
Star Wars:Eternal

Appearing in the void, John finds himself in front of a strange floating text. With a mission to fulfill and a system as a guide, John begins his new life in the star wars universe. Watch how John changes fate and leads the galaxy to a new era. ************** (English is not my main language, I just use a translator to help anyone who wants to read the story, but I'm writing just for fun, so don't expect to much, and if there's something you don't like, just don't read it.) ************** (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property,just my own character) ************** (Disclaimer:i do not own the cape image,it's just something that i found on google,the character won't be exactly that way, but it's a good general idea)

Barruch · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 26:The End of the invasion (Part 2/2)

After getting around and avoiding all forms of defense of the ship, I manage to reach one of the hangars, on the south side of the space station, activating Force stealth to stay invisible, I teleport outside, before guards scimitar back to my inventory.

Looking around, I can see 10 platoons of B-1 droids lined up and ready to be sent to Naboo, if necessary.

I start to ponder whether I should steal all of them now or if I should take control of the command center first and do it later, but I shrug before grabbing them all with TK and storing in inventory.

[B-1 Batle droids - 560x]

(AN: each squad consists of 8 B-1 droids, A Platoon consisted of seven squads, and by extension 56 battle droids, the Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) contains 2 platoons)

As soon as I put them in the inventory I convert them all into credits, giving me a total of 1,008,000 credits, and that brings a smile to my face, who said that stealing doesn't pay ?, you just need to steal from the bad guy, and that was only the beginning, although it was far from enough to form a powerful fleet.

Taking these thoughts out of my head for now, I begin to expand my vision in the force to feel all the life forms that are on the ship, and several of them spread around the ship, with the greatest concentration being in what I suppose to be the Control Center, which is my target, so without further ado I teleport directly there.

I maintain my invisibility when I get there, and start to observe around, there were several neimodian officers receiving reports and giving commands to the droids on the ground, who seem to be about to start the battle with the Gungan, but what surprises me is nothing of that, but rather the Neimodian dressed luxuriously sitting,while giving orders, it was Viceroy Nute Gunray himself, it seems that after discovering what happened in the Senate, he chickened out and came to hide here.

"Do you already find the queen? I want her capitured as soon as possible," he says with anger and apprehension in his voice.

"No sir, but the Gungan have reorganized their army and are advancing towards our droid army," one of the officers replied upon receiving a report.

'' I don't care about them, crush them soon, if they think they can stop my droids with animals, they are more stupid than they look, I want you to find the queen as soon as possible !!! '', he thundered in anger, anxiety consumed him as time went by, '' luckily i left that squad of bounty hunters, if they are foolish enough to try to go after me, they will get a little gift, '' he murmured to himself, while a smile crept on the corners of the lips.

"Oho, what interesting thing are you saying there, would you mind telling me more?"

'' !!!!! ''

Everyone froze simultaneously when they heard that voice, although it wasn't the fact that he could enter the room without anyone realizing that it would freeze them, but the immense pressure that fell on them like a mountain, the pressure was so much so that it was difficult to breathe, let alone move.

Nute Gunray could only watch completely horrified as his body and his officers began to float on their own before lining up in front of what appeared to be a very young boy with very pretty features, and a slight smile on his lips, which sent a shiver down their spine

"Now can you answer me? Who and how many of them did you send after Padme?", I asked calmly, without emotions in my voice

Nute Gunray tried to answer, but every time he opened his mouth to speak, the air escaped from his lungs, causing him to change from green to purple quickly, until the pressure eased enough for him to speak.


"Who ... Wh-Who are you? How did you get to ---", he was interrupted when the pressure returned, forcing him to silence again.

"I ask the questions here, now answer me while I'm still patient, who and how many did you send after Padme?", I ask with the smile disappearing from my face.

'' It is a misunderstanding, I just want the queen to sign the treaty, I have no intention of --- '', he was interrupted again, this time it looked like something had grabbed his throat and was slowly choking him.

"Do you think you can lie to me? What did you say you would do to Padme? Would capiture her people and torture them in front of her,before killing them until she signed the agreement, and then you would do the same to her, I'm right ? '' I ask, narrowing my eyes, anger rising inside me, as I remembered his conversion with the droid commander, and although the Player Mind skill forced me to stay calm, it didn't suppress my emotions 100%, so I was really angry, although still in control of my actions.

Nute Gunray and all the officers along with him began to shiver visibly at that moment, cold sweat running down their faces as some of them tried to beg.

"But you don't have to worry, unlike you, I'm not a monster that tortured your officers in front of you while you just watched," I say with a gentle smile.

Nute Gunray and all the officers around him seem to breathe a sigh of relief when they hear my words.

* (Just wait boy, as soon as I get out of this situation I will send all the bounty hunters of the galaxy behind you, and I will take revenge for this humiliation !!!) ", Nute Gunray thinks venomously, while still pretending to be afraid, but the next words he hears make that fear real.

"No, I couldn't torture and kill them while you watch, I'll make you go through it in their place, they'll watch you die painfully", I say with a smile, as I slowly raise my left hand and point the five fingers towards him.

He started to shake visibly when he saw my gesture, the feeling of imminent death invading him, he didn't know what I was going to do, but only the fear of the unknown was a kind of torture for him.

'' No .. No, please, I can pay you as much as you want ---- ''

I totally ignored him while launching a bolt of lightning from my left hand, which impacted his still floating body, he trembled wildly while his body was carbonized by lightning, and along with that came the cry that seemed to echo in the minds and hearts of those who watched.


