
"I am no failure! I am alive and living and everything else-!" One of the people called out, but was interrupted as they started to cough up blood. Or something that looked like blood anyway, as from their nose, eyes, mouth and ears.
"Abominations... Sidious is truly something else." Zannah said this, but she at one point may have been similar to such a man.
While Zannah is dealing with the revelation, working even faster to kill them off, on the other hand, it is Barriss that is the one helping heal and rejuvenate those that have been crushed or hurt in any manner.
She is a healer after all, and her skillset, talent comes in line with those qualities.
"Stay still." Most of the time, Barriss wasn't the most skilled or powerful within the group of Force-sensitives, but comparing her with others is something else.
The person she spoke to did as she commanded, as she was successfully healing the woman, her wounds dissipating into nothingness, as if it she wasn't injured in the first place. "That will do for now. You will still feel weak however, as I can't just magically create blood for you to get your system working at full capacity. I would suggest trying to find somewhere to hide." Barriss explained to the woman.
The woman in turn nodded her head. "Thank you-" She coughed a little, but stood up with a little effort and started to head in another direction. Seemingly going towards somewhere important, but that isn't what Barriss is focused on.
She is instead sensing her surroundings to make sure there is no onw else around that needs her immediately help. 'I wanted to go with Ahsoka to meet up with Ani.' She pouted internally, knowing about the Stargate underneath Coruscant as it was explained to everyone.
"Jedi?" A voice was heard, and the swinging of a lightsaber was also heard, before Barriss ignited her own in defense.
"Who are you?" Barriss turned around to now face off her opponent.
"Oh!? Is... Is that you Barriss?" The voice seemed familiar, and once getting a closer look, Barriss identified the person properly.
"Ferus Olin?"