
Star Wars:Eternal

Appearing in the void, John finds himself in front of a strange floating text. With a mission to fulfill and a system as a guide, John begins his new life in the star wars universe. Watch how John changes fate and leads the galaxy to a new era. ************** (English is not my main language, I just use a translator to help anyone who wants to read the story, but I'm writing just for fun, so don't expect to much, and if there's something you don't like, just don't read it.) ************** (Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of their intellectual property,just my own character) ************** (Disclaimer:i do not own the cape image,it's just something that i found on google,the character won't be exactly that way, but it's a good general idea)

Barruch · Filme
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27 Chs

Chapter 2:Character creation

After selecting my race, a hologram image of a young man appears in front of me, with very light hair between white and blond, angled face and thin eyebrows the same color as his hair, the young man could easily be a model in the earth's patterns. but what made it really unique were the electrifying blue eyes that literally seemed to shine that covered the entire sclera of the eye without pupils and what appeared to be thin wings of light on the back, in addition to the pointed ears of an elf.

'' I think I exaggerated a little, it will be very difficult not to attract attention with this appearance ... '' I think while examining what my future would be, but then I shrug, if it really becomes a problem I can just use mask. '' ok ... some final adjustments here and there ... obviously I can't leave my little brother out * cough * .. and done ... ''

[confirm?] [Y / N]



Age selection

Mental age: 23 (it is not possible to change)

Body age: 17

Do you want to keep?

'' no, change to 12 years, I think if this is going to be a new life, I have to start again 'from the beginning, but I don't want to be a baby''Having a small body can be inconvenient but in the end it doesn't matter much .


After confirming the age, the holographic image changed to what looked like a child's version of the young man, although with such delicate features he could be mistaken for a girl, I shrugged again, this will change as I grow up and a little training physical can change faster.


[Now that you have selected your race and appearance, it's time to choose your perks, they are the passive skills of the system, as a new player you have 10 initial PP, as you are still creating your character, special perks options are available and didn't show up again, choose wisely]

Several tabs appeared in front of me containing the various skills I could choose from, some very useful, others not so much, but 4 of them seem especially useful.


{can only be selected when creating characters}

You are sensitive to Force, allowing you to connect and use your powers.



{can only be selected when creating characters}

You are sensitive to force, allowing you to connect and use your powers.

Grants a greater connection to the Force and count of Mid-chloreans

Facilitates learning Force skills and increases your powers.


ONE WITH FORCE {can only be selected when creating characters}

You are sensitive to force, allowing you to connect and use your powers.

your connection to the force is immense, as is your count of mid-chloreans

Gives you great ease in learning force skills, in addition to a huge increase in your powers.

The true definition of a force is with you.



"If I understand this correctly Anakin, Yoda and Luke must be one with the force(in diferent levels), with most of the rest being adept, I'm definitely taking it."

After a while going through the rest of the list, I finish my choices.






'' Yes''the eidetic memory and the ambidextrous is self-explanatory and one of the most useful for me at least as a starkiller fan and I intend to use a reverse double saber fighting style like him, as the mind wall protects my mind and emotions against probes, I know that there is a skill like that in force, but I don't want to risk being discovered that I am from another world and that I know the future.


[You also received 10SP (SKILL POINTS) to use in force skills or system skills, note that only system skills have cooldown and recharge, while you can use force skills as long as you have a connection to it]

as I already had some skills in mind, this part was much easier. '' Damn why this is so expensive ''. With the 10SP I had, I ended up choosing only two skills.


Mechu-deru was a dark side Force power that bestowed an intuitive understanding of mechanical systems upon the user. Invented by the Sith, the technique allowed its practitioners to exert their influence over inanimate and robotic constructs.



Grants a player's body, ensures resistance to damage and increases their resistance to pain.

guarantees biological immortality (unless they kill you, you don't die)

Fatal attacks don't kill you until your life reaches zero, but they count as critical damage.


'' Player's body is expensive but also very broken, as much as mechu-deru, it can help me a lot as I only have the level of technological knowledge of earth''I try to console myself like that, besides the fact that I can learn basic skills of the force in the generic way like everyone else.



[Choose the timeline and spawn location]

'' huhh ... I choose 1 year before Naboo's events in the first film, as for the location....


just to remember that I am writing this more for myself (for fun), and English is not my language, I am just using a translator and posting to help anyone interested in reading, so expect several errors, if you find any you can bookmark in the comments that I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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