
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(Vs Darth Plagueis.)

Chapter forty three:

Darth Plagueis sat on a dark throne, watching the cloudy dark sky with clenched fist. Every minute of every day he thought about how he died. Betrayed by his apprentice Emperor Palpatine. It did not sit well with him to put it simply. Sacrifices wasted. It was Darth Plagueis who made Emperor Palpatine a Sith apprentice. He should've been more careful.

The elevator then hissed open and out stepped Jaina Solo, Finn, Grogu, and the Daughter of Mortis. They briskly walked to the Dark Lord who sat on his throne in pure... anger.

"Darth Plagueis... even in death you cause pain and destruction." Said Finn.

"Ah, yes. It's the Stormtrooper... the one who betrayed the First Order." Replied Darth Plagueis.

"From a surprise attack no less." Said Grogu.

"You may be powerful... but with all of us together we will take you down." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

"Most definitely." Said Cale Lestin as he ignited Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber. The others than followed suit. And the Jedis were together once again.

"It all ends here Plagueis." Said Rey Palpatine as she pulled out her double bladed crimson red lightsaber.

"So be it." Replied Darth Plagueis as he pulled out his two crimson red lightsabers. The battle then started.

Darth Plagueis went straight for Rey Palpatine knowing that she was more powerful than the rest of them. He twirled his two crimson red lightsabers occasionally crashing against Rey's. Rey Palpatine then Force Jumped and pranced around Darth Plagueis barely affected by him.

Darth Plagueis then shot a Force Wave and Rey Palpatine leaned right into it causing her to roll onto the ground.

Grogu tried to sneak attack Darth Plagueis but it wasn't enough. Darth Plagueis blocked the attack and Force Waved Grogu out of the way.

Sending another attack. Darth Plagueis ducked under a swing from Jaina Solo. He tried to stab her with the point of his two crimson red lightsabers. However, Jaina Solo swatted them away and swung her purple lightsaber close to Darth Plagueis's neck. Darth Plagueis then Force Jumped out of the way and Force Choked Jaina Solo and Finn.

Jaina Solo leaped forward off of the ground, though Finn wasn't so lucky. While being Force Choked in the air Jaina Solo kicked Darth Plagueis onto the ground.

With Darth Plagueis still on the ground, Cale Lestin swung Anakin Skywalker's blue at Darth Plagueis's neck, but Darth Plagueis just rolled away. The Daughter of Mortis stood behind Darth Plagueis and decided to strike. Finn then dropped and joined the duo. Together the trio tagged team against Lord Starkiller and it was skeptical. Darth Plagueis then hurled a giant boulder at the Daughter of Mortis but the Daughter of Mortis deflected it in the air with Force Grip.

"Not falling for that again." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

With Darth Plagueis distracted Cale Lestin Force Choked him into the air. Darth Plagueis was more powerful as he Force Waved Cale Lestin away with his hand.

Poe Dameron and Zorii Bliss then made their entrance, and started to shoot their blasters at Darth Plagueis and the Inquisitor's. However Darth Plagueis stuck out his hand and froze the lasers. With a swift of the fist, the lasers exploded. Everyone then flew into the air and landed on their backs.

"Yes. Now you realize who is superior... Abeloth is the most powerful of all!!!" Said Darth Plagueis.


Darth Plagueis then looked down to see a blue lightsaber go through his stomach, turning his head around he saw a grinning Cale Lestin.

Rey Palpatine then Force Jumped into the air and with a swift movement of her Darth Zannah double bladed crimson red lightsaber, beheaded Darth Plagueis. Ending him for good.

His head then rolled onto the ground and at the Daughter of Mortis's feet.

The group then caught their breath before standing up and.

"What happens to Darth Plagueis now?" Said Cale Lestin.

"Well it's like the Daughter of Mortis said he is sent back to hell and will never be reigning on us ever again." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"I just hope that the others are fairing better against Admiral Thrawn then we are." Said Poe Dameron.