The officers could only watch with wide-eyed terror, while the boy who currently looked like a demon in their eyes,burned they viceroy alive.


Meanwhile, Theed

Central plaza,

Padme along with Qui-Gon, Obi -Wan, Panaka and the guards arrived at the central square, a few hundred meters from the Royal Palace, several droid squadrons can be seen coming and going, all the citizens of the area have already been captured, so they are just doing patrols.

"You guys get their attention, as we pass to the entrance to the palace, then you step back and form a defensive perimeter at the entrance and try to hold out as long as you can," said Panaka towards the guards who accompanied them.

''Yes sir!''

Qui-Gon frowned at that moment, while looking at the royal palace at that moment.

'' What's the matter, master? '' Obi-Wan asks, after seeing his expression.

'' Now I can feel the sensation that John referred to, and I believe that a trap awaits us inside ''

Everyone looked at each other confirming their intention to move on.

'' Obi-Wan and I will pave the way to make sure, try to stay close, '' Qui-Gon says as he pulls his lightsaber from his clothes, with Obi-Wan following his action.

"Okay, I hope you're really as good as John said"

Padme nods to Qui-Gon before turning to the Droid who has been silently following her all this time.

"Ready? Let's go," Qui-Gon says before lighting the lightsaber and running towards the palace as he cuts any droid that comes his way, Obi-Wan following closely while covering his flank.

Padme, Panaka and some guards followed while firing support shots, while the rest stayed and defended the retreat, shots flew in all directions, occasional explosions and destroyed droids made the situation extremely chaotic.

As Padme moved forward following the Jedi, his droid bodyguard finally seemed to have turned on completely, while everyone was focused on their battles, he pulled two blaster out of his holster before starting to shoot any droid he recognized as an enemy, he kept walking calmly behind de Padme, while his joints rotated and guided his blaster in all directions, eliminating the droids like a hurricane.

Everyone looked surprised as the IG droid killed enemies without pausing while moving and protected Padme with his own body in case any shot came in her direction.

'' It's good that this is on our side, '' Panaka says ironically, feeling that he is losing his position as guardian of the queen, first John and now this droid, he felt less and less necessary.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan did not comment, but both were also surprised by the droid that John got, although they believe they can defeat him without much difficulty, in terms of efficiency in defeating the enemy, they admit that they were overcome by the IG droids, but since the Jedi are peacekeepers and not soldiers, they don't care much about it.

'' Stay focused, we're almost there '', Qui-Gon says as he climbed the steps leading to the entrance to the palace, in the background several soldiers still exchanged shots with the droids trying to surround them, in an attempt to find cover and form a defensive perimeter.

Soon everyone arrived at the entrance to the palace, at that moment Obi-Wan also seemed to feel something when he turned to Qui-Goon.

"Master ..."

'' Yes, padawan, I can also feel it, I think John's guess is right and some bounty hunters are waiting for us ''

"Let's go first to the hangar to free the pilots, we need them in the air to defend Theed, John said he doesn't need them in space," Padme suggested at that point.

Seeing that no one had any objection, they entered the palace, heading towards the hangar, several droids appeared in their path, even some droidekas, but with two jedi and a small battalion they managed to deal with them without problems.

Arriving at the Hangar, they noticed that there were several pilots surrendered, with three squads of B-1 droids uniformly arranged that watched them.

"Be careful, Padawan," Qui-Gon says with a serious face, as he wields his lightsaber and prepares to enter the Hangar.

"Yes, master," Obi-Wan says with an equally serious face.

'' Stay together and stay tuned, '' Qui-Gon says, looking at Padme, Panaka and the guards who have followed them until now.

Everyone nodded before they entered the hangar together ...


Back to John

Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship

I was now looking at the system message that arrived as soon as I killed Nute Gunray, it seems that because he is a leader, he was considered a boss, and gave me enough experience to level up again, although I was not very lucky this time, and my reward for raising the bar was just 1,000,000 in credits, something that I can easily achieve today.

While I looked at the system message, the officers who were still alive, looked between me and the charred body of the viceroy with fear and apprehension, fearing for their fates, one of them managed to muster enough courage he tried to say.

"Sir, you already killed the viceroy, if you free us, we will leave Naboo and go, and we promise never to return," he said in a hoarse voice.

The voice takes my attention off the system message when I turn to them.

'' Well, you may be here under orders, but you're just as responsible for what happened in Naboo as he is, '' I said while pointing at the charred body, '' but what I said was true, I'm not a monster that torture someone for sheer pleasure, so the least I can do is kill you without pain ''

The eyes of all the officers widened, but before they could plead again, I snapped their necks in a Hand movement using TK, before launching their body next to the Viceroy, they gave me enough exp to fill 20% to the next level, and considering the neimodians who are still on the ship, I believe that I can go up another level 1 or 2 times.

Taking these thoughts out of my mind, I sit in the chair where the main controls of the ship are, and closing my eyes and concentrating, I start to establish a connection with the ship through Mechu-Deru, perhaps for the first time that I try to control a ship of this size, took longer than normal, even with the Mechu-Deru ability at maximum lv.

After half an hour in meditation, with the power of force radiating from me like a heartbeat and connecting with the ship, I finally manage to establish the connection and control the ship.

Opening my eyes, I immediately give a mental command to disable all droids on land, and for all vulture droid (Batle ships) to return to the central station, and with that, officially ending the invasion of Naboo, although the battle has not ended ...

I had to leave now in the morning and when I came back and turned on the computer, the entire first page had been deleted from the translator, so I had to rewrite half the chapter, I have to remember to make a backup as soon as I finish writing.


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