
V.1-C.98│Passage II│

On Tatooine.

"Soooo... Your telling me that the three of you have met my mother." Anakin said to the three girls as they had all stayed on Tatooine after Anakin had finished up wit his own progress.

He had just come back from dropping of Han to his new family and was now here to confront the three about meeting his mother.

Shaak was the least nervous while Barriss and Aayla seemed to be just as nervous as each other. Deciding to test just what their real feelings were, Anakin connected to Barriss and Aayla to confirm they were actually nervous and they were.

Anakin knows that Shaak is probably the worst when being forthcoming with her feelings so he connected to her bond with him as well and he was able to tell she was actually just as nervous as the other two.

"Well... Don't get us wrong here Ani, we were worried." Barriss said.

Raising an eyebrow, he replied. "Worried, eh? I get that but bringing this information to my mother..."

"Its your fault." Aayla blurted out before going silent.

"I guess it is... That's enough of that, what exactly did you guys talk to my mother about anyway?" Anakin asked.

Then the three went on to explain that they had not really gone into why they were trying to find him to his mother and only said it was apart of Jedi business, but of course she saw right through them.

Anakin knew this because when he went to see Shmi again, she was interested in knowing about the three pretty girls that had come to her looking for him. Now not only is the Force playing matchmaker, it would seem his actual mother was as well.

Not that he didn't like being paired up with females he finds attractive and have grown a close attachment to, no, it was just that when it came to matters of the heart he liked discovering these things for himself.

Outside influence is not all that appreciated most of the time.

"You girls have gotten my mother thinking about the future already." He sighs before saying. "Come on, I think we should all just return back to Coruscant, I have heard that alot of things are happening."

The three just agree with him and dont say anything because now they have been exposed to his mother, it basically made it all the more complicated.

Boarding Jabitha, the four then left Tatooine to go back to the Jedi but now the three girls have been exposed to another side of Anakin. His embarrassment over introducing them to his mother was quite cute to view even when he was physically imposing.

Barriss, Aayla and Shaak would catalogue this within their memories for a later date. There was something else however that they were all curious about but didn't ask him, another connection of sorts.

While the three knew of what the Force Dyad is, they were only connected to him while he was connected to all of them and through this they could feel things. Feel things that they would not feel without Anakin being the intermediary between everyone and while they were directly connected to him, they were also indirectly connected to each other.

They could accurately identify those who are linked to Anakin, it was easy to tell when they delved into it and they could all feel a new one.

None of them brought it up however because it was strange.

This fourth link came from within Anakin and they distinctly feel it was different from theirs, well at least different in the alignment to the Force. It was connected to someone steeped within the dark side of the Force but they didn't question him.

They would inevitably come to someone wanting to know but for now they would wait until he says anything.


There was the tiny little problem of Zannah living within his mind, and Anakin didn't have an immediate solution.

There was the Kaminoans and how he could commission them to create a body where he would transplant her consciousness into but they dont have the correct facilities for what he wanted.

He wanted to make sure she is returned to her actual body, fully complete and is completely the same as the one she was born in. The thing is, he has no idea about what her genetic code or structure was so there was no way to tell if he could recreate it.

There are no samples of some a thousand years old cells from her and it certainly would have been decayed and destroyed by now.

He could grab multiple, various samples of woman that are around her features and compare these various genetics then piece together a combination of cells to replicate a body for her. He could use what he remembered of her physical features to much easier create her body and it wasn't like there wasn't an abundance of genetic variation he could use.

Another problem he had to consider was whether or not she would be accepted into her new body. Whether or not the new bodies midi-chlorians wouldn't reject her and she would be able to merge completely with them.

Given that she isn't supposed to be alive however it may not work, but taking into consideration her connection to him, of which he is both alive, connected to her through a Dyad and is practically immortal, there should be a chance of her returning to life.

Even more so because he could actually control midi-chlorians to some extent and he had the techniques that can transfer ones essence into another.

Yet another problem was the growth period, how fast would her body develop if he tried, this was something the Kaminoans and himself wanted to get rid of as it would start to affect her life expectancy.

Not that it would matter all too much because he planned to try and give those connected to him through a Dyad immortality, and eternal youth.

He had to do something though.

So knowing of the Kaminoans methods and his control midi-chlorian manipulation he started the process of creating a new body fore her. He selected all of the right genetic factors that would be taken into account when generating a new body.

Genetic code for melanin levels and hair color, from chromosome types making the new body female and the modification of other factors from natural height and even genetics of Human women considered beautiful.

Her soul should be able to do the rest as he transfers her consciousness into it.

Anakin created her body in vitro just like he had done for his Sky-Seed implants because this was the best way instead of the natural process. Where would he find a willing participant for something like this?

He could accelerate her growth and as the body developed he did, her soul was starting to slowly manipulate how her new form shaped becoming more and more alike herself from before.

Through midi-chlorian manipulation Anakin is able to stop her rapid physical development that took only a few month to come into full form and of course he made sure that the Force didn't try and interfere with the process.

Plagueis and Sidious had tried manipulating the Force similar to how he was doing so and it reacted negatively by inadvertently creating him.

After a few months, she was complete and her physical aging slowed to a halt because of him intervening and making sure that with a new body would not immediately age up too quickly. In fact by doing this Anakin has basically given Zannah eternal youth for free.

He has a feeling she may not appreciate this process as much as she should.

Finally within the tube she kind of reminded him of a scene from the Resident Evil movies, where alive was all hooked up, naked and floating within a large tube.

This was near exactly like that but the circumstances were different.

