
Star Wars: A New Order.

Rey Palpatine and what remains of the Resistance are onboard the Millennium Falcon. Only a spark of hope remains for the Jedi Order. The Yuzhan Vong grows in strength and number. But the Resistance as more allies than they know. An old war that was never won will rage. Old enemies will stand against each other once again. But the Father and Daughter of Mortis will reunite with Rey Palpatine and the Resistance to bring freedom and peace to the galaxy.

Travis_LaRowe26 · Theater
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63 Chs

(The tell of the Father.)

Chapter twenty seven:

"We defeated the Final Order... and now..." Said Rey Palpatine.

"Out of the frying pan... And into the fire." Replied Finn.

Just then a Dove Class Anti Capital Ship Interceptor's came towards them. One flew to the Falcon's left, another to the right, sandwiching the Resistance between them. Another Dove Class Anti Capital Ship Interceptor flew over the Millennium Falcon to fly behind them.

"Rey, where should we go?" Said Poe Dameron.

"Forward." Replied Rey Palpatine.

"But that will lead us to their main ship." Said Poe Dameron.

At that moment, the ship behind them bumped the back of the ship. "We don't have a choice." Replied Rey Palpatine.

Cale Lestin and Chewbecca nodded, and piloted the Millennium Falcon forward slowly. They carefully landed Han Solo's ship in the hangar of their ship. The Millennium Falcon had landed in the hangar of the Immortal: many B3 Ultra Droids, Scorponek Annihilator Droids and Protodekas approached the freighter.

They were accompanied by a goddess who was a wearing a long yellow dress. She then commanded two B1 Ultra Droids to follow her inside the Millennium Falcon.

"You and you, watch my back while we're in that ship. But set your weapons to stun if they try anything, my father wants them alive." She said.

"Yes, the Daughter of Mortis." Replied the droids.

"Resistance members, I know that you are on this ship. Come on out, I won't hurt you as long as you don't attack." Said the Daughter of Mortis as she looked at the Millennium Falcon.

"Do you think that we should hide in the smuggling compartments again?" Finn asked Rey.

Rey Palpatine just shrugged and looked at Lando Clarissian for advice.

"I, think that we should just turn ourselves in. There's no way everyone will fit in the smuggling compartments." Replied Lando Clarissian.

"They are already here." Said Cale Lestin.

"If we don't turn ourselves in now we'll have to turn in to the Yuzhan Vong later." Replied Poe Dameron.

"I would rather die than turn myself into the Yuzhan Vong." Said Finn, knowing that he would be servery punished for betraying the First Order.

Lando Clarissian then turned on a com unit. "Lieutenant Connix, gather the Resistance we're turning ourselves in."

"What?" Replied Kaydel.

"Just do it." Said Lando Clarissian.

"Yes sir." Replied Kaydel before she went to go gather the Resistance.

Finn then went to get Rose Tico and shook her gently. "Wake up." He said.

"Finn?" Replied Rose Tico.

"We have to turn ourselves in." Said Finn.

"To the Yuzhan Vong?" Replied Rose Tico. The last thing she remembered was fighting the Final Order on Exegol.

"No." Said Finn.

"Then you?" Replied Rose Tico.

"We're not sure." Said Finn. The Resistance then stepped out of the Millennium Falcon.

"Come with us, you must be tired from running from the Yuzhan Vong." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

"Thank you." Said Lando Clarissian.

The Daughter of Mortis then led the Resistance through the massive Lucrehulk. "This ship belongs to my father. He is the father of Mortis, if you're wondering what I am, I'm the daughter of Mortis. My entire family is Force sensitive. Kind of like the Force Priestesses." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

"You have the Force?" Said Rey Palpatine. She had only met six other Force user's. Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke, Emperor Palpatine, and her apprentice Cale Lestin.

"Yes. But it's not just me, my entire family is Force sensitive. My father is also known for bringing people back to life." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

Rey Palpatine was amazed. She had never known that there was other Force user's out there. Only one year ago she thought that the Force was just a myth.

But there was something that she wanted to ask. "Your father can bring people back to life?" Said Rey Palpatine.

"It is possible to learn this power. But he does it by cloning the bodies, and leading their souls to their new bodies. But why do you wish to know?" Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

Rey Palpatine then stepped away from the others and whispered. "I was hoping to bring back Ben Solo... And Luke Skywalker."

"Leave it to my father, he is now aware of what you wish for and he will get it done." Replied the Daughter of Mortis.

Rey Palpatine just smiled at her. Finally, someone would come back to her. "Now, you may have noticed that all of the ships in our fleet have Separatist colors and the CIS symbol on their hull plating. You may have also noticed that there are some CIS Droid Infantry Units, Droid Vehicles, Droid Starfighters, and Warships that was never used during the Clone Wars, like the Dove Class Anti Capital Ship Interceptor's from earlier." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"I noticed that." Said Cale Lestin.

"Good, now take a look out this view port. See that out there. This is a Manticore Class Star Destroyer." Replied the Daughter of Mortis as she pointed at a very powerful looking Star Destroyer, that was covered in weaponry.

"My father is very rich, and those Manticore Class Star Destroyers aren't cheap. They're even more expensive than the Protodekas, Scorponek Annihilator Droids, B3 Ultra Droids, and Super Tanks combined." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"This is an amazing fleet." Replied Cale Lestin.

The Daughter of Mortis then noticed their broken lightsabers. "I will have the Buzz Droids repair your lightsabers. But Luke Skywalker's green lightsaber will go to Finn. For he is Force sensitive, does he know that?" Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"Finn as the Force?" Replied Rey Palpatine. She did not know that he had the Force, even though she did know that their was something off about him. It was the Force itself.

"Yes. There is a lightsaber construction room through the door there. You and your apprentice Cale Lestin can construct a new lightsaber for yourselves there." Said the Daughter of Mortis.

"Thank you." Replied Rey Palpatine and Cale Lestin.

"Buzz Droids!!! I have a couple of lightsabers that needs to be repaired!" Said the Daughter of Mortis.

Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin then handed the Buzz Droids, their broken lightsabers.

"But I am surprised that you did not know that I was Force sensitive, considering how we already met each other, but I digress." Replied the Daughter of Mortis as she led the Resistance to the bridge of the Immortal.

"I have lived on Jakku my whole life until I was nineteen years old, shut away from the galaxy. I thought that Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia Organa was just a myth. Only one years ago I thought that the Force itself was just a myth. But then it awoken within me." Said Rey Palpatine.

"My father is beyond this door, and he is expecting you guys." Replied the Daughter of Mortis before leaving.