

I ignited my blade, swinging the pike in an arc from left to right. I put on a 'mask' expression and began moving towards my opponent with practiced irregularity. She ignited her own blade, getting into a stance that was a mixture of forms seven and two.

When I was in striking distance, I jabbed forward and down towards her left foot, then brought the pike up towards her left hip.

Oriana leaped over the attack, grabbing at the pike as she did so, trying to pull me closer. I allowed her to pull me in, kicking her stomach when I got close enough and swinging the pike with my core to make her back away.

I began a defensive motion, walking back and forth in a half-circle in front of her. Making a decision, she leaped into the air. Inverting herself mid-jump, she angled her saber towards me. I deftly moved out of the way, swinging the pike towards her back in a faint, she fell for it, and I slammed the pike down on the back of her calves.

"I yield!"

"You haven't had much saber combat experience, have you?"

"Not a lot of practicality, I work diplomatically. I spend most of my time working on defense, but my usual defense wouldn't work on such a long weapon."

"The style and weapon aren't common, it's the main advantage."

"Well, it works well."

They continued to spar for a couple of hours before leaving to eat.

POV René

René placed her hand atop the flower, gently caressing it with her palm. She began to feed her energy into the dying plant, imagining a massive dam holding in a vast lake, allowing a small amount of the contents to seep through. Slowly, the flower began to regain its stature a proud and dignified little plant. She found it funny, how quickly she had been able to change. She had thought she would forever be the outcast, the dark creature of sorrow. Now she had learned to enjoy the little things.

If people knew the little personalities that plants had, more would own them. She had a small garden in her room now of various flowers, encouraging them before she left her room every day, sharing with them her energy. Malekith had promised to build a proper garden on Tython, one that these little potted beauties could call home.

She picked up the next flower and began the process again. This continued until every one of her flowers were proud and tall.

After she was done, she observed her work and began to plan out her day. Deciding she couldn't be bothered, she walked up the bridge. The pilots and techs were always super fun to talk to and they would teach her about the various pieces of equipment. She was an okay pilot, not a prodigy or anything, but she was good enough to be trusted at the helm when force navigation was needed.

After spending some time in the bridge, she meditated for a few hours, then went to go eat dinner. René ended up walking right in on Oriana Stradling her mentor on the floor while they kissed like it was the end of the universe.

"Well you guys escalated really fucking quickly, didn't ya?"