Gasping as she exited the tube she was in and trying to catch her breath before looking around, seeing that it was only Anakin within this specialized room. "What the hell did you do to me?" Zannah questioned him as Anakin had manipulated the situation a bit.

"I have given you life." Anakin said and then started to cackle like a mad scientist.

She just gives him a pointed stare before getting up but while her body was brand new and developed, that didn't mean she actually had proper muscle control. She actually had barely any muscle at all because she had no time to develop this body properly.

She would need to retrain herself physically and mentally to fully get used to her new situation. Something to take not of however was the lack of the corruption within the dark side present within her eyes.

They were blue.

"It would seem that my experiment was a success and that you are the first to recieve my blessing of immortality." Anakin said.

"What do you mean?" Zannah tried her best to cover herself up but Anakin had seen it all already, because he needed to keep an eye on the development process.

In fact he now held very intimate knowledge of her new form because he was the creator of course.

"I mean what I mean, you have immortal. I had to somehow stop the rather quick development of your body so as to make sure you didn't age so quickly you would die within the next year or two." Anakin replied.

"You have forcefully brought me from Chaos and decided to give me life again, just what are you?" Zannah questioned him.

"Just your everyday friendly neighborhood space Jesus." Anakin said with a smile and pose.

"What the Hell, is a space Jesus?" She questioned him.

"I am not surprised you are not cultured enough to know, but welcome. Welcome to being alive again." He replied before continuing. "I think we should get you dressed, you will be exited about the prospects of your new life."

She just glared at Anakin. "I will never be under your command."

"Who said you were going to be under me?" Anakin replied turning around and starting to walk out of the room gesturing her to follow him. "I also suggest you dont try and pull on the dark side, it has quite the corrupting effects."

"You cant tell me what to do." She simply stated but nonetheless followed after him because she didn't want to stay on the cold hard ground while naked.


They continued through the hallways before coming to an area where Anakin had some people already recreate the clothing he had seen her with while in the Hell dimension.

"You really pay attention dont you..." Zannah was abit weirded out that he was so accurate.

"It is easy to remember and even reverse calculate everything when you have perfect memory, recall and even accelerated intelligence." Anakin stated as she got changed.

"What exactly are you going to have me do exactly." Zannah was still weak so she had to play her cards right, her connection to the Force was acting all weird and she felt a strange sensation within herself connecting to Anakin.

She was also physically still needed practice. She had no muscle to help her even more so this is harder because of the Force being weird.

Anakin had practically defied the known laws created by the Force, but if the Force didn't want him to take her from Hell, it shouldn't have connected her to him.

"Nothing really, but because of extenuating circumstance it would seem you are stuck with me. Well maybe not completely stuck to me but connected in a very intimate way." He stated while smirking.

"What are you implying?" She asked.

"Have you not felt the special bond between the two of us?" He questioned.

"I..." She left of before deciding not to lie she said. "Yes."

"Then that should be all the reason you need to know that there is something strange going on." Anakin said.

"Yeah, your that something strange." Zannah snapped back still confused.

"For now you will stay here on Tatooine, or you could go off and do your own thing. I am not restricting your freedom or anything, I just wanted to let you know that." Anakin ignored her outburst.

"So I can just leave?" Zannah questioned having a small thought in the back of her mind telling her to stay with him.

"I would advise against that and would advise you to get back to your feet but if you are planning on leaving I have to inform you that this connection we have with each other now is quite special." Anakin repeated.

"You told me that already." Zannah stated.

"Yes, but I haven't said what the effects were, now did I?" Anakin replied.

Then then went on to explain how the Force Dyad worked, its supposed origins and how the idea originated form the Sith and was probably the reason behind the idea that the rule of two even existed in the first place.

It wasn't just an idea that came out of nowhere and it was entirely possible that Darth Bane, her master didn't inform her of this because either he didn't want to or that even he didn't know the reason why he wanted to do so.

Of course they had their own reasons, but the core of the matter was that the concept of the rule of two existed even before the Sith, and had been within the annals of history just left there to be explored but was never given any thought.

Not until recently.

There was Anakin, where his very existence broke what was previously known about Force Dyads and the fact that it was usually only between two people was what confused Zannah. Anakin informed her that he believes there are two versions, one between 'soulmates' so to speak while the other is the version from the Sith.

Purely a means to make sure they become more powerful with each successive generation by killing their master which would transfer their power onto their successor.

"So we are soulmates... I think that is a load of bullshit." Zannah said convinced all he was saying was bullcrap, even if there was some semblance of truth if she thought about it.

It made sense that the Sith would mistake a bond between two people meant to be precious as something to use to their advantage.

"Well... You may believe what you want but you and I became connected ever since I had touched you back within Hell." Anakin replied knowing she would be in disbelief.

"Whatever, I will agree to your suggestion of staying here for a while. I need to get my warpaint back on my face anyway and need to retrain myself." Zannah said more to herself then Anakin.

"That is great." Anakin smiled before continuing. "I will give you something to ponder on, I am going to create an Order of my own and I would need someone as experienced as yourself to help teach my students I dont really have time to personally teach."

"Your giving me a job already? What happened to use being 'soulmates.'" Zannah said sarcastically.

"Your not just going to live on my planet, my Empire for free now, do you? I am giving you alot of freedom here, you shouldn't try to ask for more." Anakin said.

"Your the one who brought me here." Zannah responded.

"I wanted to live." Anakin replied.

Zannah felt something within the Force and within the back of her mind tell her something she couldn't quite make out but she heard the distinct thumping of a heart... No, she heard the strange beating of drums that resembled hearts.

What she heard was the distinct drum of Anakin's heartbeats.